How much weight did you gain during your pregnancy?



  • gramarye
    gramarye Posts: 586 Member
    I gained ~20 when I was pregnant. (I don't know for sure what I weighed before my appointment at 12 weeks, but from that appointment on was 20.)
  • cunninjd
    ... and keep in mind that the rapid weight loss after giving birth is a combination of the baby and lots of water weight! I had a lot of swelling.
  • JingleMuffin
    JingleMuffin Posts: 543 Member
    This is going to vary greatly since many on here have gotten pregnant while overweight/obese. There is no need for huge weight gain. My wife just went from 119-141lbs, delivered at 39.5 weeks. Baby girl is now 4 months and wife is 117lbs. This is what happens when you exercise throughout pregnancy, easy and quick recovery. First hike was 7 days after c-section with baby in Ergo. Normal exercise resumed at two weeks.

    actually in some cases a large weight gain is needed.

    if the woman is underweight at conception or is carrying muliples.
  • yourlittleloretta
    I gained 42 lbs with my lil man...and that's with throwing up every day for 7 1/2 months of the pregnancy. I craved anything cream, candy, you name it...I ate it. I hope with my next pregnancy that I practice more self control. I also hope to continue running for the majority of it. I didn't exercise at all with my first pregnancy.
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    I lose a large amount when pregnant, and I'm not over weight - I've had 3 and I lost between 15 and 25 with each because I get so sick. like feeding tube,kidney failure sick. I'm currently pregnant with my 4th. What I CAN attest to is that if you do no physical activity you will quickly lose muscle, I lift and I lift while pregnant as long as I can until I become weak enough that it is a danger - it usually takes me a few months to gain my weight back and feel "strong" again. I also run and that I can pretty much resume within weeks and don't have a problem. I think if you are at a good healthy spot and do what you can you will recover quicker.
  • AmayaJo1
    Baby # 1- 44 lbs
    Baby # 2- 77 lbs
    Baby # 3- 89 lbs

    I ate anything and everything I wanted. :O

  • 4daluvof_candice
    4daluvof_candice Posts: 483 Member
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    This is going to vary greatly since many on here have gotten pregnant while overweight/obese. There is no need for huge weight gain. My wife just went from 119-141lbs, delivered at 39.5 weeks. Baby girl is now 4 months and wife is 117lbs. This is what happens when you exercise throughout pregnancy, easy and quick recovery. First hike was 7 days after c-section with baby in Ergo. Normal exercise resumed at two weeks.

    There is no need for a huge weight gain, but doctor recommended is 20-30 pounds depending on the doctor.

    A lot of women lose their first baby weight very easily and have trouble the second time. Either way, good for your wife dropping poundage really quickly, but that's an unrealistic standard to hold every fit woman to. Seriously though, I wouldn't be hiking 7 days after a C-section.
  • ImSoOTired
    ImSoOTired Posts: 186 Member
    I weighed about 150 when I got pregnant and gained 45lbs. It started out really well but then I somehow blew up. I ate a lot of cookies so that may be why. It took me 10 months to get back to 150 but to be fair I only restarted about 4 months ago. Now if I could just lose this stubborn 30.
  • minimalistmom
    1st baby: 20+ lbs. I ate like crap and was a HUGE momma. (My prepregancy weight was 215 lbs., so the midwife was on my case and my weight was all over the charts. I ended up 5-10 lbs. below prepregnancy after I had her.)

    2nd baby: 20+ lbs. I ate quasi crappy and healthy. (I was still heavy, my prepregancy weight was 195-200lbs. I ended up 5 lbs. below prepregnancy after I had him.)

    3rd baby: currently 15-20 lbs. I eat healthy with the occasional slip up. (This time, my prepregnancy weight was 185 lbs, but I'm leaner, so I am not as big and the doctor is completely cool with it. I'm the one having the hairy carny on how much I put on.)

    The only difference with all 3 pregnancies is how much I exercised. 1st time I just started an exercise routine, 2nd time around I had an exercise routine but did it occasionally, this time around I lift 3x a week and walk at least 30 minutes a day and occasion run.
  • ImSoOTired
    ImSoOTired Posts: 186 Member
    This is going to vary greatly since many on here have gotten pregnant while overweight/obese. There is no need for huge weight gain. My wife just went from 119-141lbs, delivered at 39.5 weeks. Baby girl is now 4 months and wife is 117lbs. This is what happens when you exercise throughout pregnancy, easy and quick recovery. First hike was 7 days after c-section with baby in Ergo. Normal exercise resumed at two weeks.

    There is no need for a huge weight gain, but doctor recommended is 20-30 pounds depending on the doctor.

    A lot of women lose their first baby weight very easily and have trouble the second time. Either way, good for your wife dropping poundage really quickly, but that's an unrealistic standard to hold every fit woman to. Seriously though, I wouldn't be hiking 7 days after a C-section.

    Well said...Lucky for her. Not for everyone.
  • mommabenefield
    mommabenefield Posts: 1,329 Member
    Holy @#$@#^$#@#$$#@!%$^ ................. so I just checked.... I remember the last time I weighed myself before pregnancy was 168 lbs 5 months before BUT that's the weight my body hovers around anyway so assuming I didn't gain much based on how I look in my pictures... then.... my highest recorded pregnancy weight was 212 lbs :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway:

    I potentially had put on 44 lbs!!!
    :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:
    ETA: I should say I hardly ate and what I did eat was absolute junk. I couldn't exercise because the pain from water retention was so bad it hurt to walk mind you I did not have GD or Preeclampsia. My heartburn was like a 24 hr active volcano very little relief even then I had to constantly keep changing what I used for relief. Within a week after birth, I dropped ALL of that weight back down to 168 lbs - I gained some 10-20 lbs back even though I was breastfeeding.

    Oh well I'm back down to the 168 lbs a year later so I guess its not so bad.... but there's definitely battle scars lol

    Correction Tiger Stripes

  • MrsAustin1480
    MrsAustin1480 Posts: 83 Member
    Warning: horror story follows.

    Weighing 155, I gained 75 pounds with my first (I was making a HUMAN!! and I was age 19) then lost 60. Then gained 70 with second (at 22). Baby is now 2 1/2. And Mama is at pre-baby weight after 5 years!

    Moral: be smart or face years of birthday pictures without yourself in them! Or eat as much as you want and be happy you have crafted the most perfect person (s) the world will ever see! I love my girls and wouldn't trade them even for my pre-baby body/ metabolism and uninterrupted sleep! I also appreciate looking good/being thin in a way I never did when I was naturally thin and athletic. The weight loss journey has taught me mental toughness and strength of will I never thought I had.

    You'll never regret your baby, even if you regret the food choices you made. :-) good luck and have fun "practicing" until you're ready!
  • led2012
    led2012 Posts: 26 Member
    I was a healthy weight before getting pregnant, and my doctor told me about 30lbs gained would be healthy for me. I ended up gaining 59lbs, but I ate junk (high calories) and I didn't exercise (doctor has the old school belief of not getting your heart rate over 140 bpm while pregnant). I never felt so hungry in my life, as I did the second half of my pregnancy. I lost 20 lbs before my son was 2 weeks old, and that's with still eating poorly (though not as much as when I was pregnant) and not exercising (I breast feed though, which burns roughly 500 calories per day). My son is a month old now, and I'm just starting to feel up to exercising. I'm waiting until my 6 week checkup with my doctor before starting to run and lift weights again. I can't wait to run! I like my doctor, but with my next pregnancy I will exercise more as long as I have another healthy pregnancy (most doctors now don't believe you have to keep your heart rate under 140 bpm).
  • led2012
    led2012 Posts: 26 Member
    You'll never regret your baby, even if you regret the food choices you made. :-) good luck and have fun "practicing" until you're ready!

    I agree! :happy: That is a very true statement!
  • SakuraRose13
    SakuraRose13 Posts: 621 Member
    Well before my first I was a normal weight gained about 30 lbs during , never lost any of it got pregnant again when my oldest was 10.5 months old gained 11 lbs had gestational diabetes , lost 9lbs the day I gave birth,h my last was 8lbs 6oz that's a lot of baby for me since I'm 4ft 10in my daughters are one day shy of 19 months apart funny how that happened . Anyways I believe if you are of a normal weight before pregnancy than 25 to 30 would be fine and if your overweight than 5 to 11 or even losing a little the baby will take everything it can get I lost a little at first but gained it back during the last month of that pregnancy.

    I eat normally during my pregnancies, in my second I controlled my GD with diet almost exclusively until the last 2 months then I took a pill once a day .

    It makes me more aware of my food choices these days I'm not perfect. but I know I don't was diabetes later in life. So I'm changing my life now, already lost 30lbs, now to lose the rest .
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    Pre-pregnancy I was 165 lbs. 2 days before Delivery I was 216 lbs. Just after delivery I was 183 lbs. 5 months post-partum and I was 177 lbs. But the following 5 years and I gained pretty much close to everything back, ballooning up to 211 lbs. I'm only just now back to my post-partum weight. I didn't take care of myself at all. You can see my join date on MFP was November 2008, which was 2 months after my daughter was born. Right after joining I got Bell's Palsy and I pretty much spiraled out of control from that point on.
  • skadoosh33
    skadoosh33 Posts: 353 Member
    This is going to vary greatly since many on here have gotten pregnant while overweight/obese. There is no need for huge weight gain. My wife just went from 119-141lbs, delivered at 39.5 weeks. Baby girl is now 4 months and wife is 117lbs. This is what happens when you exercise throughout pregnancy, easy and quick recovery. First hike was 7 days after c-section with baby in Ergo. Normal exercise resumed at two weeks.

    There is no need for a huge weight gain, but doctor recommended is 20-30 pounds depending on the doctor.

    A lot of women lose their first baby weight very easily and have trouble the second time. Either way, good for your wife dropping poundage really quickly, but that's an unrealistic standard to hold every fit woman to. Seriously though, I wouldn't be hiking 7 days after a C-section.

    Well said...Lucky for her. Not for everyone.

    She wasn't lucky. She busted her *kitten*. I cooked healthy meals and she worked out, even did a 5k at 33 weeks. And no it isn't for everyone since over 60% of Americans don't exercise and "eat for two" while pregnant. However, my wife is not Superwoman. There are other women out there that have/can stay fit throughout pregnancy. You all can do it.
  • proudjmmom
    proudjmmom Posts: 145 Member
    DS - 65lbs
    DD - 55lbs (Starting weight was the weight I went into labor with my first :S)

    I am about 12lbs away from my pre-pregnancy weight with my son.
  • her4g63
    her4g63 Posts: 284 Member
    Height: 5'2"

    1st pregnancy: +19 lbs (gave birth to a baby girl at 42 weeks, induced - she was 8lbs 4oz) - starting weight was 135
    2nd pregnancy: +15lbs at 36 weeks, 5 days - starting weight was 130

    For both I've eaten very well and have stuck to the GD diet even though I have not had it with either. I exercised regularly until I was put on bed rest (current pregnancy), ate back all my exercise calories and consumed about 2000-2300 calories/day. Before pregnancy I was eating 1800 so it wasn't too much more.

    ETA: starting weight for both