Body fat percentage/Maintaining weight

I want to go from 28% body fat to 15%. According to my calculation I have 35 pounds of body fat as of today and would need to only have 19 pounds of body fat to reach my goal of 15%. So I'm assuming I have to loose an additional 16 pounds of fat but gain 16 pounds of muscle so that I can reach my goal with the same weight? (I know its impossible to stay at the same weight of 125 but at least around that would be great!) lol HELP! Any advice, tips, exercise/nutrition info would be greatly appreciated :)


  • LeanButNotMean44
    LeanButNotMean44 Posts: 852 Member
    I checked out your diary and it is all over the place. You seem to either go way over your calories or are way under. Not sure if you're really eating as much processed food as your diary indicates or if you are using those entries to ballpark the calories or what. If you are eating all of that processed stuff, you need to reduce it; moderate levels are fine - every day, not so good.

    My suggestions:

    1) If you aren't already, start lifting weights. A lot of people here swear by New Rules of Lifting for Women and Stronglifts. The more muscle you add, the more efficient your body becomes at burning calories.

    2) Figure out the number of calories you need to be eating using your goal to reduce fat and your activity level.

    3) You are not eating nearly enough protein. 1-1.5 grams/pound of lean mass is a good guideline (although I go way over that myself).

    I am sure I am missing more than a few things, but those are my immediate suggestions. Best of luck to you!
  • Jacquie_Ramos
    Thanks for your reply :-) It's definitely helpful!

    Unfortunately my dairy is all over the place and I'm trying to find a healthy balance that I can manage... its been quite the journey but I'm not giving up! As for some of the entries made, alot of them are input just to ballpark my numbers... but my biggest probelm is staying on track on the weekends. Totally throws me off. I have to also admit, for a very long time I was obsessive over my calorie intake and loosing weight that I wasnt eating enough and doing too much cardio. Hence why I have passed my weight goal but yet still have 28% body fat :( I did start lifting weights and eased up on the cardio. Ive just been bad about logging my weight training on here (sets and reps... i forget and then just never log it). As of last weekend i was 125 with 28% body fat and as of this morning I'm 122.4 (I hope thats not more muscle loss!) Anyways, I will take your advice... more protein, less processed stuff and more weight lifting. Thanks again!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Is there a reason you want 15% bodyfat? Are you competing?
  • Jacquie_Ramos
    Not competing but I just love the look... I'd be content with 15-18% body fat. Keep in mind I have 3 children so its been quite the journey for the last couple of decades... Alot of ups and down with my weight. I will not be having anymore kids, therefore I set this new goal for myself... I want to feel great and stay healthy but also look great! lol
  • monisiaczeq
    monisiaczeq Posts: 131 Member
    females need around 25% body fat to be "healthy". so i think 15% is quite extreme, 20% may be something better... we need fat to transmit hormones and so on.. so i think unless you do plan on competing it might be not great for you in the long run.. im not saying that anyone with low BF is unhealthy.
  • brandiewininger
    From what I understand 19% really is the minimum a woman is supposed to have for body fat. Also, the best way to calculate BMI is through body measurements. I use the same process the military does for taping their soldiers. If you go by height and weight alone it can be very deceiving due to it not factoring in muscle mass that say, a person who lifts weights might have vs. the average person.
  • fashionosack
    Cycling, jogging, swimming, walking and other aerobic exercise is the consumption of calories the body the most effective way, you do not matter, as long as at least make your heart beat faster for 20 minutes. Do not expect there will be a certain kind of campaign targeted way to lose one part of your body fat. Scientifically proven that weight loss is systemic, not only lose a portion, while other parts remain unchanged. Therefore, the weight can not be impatient.