

  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    Depends on what you want to use it for. They are totally different things. FitBit for tracking all day activity. HRM for tracking workouts with an elevated heart rate. I have both but I really only use the FitBit.
  • enuff_fluff
    enuff_fluff Posts: 7 Member
    I just returned my FitBit. I loved it but every time I got in the car, my steps would increase :( CS was no help at all. Good luck which ever way you go.
  • djwife03
    djwife03 Posts: 333 Member
    does FIT BIT track workout calories burned also?
  • SarahMakePretty
    SarahMakePretty Posts: 24 Member
    The FITBIT does track daily calories burned, but I mean it's not 100% accurate. It's a decent guide line. I have a FB and HRM. I personally prefer the HRM because it gives better workout readings. You can use both and auto insert calories from the HRM during a workout into your FB profile. That is just too much for me. I'm not a major techno geek.

    The FB is fun because it motivates but I never remember to put the sucker on. And I've washed it- twice. (it survived!). All in all I think the HRM is more accurate, because the FB is going off your age/sex/weight to calculate calories, and the HRM is using that plus how your body is physically responding.
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    If your 'workout' is running, walking, dancing or something else steps-based, the Fitbit tracks it. If you mean resistance, swimming, yoga or the like then no, you'd need to manually track that to add it to your total daily burn.

    Two totally different tools made for different purposes, like was said above. If you want your workout calorie burn and to do HR zone work, use a HRM. If you want a good estimate of your total daily burn based on how much you move around the other 23 hours, use a Fitbit.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    I have both. I like the Fitbit for giving me an idea of whether I need to move my *kitten* more during the day and it seems to be pretty accurate for anything step based. I use my HRM more now for keeping an eye on my HR when running to stay where I want it to be or for cycling just because I can wear it.

    If I didn't have the HRM I could probably live without it. The Fitbit is more of a toy too but it is motivational when I look at it at 4 pm as I leave work and see less than 2,000 steps recorded!
  • morkiemama
    morkiemama Posts: 894 Member
    For older products, the Body Media Fit from my own personal research is what I would go with (when compared to Jawbone, Fitbit, etc.). I personally did not purchase a BMF due to the subscription fees though. I am considering purchasing a Polar Loop.

    Polar has come out with their own tracking device that can incorporate both normal daily activity and exercise (e.g. it is a combo of a daily tracking device and a HRM). It is the first to try and combine these two aspects. It is also waterPROOF (so you can wear it while swimming, etc.), which no other devices are. Since it is new, I have not been able to locate much data about it though.

    Here is a discussion about it on MFP:

    NOTE: I do already own a Polar FT7 and it is AWESOME. However, it is a HRM only and not an "activity tracker." I love my Polar products and would feel comfortable purchasing another.

    Edited to Add: HRMs are for tracking steady state cardio only. It is important to note that HRMs are not accurate for weight lifting and will not give you an accurate burn. They are also not meant for HIIT. Temperature extremes and daily burn tracking (e.g. I wear it all day to find out what I should be taking in) are also inaccurate. HRMs are for steady state aerobic exercise only! Hence why the Loop seems so great!

    This is a helpful blog post for understanding HRMs:
  • djwife03
    djwife03 Posts: 333 Member
    thank you everyone! yes, i do run, so FIt Bit would be helpful there. I see there's a Fit Bit ultra also!. On the box it says,

    Track your day

    steps and distance
    calories burned
    stairs climbed
    wireless uploads
    Online graphs and tools.
    and sleep tracker...??
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    The Ultra is actually one of the older Fitbit products. I believe the One, Zip, Flex and Force are all newer. They do track sleep. Well, I'm not sure if the Zip does. Just like it does in the daytime, it makes assumptions about your nighttime movements and gives you graphs of time spent asleep, restless, etc.
  • djwife03
    djwife03 Posts: 333 Member
    I think anything will be better than what I have now, which is nothing! LOL! i am really interested in seeing a more accurate calorie burn. All i have right now is an app on my phone, where you input weight, minutes, and the exercise you did. then I shave 100-200 calories off of that because i know it's not accurate. I know i"m burning, but just don't know how many.
  • SouthernCountryGirl
    I use an HRM. I prefer it for a more accurate burn because it depends on your heart rate. To me it's much closer to a true calorie burn.
  • Kevalicious99
    Kevalicious99 Posts: 1,131 Member
    does FIT BIT track workout calories burned also?

    Not accurately ... you really need a HRM and then only for cardio type workouts is it really accurate.
  • Sarahnade42x
    Sarahnade42x Posts: 308 Member
    Right now I use a Fitbit Flex synced with MFP...I log cardio workouts on MFP (which Fitbit accounts for by negating from it's calorie burn estimate) and let my Fitbit figure out calorie burn/distance/steps on it's own throughout the rest of the day. At the end of the week, Fitbit's Calories In/Out estimate is usually pretty consistent with how much weight I actually lose that week. Not perfect (so many variables come into play with weight loss), but close.
  • chaoticdreams
    chaoticdreams Posts: 447 Member
    I have the Fitbit zip. It doesn't track stairs or sleep like the Flex and One, but I only bought it to at least have something to motivate me. I have pre-ordered the Force and am looking forward to it immensely.

    Another poster mentioned FB tracking while in a car..... A lot of people have said that, but if so, I haven't noticed it with mine. I have thought about getting a HRM, but at the moment I'm just walking so FB serves my purposes better. I like the tracking and I don't really pay much attention to the calories on FB and just mainly go by MFP's calculations with it in mind. Then there are days like today when my FB isn't syncing with MFP, so it's rather useless on that front.

    I'm wanting to start running, so maybe when that gets going I'll get an HRM as well and use both.
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    I think anything will be better than what I have now, which is nothing! LOL! i am really interested in seeing a more accurate calorie burn. All i have right now is an app on my phone, where you input weight, minutes, and the exercise you did. then I shave 100-200 calories off of that because i know it's not accurate. I know i"m burning, but just don't know how many.

    I've used about all the toys and I find for me that if you just need something to visually SEE your lack of activity staring you in the face to motivate you to move more, the Fitbit is pretty good for that. It has nice graphs of calories in vs. out and that sort of thing, too. They motivate me.

    To be honest, if you just want to estimate your total daily calorie burn, the online calculators do about the same thing, you just have to be really honest about your activity level. Plus if you're really, really good at tracking all your calories and can wait for a month or so to do some averages, your own weight loss is the best indicator of what you burn in an average week. E.g., if you intake an average of 2000 calories a day and lose 5 lbs. per month on average, you know you burn about (3500*5)/30 = 580 more than you eat, or 2580 calories a day. That type of math is not going to be useful day to day or even week to week due to weight not being so linear, but over months, it should work out.
  • codycsweet
    codycsweet Posts: 1,019 Member
    I have both and use my Fitbit everyday, I feel naked without it. I've had it since June of this yr. I also have a hrm and for me with the activities I do walk. Jog, Zumba, turbo fire, t25 the calories burned with both are pretty close, usually within 20-50 cal. With that said I have to have my Fitbit I do still wear the hrm on most of my intense workouts but since the calorie burn is pretty close with both it's not needed. Both are great tools. Knowing what I know now, the one I have to have is the Fitbit. Love love love my Fitbit.

    Btw I have read posts where some don't get a similar calorie burn but mine is
  • bluntlysally
    bluntlysally Posts: 150 Member
    it is not an OR it is an AND - esp if you want everything.

    if you want every day movement = fitbit, if you want exercise = HRM.

    i have both and together they are a great motivator!!
  • LauraBalyk
    LauraBalyk Posts: 219 Member
    hands down the HRM
    I have had both, if you are looking for something that tracks your calories burned during specific workouts then get the HRM, if you are looking for your total calorie burn throughout the day then I would suggest the fitbit. With the fitbit you cannot specifically track a workout though, it just does it continually throughout the entire day. For myself personally I found the fitbit a waste, I didn't really want to know how many calories by body burnt throughout the day I wanted to track to see how much calories I burned during workouts or workout classes.
  • Belinda658
    Belinda658 Posts: 181 Member
    I find HRM annoying. I can never be bothered putting it on and its not that accurate anyway\

    I LOVE my fitbit!
  • p4ulmiller
    p4ulmiller Posts: 588 Member
    it is not an OR it is an AND - esp if you want everything.

    if you want every day movement = fitbit, if you want exercise = HRM.

    i have both and together they are a great motivator!!

    Yep. This.

    Me too.