Looking for weight loss advice

I am 5'4, 21, and I have a daughter. I got to 138 lbs before I started doing insanity. I was going between 138 and 140 and now I am stuck at 140. I feel a huge difference in my muscles but I really want to at the very most be 130 lbs. I am in my 3rd week of Insanity and I get an awesome workout. I eat between 1300 and 1500 calories normally sometimes a little over. I eat pretty healthy except for my little slip ups like the oatmeal creme pie yesterday lol. I also burn a lot of calories in the workouts according to my heart rate monitor. I am probably all over the place with this.... Should I eat less calories? Or just continue what I am doing? I always let the scale get to me even though I know I am building more muscle.


  • creamms
    I wouldn't cut your calories down any further. Doctors and such say no one should eat less than 1500 without medical advice as your body can go into starvation mode - resulting in weight gain; 1500 for someone being an average height etc.

    If you're fining your weight isn't moving because of muscle, why not check waist measurements?

    If you are really getting stuck and neither are moving, then I would try reducing calories further, not that I personally like that idea.
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
    how tall are you?
  • tryclyn
    tryclyn Posts: 2,414 Member
    I'd rather lose inches than pounds any day. Throw out the scale, you're the only one that sees that number on the scale, and check your mirror instead.
  • Brunette122
    Brunette122 Posts: 107 Member
    Finish the entire thing of Insanity then see where you are at. I've never done it but you should probably finish it. If you didn't lose from it, you probably need to try something else.
  • addicted2numbers
    addicted2numbers Posts: 83 Member
    I wouldn't cut your calories down any further. Doctors and such say no one should eat less than 1500 without medical advice as your body can go into starvation mode - resulting in weight gain; 1500 for someone being an average height etc.

    If you're fining your weight isn't moving because of muscle, why not check waist measurements?

    If you are really getting stuck and neither are moving, then I would try reducing calories further, not that I personally like that idea.

    Thank you! I am always hungry anyway I don't think I can cut back lol. I lost an inch from my waist in these 3 weeks so far. I'm really not sure if that is good progress or not since I was always about the scale.
  • addicted2numbers
    addicted2numbers Posts: 83 Member
    how tall are you?
    I'm 5'4
  • addicted2numbers
    addicted2numbers Posts: 83 Member
    I'd rather lose inches than pounds any day. Throw out the scale, you're the only one that sees that number on the scale, and check your mirror instead.

    My BF told me I need to do this. I think I will. But I weighed myself today and I lost 2 lbs out of nowhere. I even ate ice cream last night lol.
  • addicted2numbers
    addicted2numbers Posts: 83 Member
    Finish the entire thing of Insanity then see where you are at. I've never done it but you should probably finish it. If you didn't lose from it, you probably need to try something else.
    I love the workouts. They are intense and keep me motivated. So I'm hoping I come out of it with good results.
  • southerndream24
    southerndream24 Posts: 303 Member
    Just keep going. Take pictures and take measurements. An inch of your weight is great progress for just three weeks. Trust the program. You're doing great!
  • addicted2numbers
    addicted2numbers Posts: 83 Member
    Just keep going. Take pictures and take measurements. An inch of your weight is great progress for just three weeks. Trust the program. You're doing great!
    Thanks! I am losing way more inches than weight and I am ok with that now because I am seeing a difference. My muscles are looking great. :)