No more excuses!

I have been on my "diet" for 8 days now. I found MFP a few days ago and have been reading through A LOT. I have now accepted that this is going to be a lifestyle change. I am in it 100%. Just 2 years ago, I was running 6-7 miles on a daily basis, folfing every weekend and hiking when I had the chance. I was 24 and in the best shape of my life. Growing up, I had always been "chunky", so being in tip top shape and feeling beautiful made me feel like I was on cloud 9. Soon after I ran my first full marathon, I met my now fiancé. We had only dated a few months before I became pregnant. My health and motivation took a huge nose dive during my pregnancy and I managed to gain 70 lbs eating whatever junk I felt like. Didn't go to the gym...not once. After I had my beautiful baby boy, everyone ASSURED me I would be back to my normal self in no time. Well, I didn't. I did manage to drop from 235 (weight the day before I had my son) to 187 in a matter of a few months, mostly by breastfeeding and starving myself. And guess what? I gained back most of the weight and now stand at 204 lbs. *shudders* I always told myself that I would NEVER weight 200 lbs. That was my red zone weight.

My son is now almost 15 months and I tried a few times over the past year to go on a "diet." I even tried to take up running again, only to be discouraged by the heat of the summer. And quit. I have never been this lazy before. I literally have zero energy and I know I can blame my weight and unhealthy eating habits I have had. I am finally doing something about it!! I am tired of making excuses!! I am only 26 years old and I am a beautiful YOUNG woman. I do not need to let this unhealthy lifestyle RUIN my chance at happiness anymore! Every mom deserves to look good :-)

I am so glad to have found you all here at MFP and I hope to make many wonderful friends and mentors.

*EDIT-you know another thing that kills me? I don't have ONE picture of me with my son because I was always so ashamed of my weight. Not one birthday photo, holidays...nothing.


  • ScottH_200
    ScottH_200 Posts: 377 Member
    You can do it. Even at 5 lbs a month loss, you'd be where you want to be in a year. That's nothing. I would encourage you to stay away from the scale as much as possible.

    Set a realistic caloric intake every day and track it. As you start to feel better, work in some easy going exercises at first and build up in frequency and intensity slowly.
  • pastybuns
    Hey there and welcome!

    It sounds like you know exactly what you want since you've already been there. That's awesome! And running 6 to 7 miles a day is amazing! You're quite the inspiration to me already.
    Try not to beat yourself up so much, the fact that you have a plan and the motivation is a great start. The journey to how active you were might not be lightning fast, but I'm sure the community here on MFP will encourage you through it. Everyone here is very very friendly and motivating.

    If you ever want someone to encourage you along the way, don't be shy and send me a friend invite. We can motivate one another in the fitness journey :]

    Good luck and health to you!
  • jazzygemmy
    Thank You! I am very Type A, so I definitely am a little hard on myself, so I have to remember that slow and steady wins the race! Even if it takes me a year, at least I am getting lighter, not heavier! I feel like now is my time. I feel like I have finally come to a fork in the road and I cannot continue down the path I WAS on. It can only get better from here, right?!
  • pastybuns
    With that outlook, it will totally get better each and every day. Even a little progress is still progress :]