46 and focused (male)

I hit 300# earlier this year and finally said "enough is enough." It took me until July to start doing something about it. I started walking and that was pretty good for a month or so (lost about 8#). Then I hurt my foot and couldn't walk so not wanting to have yet another excuse to not stay motivated, I joined a gym that has a pool so that I could still get some kind of exercise. I was so out of shape that I could only swim a lap or two, then just had to walk around in the water until I got my breath back enough to swim another 1-2 laps. This didn't seem to be working very well so I started adding a recumbent bike in the mix. After chatting with a trainer at the gym, he said biking was OK, but I need to do something that would keep me at about 80% exertion so that I could burn calories more efficiently. He showed me how to properly use an elliptical trainer, an arc trainer and a treadmill that will do up to a 30% incline. I really like the incline treadmill because I can walk at 2mph and not destroy my knees but still keep my heart rate around 150. I'm trying to mix the machines up and get in 30-50 min of activity 6 days a week.

My goal is to get to 200-225 at a maintainable activity level and caloric intake. So far I've lost a little over 20# (I was 277 at my Dr.s office today)

I just joined MFP a couple of days ago at the suggestion of my nutritionist. I'm hoping that all the great info and feedback that this site gives you from your data will keep me motivated and I can reach my goal in ~ 1 year.



  • Hi.
    I just hit 277. Hoping to lose at least a 100lbs. I do weightlifting mostly, less of cardio. So fairly well-built, but need to lose a lot of fat as well. Ya this site is great for counting calories. Helps me keep a track of all my work, and simultaneously inspiring me as well..
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    Hi Patrick and Rhushik!

    Patrick, I have to tell you, you're already being inspirational by not letting your injured foot get in the way of meeting your goal!
    Welcome to the site!!
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    Sounds like you have already made great progress. This site is a great tool
  • scrudgy
    scrudgy Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Patrick

    I have just arrived at my fitness pal as well. I started at 320 lbs and looking to lose 100 lbs ultimately, but giving myself smaller targets to aim for as the journey progresses.

    Like your attitude by not letting the bad foot put you off your goal.
  • jazi719
    jazi719 Posts: 150 Member
    Welcome!! Good for you for taking the first step and not quitting when the going got tough. You definitely have the determination to succeed! :smile:
  • LOL, and now I have a hernia! I'll have to have surgery next week and will be severely limited for 6-8 weeks on what I can do. I'm going to have to drop the strength training and lifting part and focus more on just flat walking on a treadmill. To compensate, I'll REALLY have to watch the calories and try to eat 400-500 a day under my limit while I'm out of commission.

  • Hey there and welcome. I am new to MFP as well, but I was in a similar situation about five years ago. I hit 300 right about the time I hit 40. I lost over 100lbs in about 18mos. I've kept it off for the most part. I am sitting about 195 right now, which is about 10lbs more than I should be. I decided to give MFP a go and see if I can get down to maybe 180lbs.
  • Fantastic! Good luck with your new goal, and you have given me inspiration to make a sub 200# goal after I reach my current goal (~220ish).
