Weight not shifting


I have recently went up to a size 16. For the past 1.5months i have been watching what i eat, not been drinking & have been going to at least to exercise classes a week.

I am not a particularly active person normally. I have 2 jobs, 1 working in an office & the 2nd in a shop. I walk 2 the office in the morning (around 12mins), sit at my desk until lunchtime. At lunch i try to go out a walk to the shops (about 5mins away). After office i work in shop some nights so after i have walked from office to shop i dont sit about as we have 2 go up & down stairs to bring stock up.

I was hoping by the time im going on holiday (4weeks time) id be able to fit into my size 14 holiday clothes that i wore in july.

My fitness pal has cut my calorie intake down to 1300cals per day. Sometimes i dont update this coz 2 be honest, its a hassle but i defo dont go over 1700cals per day.

Any1 got any tips? I fear i my need 2 go on the special K diet for nxt 4weeks :noway:


  • nefarious
    You could try adding more protien to your diet and less carbs? Protien helps build muscles and muscle burns fat. It sounds like your body is used to what your already doing, so by changing your food a bit that should help. let us know!! PEACE< LOVE and LIGHT, Nicole
  • naturebaby
    if you are serious about losing weight ..you need to commit! 100%, The "Hassle" soon becomes easier and you will see the weight go. log in everything and you will then have an idea why you have gained. Move as much as you can. Unfortunately we can;t wish the pounds away it takes effort and commitment. Wish you good luck.
  • championnfl
    championnfl Posts: 324 Member
    My to cents worth....need commitment and a better mental approach...you can do this, just need to go and do it...all up to you! Want it bad? The site is here to help you manage your goal,need to use it to be effective:wink: good luck with your decision! LIFE IS ALL ABOUT MAKING GOOD DECISIONS...
  • janeeny
    janeeny Posts: 25 Member
    Thanks for your replies.

    I think i have quite a good approach (i suppose i could be better). Its just very dis-heartening when you are making an effort going to gym/classes & eating better & nothing is coming off :cry:
  • stella77
    stella77 Posts: 282
    You really should update every day, hassle or not - because only then will you realize the amount of empty calories you may be drinking.
    For example, I used to have fresh orange juice every morning thinking it was good and healthy, but not realizing it was whooping 130 kcal I could do without.
    The coffee they make at my work caffetteria has whole milik in it - so I am now more mindful about those endless cups I am drinking.
    Bits and pieces here and there do really add up, so unless you log everything you will never really know. So if you just approximate that you are not eating more than 1700 - that still doesn't mean you will lose weight. For my height at weight that is the maintenance amount of calories I can eat - and I am pretty tall.
  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member

    I have recently went up to a size 16. For the past 1.5months i have been watching what i eat, not been drinking & have been going to at least to exercise classes a week.

    I am not a particularly active person normally. I have 2 jobs, 1 working in an office & the 2nd in a shop. I walk 2 the office in the morning (around 12mins), sit at my desk until lunchtime. At lunch i try to go out a walk to the shops (about 5mins away). After office i work in shop some nights so after i have walked from office to shop i dont sit about as we have 2 go up & down stairs to bring stock up.

    I was hoping by the time im going on holiday (4weeks time) id be able to fit into my size 14 holiday clothes that i wore in july.

    My fitness pal has cut my calorie intake down to 1300cals per day. Sometimes i dont update this coz 2 be honest, its a hassle but i defo dont go over 1700cals per day.

    Any1 got any tips? I fear i my need 2 go on the special K diet for nxt 4weeks :noway:

    If you are really determined about this weightloss - boring as you may find it, ensure, without fail that you record absolutely everything and stick to your calorie intake. You need a deficit of 3500 calories per week to lose just 1lb, if, as you say you definitely do not go over 1700 and you were to do that everyday, instead of a weekly intake of 9,100 calories, you will be taking in 11,900 calories per week - making a grand total of 2,800 calories over what your calorie intake was originally advised by MFP.

    By not recording stuff, you can make errors in how many calories you think you are taking in, underestimating them. This will, of course, mean you go way over your calorie allowance and then of course, the weight will not come off.

    Record everything, food and drink. Exercise at least twice per week. Do not underestimate your food and drink calories and do not overestimate your exercise calories. Stick to your allowance and the weight will fall off and you will have a high chance that you will reach your size 14 by the time you go on holiday.