Spin Class Anyone?



  • AiimeeDee
    AiimeeDee Posts: 116 Member
    I also love spin and go 3-5 times a week sometimes 6. I can't get enough of it!! I tried running ( thought I could start training for a marathon) and just injured myself. Tank God I found the bike! All the benefits of running minus the impact. Plus the first workout ever to help me loose leg fat. If anyone wants to add me that would be great! I'm almost a week old to MFP. :) I love giving, as much as receiving, encouragement & tips.
  • rljd
    rljd Posts: 2 Member
    Spinning is a great choice for those of us who don't necessarily look forward to going to the gym. Riding a bike is a good time, right? Once you get going, the combination of good music and motivating instructors make you want to push yourself and challenge your body to do more than you think it can, which in turn burns more calories. If you tend to be prone to foot cramps, like I am, be sure you not only have a large bottle of water with you, but that you have hydrated really well before starting the class; that will make a huge difference. Have fun with it!
  • sweetnessandlighter
    sweetnessandlighter Posts: 24 Member
    It would be nice to be addicted to something healthy for a change!

    Love it!
  • RunnerCyclingGirl213
    I took my first spin class Tuesday night. My legs were like rubber at the end. The next day they were still a little rubbery & then the soreness started. Today is Thursday & my legs are still hurting. Here's my question, do I go back tonight or wait & go Tuesday to give my legs time to heal? Thanks!
  • Mborroto25
    Mborroto25 Posts: 79 Member
    I love spinning. Just make sure to pace yourself, and really just try the best you can. It gets easier. The instructor makes a difference. Buy yourself a padded seat cover if your butt hurts.
  • novachaos
    Take the class! The soreness will go away and moving helps. Just make sure to take it easy and listen to your body. Have fun!
  • twinmoon
    twinmoon Posts: 108 Member
    I love spinning - been spinning for years. lots of good advice here - water, towel. Make sure you get help to set your bike up properly, and then remember the settings - jot it down on your phone. Also, don't cheat on the resistance. When the instructor tells you to add resistance, add it, don't be afraid. The key is to use your core, and I agree that the instructor makes all the difference. Get into the music, and focus on getting the moves right. It's especially important to engage your core as you get up and down from your seat. When you're up, try not to bounce around a lot. Again, engage your core, and you'll be able to isolate muscles. It's an incredible workout. Have fun, and give yourself a few days to recover after your first class, and again after the next few, until you're less sore. Your knees shouldn't hurt, even if you're sore. Have fun!
  • twinmoon
    twinmoon Posts: 108 Member
    I took my first spin class Tuesday night. My legs were like rubber at the end. The next day they were still a little rubbery & then the soreness started. Today is Thursday & my legs are still hurting. Here's my question, do I go back tonight or wait & go Tuesday to give my legs time to heal? Thanks!

    I would definitely take a few days off as you get started. When I first started, I took a week off between each class. Now, the recovery is fast, and I can go consecutive days. Enjoy!
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    Love it. Advice- go and do what you can. Finish the class. If you like it go again and do what you can. Keep going and before you know it you'll be doing what the instructor says. You'll need plenty of water and a towel. Lots of sweating :bigsmile:
  • alexp74
    alexp74 Posts: 125
    I take a class 2x weekly and love it. I made it through about 1/2 of the first class and wanted to throw up and die, but now, no problem. Take a rest day and go the 2nd time.

    The key is to pace yourself, not ready to jump off the bike, don't! Pedal faster during those periods, do whatever feels comfortable and don't worry about others!
  • lewandt
    lewandt Posts: 566
    I have never tried a spin class, but i want to. The times they hold them don't usually work for me though. I did try a spin class on you tube the other night and it was fun. I can see where the classes would be fun to go to.

    But if you have an exercise bike you can try one at home.
  • Tmsmith007
    Love it! It is a great low impact cardio that really burns the calories and it is fun. You'll either hate it, or love it.
  • Tmsmith007
    I took my first spin class Tuesday night. My legs were like rubber at the end. The next day they were still a little rubbery & then the soreness started. Today is Thursday & my legs are still hurting. Here's my question, do I go back tonight or wait & go Tuesday to give my legs time to heal? Thanks!

    I would definitely take a few days off as you get started. When I first started, I took a week off between each class. Now, the recovery is fast, and I can go consecutive days. Enjoy!

    Same here, at first the conditioning is brutal. Tiny seat, big bum. Up, down, faster slower, legs like rubber. Heal up, go back...build your workout, and consecutive days, will soon be nothing. Have fun!
  • Tmsmith007
    Would love to have more friends that spin! I love it and try to get in 3x a week! If you would like motivation and encouragement, message me, more friends for the journey is always good.
  • waveonwave82
    I am doing my first spin class tonight!!! Very nervous as I remember the bum and lady part pain from when I tried it 10 years ago! I did a HIIT class Saturday morning and my quads are still quite sore and stiff so I'm hoping the spin class will loosen me up although thats just wishful thinking!!! I'm fully expecting to not be able to walk for at least 2 days... lol To be honest the only reason I'm still definately going tonight is because of reading all these comments about how good it is! Fingers crossed and lets hope I dont have a Bridget Jones moment and fall as I step off the bike... :-/
  • crisgetsfit14
    I LOVE spin class! I wish I could go more often, but it conflicts with my current raining schedule.

    I agree- bring a towel if one isn't supplied. Also plenty of water. Also, make sure and turn your knob all the way to the left so you know you are starting at zero. An easy mistake to make is to start with too much resistance.

    Stick with it and over the course of a few weeks, you will notice improvement. That's one thing I love about it, it's so easy to track progress. Once day you won't have spaghetti legs when sprinting, you will all of a sudden notice you are a pro!

    Good luck and I hope you make it out!
  • Chain_Ring
    Chain_Ring Posts: 753 Member
    Spinning sucks. Go ride outside. No, seriously.
  • waveonwave82
    Spin! I loved it!!! :love: Unfortunately my quads were still very sore and I quickly realised I barely had the strength to stand up on the bike so did 2/3 of the class sat down which has now given me a sore bum! I cant wait until next week when my thighs will be better and I can do the class to my full ability! I was also lucky as I had a lovely instructor who took some time at the end of the class to have a chat with me, she really motivated me to definately go back! I would recommend Spin to anyone, plus its really cool as they dim the lights, its like a disco!
  • fatcookie06
    fatcookie06 Posts: 28 Member
    I love spinning !!! :happy:
  • allie__jane
    I love spin! I just started a few weeks ago because I missed the summer when I could ride outside. I thought I would hate it, since I've never been able to use a bike before without my knees yelling at me, but the instructor (and added resistance!) are awesome. I'm now hooked!