HOW realistic is it to loose 10 pounds in 1 month?



  • blizzardsmom
    blizzardsmom Posts: 63 Member
    Have a calorie deficit every day of 1,167. (1,167 X 30 = 35,010, 35,010 /3500=10). Thats alot of exercise and a lot of very strict dieting, not worth it to me. Unrealistic. Be careful, most people that diet this way gain all the weight back plus some more. Don't deprive yourself like that. Consistency with diet and exercise and you'll get there.
  • schonkreuz
    schonkreuz Posts: 493 Member
    I am a bit overweight, at 192 currently, and I tend to lose between 1.5-2 lbs a week. I know for sure this will slow down when I get to a lower weight though.
  • rllewell
    rllewell Posts: 234
    Yes it is possible but like others have said that is mostly dependent on how much weight you have to loose in total. Like others have posted, I was able to lose 16 lbs in a month when I was at my heaviest. The next month was 11 lbs and the next month was 6 lbs so you see the gradual trend of the closer you get to your healthy weight the less weight you'll lose per month.

    You should be very happy with a 1.5 to 2 lbs a week pace by eating at a slight deficit. Keep us posted on your progress.
  • klaff411
    klaff411 Posts: 169 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    I've been using MFP consistently since September and have been logging my food intake and working out on a regular basis. I now have a potential incentive to push myself harder and am wondering what it takes to loose approximately 8-10 pounds in 1 month - let's say by the end of November early December?

    I would love to hear some suggestions/feedback/comments from some experience MFP experts along with any of you who could provide some insight into this. Thanks so much!

    I would suggest a ketogenic diet. But you can lose at least 8lbs in a need to severely restrict your intake and calories though. =/
  • RinnyLush
    RinnyLush Posts: 389 Member
    I lost 10 pounds a month for the first 2 months of my journey. Now though (as I approach my goal) my loss has slowed to 4-5 lbs a month. And that's cool. :smile: Slow, steady, and SUSTAINABLE wins the race. :wink:
  • maybeazure
    maybeazure Posts: 301 Member
    I generally lose about 10 pounds a month. I have lost 60 pounds since the end of May. However I started out very large, and I'm not small yet. I know it will slow down at some point.

    So if you have 10 pounds to lose, then no. If you have a hundred, then it is very doable.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    If you're really, really fat then it's quite possible...but I'm talking obese to morbidly obese. If you just have 10 Lbs to lose then no frackin' way in hell are you going to be able to do that in any kind of safe and healthy manner...even if you just crashed your diet I bet you'd not hit just don't have the fat stores.

    Maybe take a long term approach and just starting getting your nutrition on and your fitness on and see how things go over the next lifetime or so...
  • mjharman
    mjharman Posts: 251 Member
    When I first began this journey, I averaged a weight loss of 10 lbs. per month. I had a lot to lose and was following my dietitian's recommendation of a 1500 calorie/day balanced diet with 3 hours/week exercise. I must admit, however, that I went through a period of depression during those first few months, which sometimes made it difficult to eat the recommended number of calories.
  • mistertug
    I found it easy during my first month because it's mostly water and I'm a big 'un. I guess just do the math (literally) and plan from there; it's possible. I don't recommend it, but I don't know a lot about a lot.
  • persea
    persea Posts: 13
    Thank you. You're one of the most reasonable responses i've read so far. I'm about 40 pounds overweight (150 for my 5 feet frame) and the weight doesn't want to come off easy from me.. so i'll keep on going and update as I go. Thank you for your response.
  • persea
    persea Posts: 13
    Thank you for the response. I have 40 pounds to loose so let's see how much I can in the month... Thanks!
  • persea
    persea Posts: 13
    Thank you for your comment. I have 40 pounds to loose and at 150 5' I am in the obese category I believe... I've lost 3 pounds easy.. but that took a lot of work... the fat just seems to not want to leave me lol. thank you again.
  • BossLadyDSimp
    BossLadyDSimp Posts: 257 Member
    bump ... will read after doing real work at work

  • tfleischer
    tfleischer Posts: 199 Member
    If 10 lbs. is all you need to lose, I would say it is very hard, if not impossible, to do it in a month.
    If 110 lbs. is what you need to lose, then 10 lbs. in one month is possible.
    It depends upon the percentage of total body weight you want to lose altogether.
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    I think it's very possible, depending on your discipline. 1000 calorie deficit per day to average 2 lbs. lost per week is reasonable by most diet guidelines (excepting some forumites beliefs, of course). Since the end of Nov. is 3 weeks away, I don't think you'll make it without some crash dieting, but 5 weeks from now, sure.

    I've lost 10 lbs. per month several times, never being more than 50 lbs. overweight. It's not just the obese that can do it. Though the more water weight you start with, the easier it is.
  • CrusherKun
    CrusherKun Posts: 353 Member
    I have lost 15 pounds since10/21/13 (day of diagnosis for diabetes) - and a total of 25 since 8/19/13. Its easy for us big guys who want to lose 150+ lbs though and i am likely to see that slow down over the next month as i continue this lifestyle change.

  • persea
    persea Posts: 13
    Thank you! that's fantastic to hear!
  • Beckaroo94
    since I started with mfp, around the 13rd october, I've lost 8 pounds with a starting weight of 173.
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    And nothing was actually learned this day...
  • slimmingteacher
    Very realistic. A fitness trainer told me that it is possible and healthy to lose upto 20 pounds in a month. Also if you look at Jillian's 30 day shred it says by following that you can lose upto 20 pounds. :)