Am I doing this wrong???

sjayleen Posts: 18 Member
calorie defecit is 1200 per day. for the past 2 days I've gone over by 100 or 200 and I burn about 400 to 500 per day. Also my downfall is sweets =((( its the reason I've gone over my daily goal.. uuuum will someone please give me some tips ON HOW TO DO THIS CORRECTLY I'M REALLY DESPERATE TO LOOSE WEIGHT


  • broomykm
    broomykm Posts: 31 Member
    You may want to start with a higher calorie goal for the first couple of weeks, then as you get used to the changes in your diet and lifestyle, you can slowly bring it back down to that 1200 mark. And realistically, even going over, with the amount of calories you are burning, isn't the end of the world; it will just help shine a more positive light if you can end your day 'under your calorie goal'. Feeling desperate is not a good beginning attitude...take it slow, learn as you go, set small, attainable goals, and rather than eating sweets daily, save up and reward yourself occasionally. Good is a struggle, but you can do it. Take one day at a time.
  • jaynalawayna
    jaynalawayna Posts: 80 Member
    Everybody is different - my weight loss is incredibly slow. I started with this site after losing about 50 pounds over a 2 year period. I had hit a plateau and I came here to try and work my way through it. When I lost the big chunk of weight at the beginning I was probably going a bit overboard. I'd wake up at 4:30 and do a 40 minute cardio routine. I'd eat about 200 calories for breakfast - an egg and toast. I'd pack a lunch that included a half sandwich and some fresh vegetables and eat it at my desk while working - then take a 30-50 minute walk during my lunch hour. Come home and have a dinner of broiled chicken, green beans, and spinach. I'd finish off the night with another 30 minute cardio routine and followed it up with a strength training or a flexibility training before bed. The only thing I would drink was water. I don't think I was getting enough calories to begin with during that period and my blood sugar would drop to 60 a lot. Not a good way to go. Be sensible. Eat between 1200 and 1400 calories per day. Get daily exercise. Cardio will take the weight off faster - but if you have more muscle mass it burns more calories at rest. Try to reduce your sweets gradually.
  • ladynocturne
    ladynocturne Posts: 865 Member
    I think you meant to say your Calorie Goal is 1200 per day?

    My Fitness Pal works in a way that allows you to lose weight with zero exercise.

    So that 1200 calorie number is your goal to reach in order to lose weight, you don't need to eat under that amount.

    When you exercise, you need to log it in the exercise tab. This will add calories onto your goal to eat, you are suppose to eat those calories, they will not prevent you from losing weight.

    Keep in mind that certain exercises on this website are a little inflated such as elliptical and Zumba, you may want to eat closer to 50%-80% of those calories (or just log less time doing those activities)

    The best thing to do is be consistent. Even so, you will have weeks where the scale says you lost nothing, or even gained a little bit, this is normal, just keep going.
  • vinny76063
    vinny76063 Posts: 133 Member
    Just take your time its a process, very frusterating at first..... Im a sucker for sweets myself, When i first started leaving chocolate alone i would have to look at a pic of myself i had on my phone. Reminding me of my goal and the gut i wanted to lose, and your doing fine with going over your calorie count. Just keep it up with your diet even if you cheat you will eventually not do it as much and excercise, you will be ok
  • sjayleen
    sjayleen Posts: 18 Member
    Oh, I get it now thanks for replying. Now I just have to learn to control overeating pastries. =( the struggle to be fit is real.
  • SashleyA
    SashleyA Posts: 122 Member
    Oh, I get it now thanks for replying. Now I just have to learn to control overeating pastries. =( the struggle to be fit is real.

    I don't know if this will work for you, but it works for me- I get really bad chocolate and sweet cravings. I've discovered that if I eat a square of dark chocolate with chili or something spicy in it it helps get rid of the craving. It's too rich for me to eat more than a square and since it's a small amount, it's not too bad calorie wise. Trick I learned from my step-mother who lost about 200 lbs close to 30 years ago and has been in maintenance ever since.
  • katbirdinpa
    I just dropped my calories from 1770 to 1650. Age is important as well as muscle mass ( the more you have the more you burn)
    I weight and measure my food daily.
  • sjayleen
    sjayleen Posts: 18 Member
    Thank you, loosing weight is the toughest challange I've faced and it has not been pretty at all.
  • luvemykids
    I have a major sweet tooth as well. I have also discovered that if I tell myself no to the sweet all the time, I have a tendency to binge on it when I do have it. For me, when I get a craving for something sweet, I have a "fun size" portion. That still gives me the taste I want without ruining my diet or making me feel bad. Over time I have been able to decrease the amount of sweet things I eat. Hope that helps you!
  • glitzy196
    glitzy196 Posts: 190 Member
    weight loss is 99 % will power
    if you have to have sweets...log them first thing in the morning and then eat around them. nothing is forbidden..but sometimes i 600-700 calorie pastry will make you realize that in order to stay on track you will have a really low food allowance for the day. try making your own sweets--and make sure they are not in your home if that is your temptation!!!
  • sjayleen
    sjayleen Posts: 18 Member
    WOW that's different and interesting, Im definitely going to have to give that a shot thanks for the tip.
  • sjayleen
    sjayleen Posts: 18 Member
    I never thought about making my own I think i'll start doing that, and i dont nromally buy sweets they are mostly given to me by family members or friends and I have a hard time saying no to free things lol
  • kkay3182
    kkay3182 Posts: 90 Member
    I am big on sweets too, and alot of my daily calories before starting this came from sweets, when I just started I was craving sweets and I just wanted to go into panera and get one of everything...bad
    this is what I have been trying for the last 10 days I and I seen improvements, I buy weight watchers cakes in the grocery store I get them for about 3.50 for a box of 6, I log and have one after dinner when the sweet crave kicks in. They are about 90 cal small but does the job. kellogs pastry crisps I keep in the cupboard and when the morning sweet attack hits with coffee I have one. I limit myself to one low cal dessert a day and it seems to work Good luck!
  • sjayleen
    sjayleen Posts: 18 Member
    OMG!!! I thought iwas the only person int he world that got morning and dinner sweet cravings lol. I may give that a shot too, I just want to find something that will work for me so that i dont feel deprived.
  • Samuraiko
    Samuraiko Posts: 180 Member
    My sweets craving lifesaver has been Quaker's Caramel Corn puffed rice cakes. 50 calories, nicely crunchy, sweet without being overwhelming. (I usually pair it with a glass of ice water.) Even if I have two, I then feel comfortably satisfied and am good for a long while after that.

    My other lifesaver are the 100-calorie Keebler packs. And I've found over the past five weeks that really I'd prefer to use my calories on "real" food, so I'm less inclined mentally to snack now. :)
  • moonbaby12
    moonbaby12 Posts: 89 Member
    agreed. all about the willpower. it's like a muscle, use it and it will become stronger!
  • yogamoods
    Get rid of anything that you don't want to eat. I mean it: Throwing our or give it away. Don't have any temptations around you. Drink lots of water. 1200 calories seems adequate (unless you are very tall and/or very active). Avoid carbs, increase your protein. Keep moving, don't watch TV (get it out of your bedroom, and NEVER eat in front of it). Find something fun to keep you occupied during the times you have cravings. Weigh yourself at least once a day. Remember that you are in control.
  • ScottH_200
    ScottH_200 Posts: 377 Member
    Probably the best advice I can give is to get rid of your scale and go down to your local Y or health club once a month and weigh. I think weighing yourself every day is nuts. Too many fluctuations in the body with water. A person who is constantly weighing themselves on average is bound to get discouraged and give up.
  • Boogage
    Boogage Posts: 739 Member
    I eat sweet things nearly everyday because if I cut them out completely then I would just end up binging on them.

    I find dark chocolate helps as I don't want to eat as much of it as milk or white, there are rice crispy type bars (not labelled as diet) that you can often buy in the biscuit aisle that are covered in chocolate and less than 100 cals, Weight watchers eclairs go down quite well and you have to wait around 20 for them to defrost so I'm quite satisfied after one as most of my cravings have started to pass anyway .

    My latest discovery is Quark cheese-mix around 80g with a splash of milk and a sachet of hot chocolate and its quite like Angel delight- around 100cals and 10-12g of protein which helps retain muscle mass as you lose weight.

    Eat back some of your exercise calories and you should be more satisfied and have enough fuel for the next days workout.

    Go slow and remember that we all have bad days and you're only failing if you give up altogether.
  • Mellyajc
    Mellyajc Posts: 142 Member
    Sweets are addictive. I used to suck on a bottle of juice to help the cravings when I was fasting. (Not actually taking in much juice, just kinda sucking on the plastic that had gotten wet by it..)

    I've been told that carrots are a perfect sugar and will make cravings for sweets go away.

    In general, once you break it, staying off of it isn't so hard (unless there's a lot of temptation). Just try cutting portions at first, and limiting yourself to a couple times a week, and weaning down.

    And just exercise more :)