Trouble syncing with FitBit?

Is anyone else having trouble syncing their FitBit with MFP today? I figured out how to sync mine a few weeks ago and have been having success the past 2 weeks. But today it shows my activity as 0, even though I'm at 9000+ steps today. THANKS!


  • spaingirl2011
    spaingirl2011 Posts: 763 Member
    Yep, it's being wonky today. Usually, it takes a day or so for the powers that be at fitbit/mfp to get things figured out. Alas, the only thing we can do is be patient....
  • Could it be that you're not burning more calories on your FitBit than on MFP? This happens to me every now and then.
  • a778c466
    a778c466 Posts: 141 Member
    Mine hasn't synced yet and I have been trying since 5 pm. Good to know it isn't just me.
  • wmphimu
    wmphimu Posts: 77 Member
    Thanks - I'm glad to hear it's not just me. I've definitely exercised today - an hour on the treadmill should count for something! :)
  • Mine isn't working either!
    Now I opened Fitbit and see that there's an update available, so I thought I would try that.
    But . . . . it says it should take 5 to 10 minutes . . and it's now been 23 minutes and it still says "updating your zip"
  • newgirlhollie
    newgirlhollie Posts: 22 Member
    You are not alone - mine won't sync either :) Totally thought it was just me!! I don't typically eat back my calories anyways, but get a bit geeky knowing how much I could have eaten. Fingers crossed they get it fixed soon!
  • et57
    et57 Posts: 20 Member
    The distance and active minutes reset today, but the steps and calories carried over from yesterday so I have burned an astonishing 5000 calories so far today!
  • IrishHarpy1
    IrishHarpy1 Posts: 399 Member
    I had a bit of trouble with mine last night, but I followed the reset instructions and everything synched just fine after that. Check the Fitbit site -- different models have different reset instructions. If you have the One like I do, plug the charging cable into your computer, attach the Fitbit, hold down the button for 10-12 seconds, then detach it from the charging cable and push the button again.

    Good luck!
  • Swiftdogs
    Swiftdogs Posts: 328 Member
    My Zip has behaved fine today. But sometimes I have to open the Fitbit Connect software and click Sync Now to wake things up. Check there, and then the Fitbit Dashboard to see where the communication gap is.
  • danibu98
    danibu98 Posts: 281 Member
    Mine hasn't shown me any love today, so I am glad to know it isn't just me!

    I have a One, and I didn't see any updates available.
  • Sooooo
    Updating the Fitbit Zip software changed nothing.
    Neither did resetting my Zip and then resetting my iPhone.
    I've tried forcing syncs within both apps and they still do not communicate.
    If anyone has any other ideas; I'd love to hear them!

    At this point I guess I'll just stay below my recommended calorie intake not factoring in exercise.
  • danibu98
    danibu98 Posts: 281 Member
    Irish Harpy- I tried that reset and it did not work.

    I guess I'll make sure to eat below what fitbit says I burned today! :)
  • jtga6
    jtga6 Posts: 1
    Yup been having these issue for a week or so now - only work around is to once a day unlink and re-link your Fitbit app under APPS.

    No great but it works :-)