Distance runners



  • baldzach
    baldzach Posts: 1,841 Member
    Hey there, fellow marathoner here (4 marathons, several half marathons) -- not speedy, and it's been 4 years since my last 26.2, but I'm still running, lifting, and trying triathlons now as well! Just want to get in on the thread. :)
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Hi all. Wonder if I can get some feedback here.

    I started running on the treadmill basically to supplement my weight loss. In a short period of time, I managed to start running on the treadmill at a steady pace of 6 MPH for 30 minutes. That is basically a 5K. Is running on a treadmill that much different than saying going outside and just jogging it for 3.1 miles? When I realized I could jog 5K in about 30 minutes, I was thinking maybe I could do a 5K maybe in the Spring?

  • CarsonRuns
    CarsonRuns Posts: 3,039 Member
    Hi all. Wonder if I can get some feedback here.

    I started running on the treadmill basically to supplement my weight loss. In a short period of time, I managed to start running on the treadmill at a steady pace of 6 MPH for 30 minutes. That is basically a 5K. Is running on a treadmill that much different than saying going outside and just jogging it for 3.1 miles? When I realized I could jog 5K in about 30 minutes, I was thinking maybe I could do a 5K maybe in the Spring?


    Yes, it's different, but that doesn't mean that the fitness you gained on the TM is all for naught. Outside, the stresses you put on your legs is different as the surface is uneven and generally firmer than the TM belt. Also, there are the undulations of the terrain with cause different muscles to be hit from different angles. Additionally, many runners have a hard time adjusting to the fact that they have to set the pace themselves and tend to run too fast when they first hit the pavement.

    If you are going to run a 5K, I suggest running outside once a week for a few weeks and then adding another day and just working into it. Don't be surprised when you are sore in places that you weren't sore before.
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Yes, it's different, but that doesn't mean that the fitness you gained on the TM is all for naught. Outside, the stresses you put on your legs is different as the surface is uneven and generally firmer than the TM belt. Also, there are the undulations of the terrain with cause different muscles to be hit from different angles. Additionally, many runners have a hard time adjusting to the fact that they have to set the pace themselves and tend to run too fast when they first hit the pavement.

    If you are going to run a 5K, I suggest running outside once a week for a few weeks and then adding another day and just working into it. Don't be surprised when you are sore in places that you weren't sore before.

    Thanks. That is encouraging. And I was planning on doing some roadwork. But your answer gave me the confidence I was hoping for.
  • JessicaFB
    JessicaFB Posts: 126 Member
    Hey there, fellow marathoner here (4 marathons, several half marathons) -- not speedy, and it's been 4 years since my last 26.2, but I'm still running, lifting, and trying triathlons now as well! Just want to get in on the thread. :)

    Hi there! Welcome! Ooo, triathlons! I've never been able to do one (phobias about the swimming part), but I admire those who do!! Happy Running to ya :)
  • JessicaFB
    JessicaFB Posts: 126 Member
    Hi all. Wonder if I can get some feedback here.

    I started running on the treadmill basically to supplement my weight loss. In a short period of time, I managed to start running on the treadmill at a steady pace of 6 MPH for 30 minutes. That is basically a 5K. Is running on a treadmill that much different than saying going outside and just jogging it for 3.1 miles? When I realized I could jog 5K in about 30 minutes, I was thinking maybe I could do a 5K maybe in the Spring?


    I'd say OF COURSE!! When I run on the treadmill, I set the grade to 1.5-2% to better simulate the outdoors. Get outside when you can as well, especially leading up to the race.
  • JessicaFB
    JessicaFB Posts: 126 Member
    Hi all. Wonder if I can get some feedback here.

    I started running on the treadmill basically to supplement my weight loss. In a short period of time, I managed to start running on the treadmill at a steady pace of 6 MPH for 30 minutes. That is basically a 5K. Is running on a treadmill that much different than saying going outside and just jogging it for 3.1 miles? When I realized I could jog 5K in about 30 minutes, I was thinking maybe I could do a 5K maybe in the Spring?


    Yes, it's different, but that doesn't mean that the fitness you gained on the TM is all for naught. Outside, the stresses you put on your legs is different as the surface is uneven and generally firmer than the TM belt. Also, there are the undulations of the terrain with cause different muscles to be hit from different angles. Additionally, many runners have a hard time adjusting to the fact that they have to set the pace themselves and tend to run too fast when they first hit the pavement.

    If you are going to run a 5K, I suggest running outside once a week for a few weeks and then adding another day and just working into it. Don't be surprised when you are sore in places that you weren't sore before.

    Excellent advice here! I remember back in the day I was attached to the TM too much. I ran my first race outside and went overboard. CarsonRuns explains the difference so well here! You have to account for the weather as well. You have to get outside to also figure out the best attire. Windy and rainy days are a fun "challenge"
  • JessicaFB
    JessicaFB Posts: 126 Member
    Ugghh! I've been taken down by the common cold. It's not in my lungs yet. I have taken the last two days off. This will call for an adjustment in my schedule, but you have to be flexible for this kind of thing. Years ago, when I was a stupid runner, I would run with a cold and make it worse...just because I let the schedule "rule" me. I'm so much more relaxed about it nowadays :)

    I plan to go for a light walk followed by some foam rolling, just to keep my antsy legs happy.
  • lewandt
    lewandt Posts: 566
    What is foam rolling? Never heard that one
  • anw120
    anw120 Posts: 6 Member
    Most people find that once they are used to running outside they like it much better than a treadmill, when I'm in shape I actually run faster outside since I am more engaged/happy it leads to putting more effort out, with a treadmill it gets easy to put it on the same setting and stick with the pace, outside you can control your pace with how your body feels that day.
  • BChanFit
    BChanFit Posts: 209 Member
    Such a cool thread. Thanks for starting it! :)

    Alright I want in... I'm Beth, new to running as of this past April. Couldn't run even 30 seconds at a time at the beginning of April. Practiced and ran my first 5K in May (no walk breaks, I remember that was a big milestone!). Ran my first 10K in August and my first half marathon the first week of September. I'm now trying to maintain these skills and muscles through Winter. Plan is to start training in June for a marathon at the beginning of October next year.

    Let's see... most recent run was on Halloween, little under 5 miles. Was going to run last night but it was snowing heavily and super slippery so I hit the elliptical instead.

    Yay runners!
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    I think I need to figure out this "foam rolling" thing - does it help with tightness on the outside of the legs, and maybe up into the backside?

    At the start of the summer I was literally a couch potato, but now I'm up to 6-10km 3x/week. My goals are a sprint triathlon by May and an Olympic triathlon by September, so I'm not far from the upper end of how far I want to run.
  • shawn1112
    shawn1112 Posts: 94 Member
    Glad I found this thread, as Kindeo said thanks for starting it. I'm also looking for some advice.
    I started walking about 7 months ago to lose weight, and with the help of my wife started running Aug 28th or rite around then. I was a smoker (20yrs) when I started running and I could barely run 1 minute without feeling like I was going to die. I slowly got up to a mile of non stop running and then quit smoking 8 weeks ago. In the first month after I quit I was able to run a 5k with my wife in about 30 minutes. We actually ran our first official 5k 2 weeks ago and we finished 150th and 151st out of 400 runners and did it in 28.37 min, which is about our average now. I'm hoping to complete a half marathon come spring time, but have trouble doing a 10k rite now especially outside. We bought a treadmill due to winter and wanting to continue running thru out the winter. On the treadmill I can do 5 miles no problem but struggle trying to get to 6 miles but do complete it running at 6.7mph. When we run outside we can do 4-4 1/2 miles but anything after 3.5 starts getting tuff running outside. I dont lift weights and when we run outside its on the sidewalk thru our neighborhood mostly flat surface. What can we do to train for a 10k first and half marathon as the goal?
  • JessicaFB
    JessicaFB Posts: 126 Member
    What is foam rolling? Never heard that one

    It's technically called SMFR, self myofascial release. Definitely look it up. There might be some videos on You tube about it. You have to be careful with it. Never roll directly on your low back or neck, or shins. It really helps me loosen up my tight hips, hammies, quads, glutes, hip flexors and calves.
  • JessicaFB
    JessicaFB Posts: 126 Member
    I think I need to figure out this "foam rolling" thing - does it help with tightness on the outside of the legs, and maybe up into the backside?

    At the start of the summer I was literally a couch potato, but now I'm up to 6-10km 3x/week. My goals are a sprint triathlon by May and an Olympic triathlon by September, so I'm not far from the upper end of how far I want to run.

    Oh my gosh, yes! I use it for my IT bands. Start with your glutes first to loosen up and then carefully roll the lateral quads or hamstrings to loosen up your IT bands. I try not to roll directly on the ITB through. Also, don't roll directly on the greater trochanter (google it) because of the bursa there. I aggravated mine once....learned the hard way. I call it the poor man's massage. :wink: Also, if your ITBs are tight, make sure you are doing strength training for your glutes.
    Nice work on your training so far!! Excellent goals to work for!!
  • JessicaFB
    JessicaFB Posts: 126 Member
    Most people find that once they are used to running outside they like it much better than a treadmill, when I'm in shape I actually run faster outside since I am more engaged/happy it leads to putting more effort out, with a treadmill it gets easy to put it on the same setting and stick with the pace, outside you can control your pace with how your body feels that day.

    I couldn't agree more! I too run faster and have more fun outside. It's the best when you get rolling hills.
  • JessicaFB
    JessicaFB Posts: 126 Member
    Today I am normal again, yay!!! I ran 6 miles on the dreadmill at 1.5% incline. I didn't want to over do it, since I just got over a cold. I also taught bodypump this morning and did a circuit at the gym between clients for my glutes, shoulders, biceps, triceps and abs. Overall a good day. I hope to get a run in tomorrow and a long run on Sunday.
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    I just ran my first 3.1 miles in 30:56 outside on pavement. That according to runtastic. It wasn't so bad and yes. Not as boring as the treadmill. My legs don't feel so bad either. Well not yet. Lol
  • JessicaFB
    JessicaFB Posts: 126 Member
    Hi All! Well, this week is now taking a better turn. I ran another 6 miler yesterday in about 54 minutes. I used the treadmill, due to time constraints. With the change in weather, it takes more time to gear up for a run....plus all the stoplights on the way to my favorite trail take away from my run. I felt great! Glutes were a little sore because I had lifted upper body, glutes and core on Thurs. This morning, I trained for endurance at the gym, using mostly bodyweight and high reps. Felt good and I sweated buckets. Happy Saturday!!:bigsmile:
  • JessicaFB
    JessicaFB Posts: 126 Member
    I just ran my first 3.1 miles in 30:56 outside on pavement. That according to runtastic. It wasn't so bad and yes. Not as boring as the treadmill. My legs don't feel so bad either. Well not yet. Lol

    Yeah!! Nice work today!! Do you have any trails near you? Sometimes, when my joints get mad at the hard pavement, I switch to trails. I try not to run on pavement on consecutive days.