30 Day Shred - Starting 10/24



  • chasica32
    I will start with tomorrow hopefully we can help and motivate each other:smile:
  • lizziamber
    Was Day 2 pure torture for anyone else? My legs, arms, back, sides and *kitten* are all extremely sore! I can't believe I managed to make it through it...and then when my roommate requested I do a little Zumba with her, I obliged - I'm a crazy person, or at least my thighs think so. I start my first day tomorrow student teaching in a Kindergarten room, they'll keep me on my feet and moving. This should be painful, lol
  • lizziamber
    Question - do you all do other cardio/ST in addition to the 30DS? I noticed that 20 mins of "circuit training, general" burns about 120 calories (for me). Which, 7 days a week isn't too shabby, but I like to burn a little more than that. But I keep hearing that everyone is so sore and can barely move, let alone do more exercise.

    Thoughts from those of you who have started?

    I like to do additional cardio with the 30DS. I'm sure others do ST as well, but I'm a total pansy and couldn't handle it. I like to add in the extra cardio because i'm really looking for a lot of fat burn.
  • ttaylortulsa
    ttaylortulsa Posts: 96 Member
    I'm jumping on this bandwagon first thing early tomorrow morning. Just watched the vid and can't wait!
  • amandal15
    amandal15 Posts: 108 Member
    Good luck to everyone....I've got a week under my belt and I feel fabulous!!! I've already lost some inches! woohoo!
  • orange_avocado
    Just started this morning, so I'm a couple of days behind. First impressions? I really liked it, but it wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. Not that it wasn't tough! I was sweating buckets, and had to to the side-lunge thingees without weights because my arms were screaming! But I wasn't tempted to quit, and I'm feeling good now - no shaky muscles or anything! I was really proud of doing 10 "man pushups" before switching to girlie style both times. Going to try and up that number every few days until I can do the whole set.

    So what's everyone's favorite/least favorite part? I didn't like Circuit 1 (thank goodness it's over with at the beginning!) but the punch-cardio and the chest flies were fun! and I looove spending only 3 minutes on abs!
  • Ashley_Panda
    Ashley_Panda Posts: 1,404 Member
    Day 2. Day 1 kicked my *kitten* big time. But today was a little easier. My legs were really sore all last night and this morning and I felt like jello after doing it yesterday. But today I can actually bend my knees again! Lol.
  • jcg926
    jcg926 Posts: 38 Member
    Day 1 went well- only a little cheating during the kicking my own butt part. My legs are getting more sore as the day goes on, but I'm excited to do this again tonight!
  • ginnyroxx
    ginnyroxx Posts: 763
    I'm gearing up for day 3. my least favorite part is the jumping jacks. I'm rather large chested and seriously....do they make sports bras made of steel? I'm having to keep one arm across my chest to keep them down and unfortunately that's not the only part of me that's bouncing :huh:

    my favorite part is the chest flies.

    i struggle really hard through the bicycle thing at the end but just bc by then my legs and abs are b u r n i n g !

    @ avocado - i'm wondering how your body will feel tomorrow. the first day seemed ok to me, too, but the next day i was so sore. however, i'm probably more out of shape than you are :blushing:
  • jmmtaylor
    jmmtaylor Posts: 225
    So, this is easier than when I first tried this over a month ago. I haven't been doing it steadily until now...I'm pushing myself more...and wanting to kick Jillian's *kitten* by the end...but I feel so good. Muscles hurt, but I'm pushing through :) Burnt 277 calories doing it today :)

    Keep up the good work ladies!!!
  • hillevans
    I am on day 4 today for the 30DS. I am still sore, but not as bad as those first 2 days. When do you switch to level 2?
  • hockey247
    hockey247 Posts: 118 Member
    I'm in :) I started right around the same time as everyone and am also doing this on another site with some other ladies. I definitely cannot keep up with the pushups and the first cardio part is a bit hard- lol. Today my whole upper body is sore however having just finished Slim in 6-- my lower body is fine. i wonder if I will need to do some additional leg workouts.

    On to another workout tonight!!
  • ginnyroxx
    ginnyroxx Posts: 763
    I am on day 4 today for the 30DS. I am still sore, but not as bad as those first 2 days. When do you switch to level 2?
    i'm going to start level 2 on day 11
    that way i'm completing all levels in 30 days.
  • smp79042
    Hey I started the 30DS a week ago! Agree with the other members...my butt and thighs were HORRIBLY sore the first 3 days. Kept at it. My weight loss goal is small (about 9 lbs) as I'm already thin. I literally lost 6 pounds in a week and about an inch from both my hips and waist! I've been a runner for years and haven't seen my weight this low in forever!!! It's so great! Even more than that, I'm TONED.......in a way running hasn't accomplished so far!

    Good luck everyone! IDK about you, but I've just finished day 8 and I'm going to at least do the 30 if not keep going!
  • lizziamber
    Day 3 kicked my *kitten* - thighs and *kitten* still hurting! Chasing around the craziest gang of Kindergarten students today didn't really help, lol
  • BleacherAddict
    After thinking, "Hey, this isn't so bad!" after Day 1... I now take it back! I'm doing 30DS before work in the mornings and then my regular nightly workout as well. At least, I was.

    Day 2 was fine during the workout itself, but as the day went on while at work, my legs got more and more sore. I still made it to the gym last night, but only did an incline on the treadmill instead of running or doing the elliptical.

    This morning, which would have been Day 3... I couldn't even stand up right out of bed. And it hasn't gotten any better all day. I could barely walk. Needless to say, I skipped Jillian AND the gym today... :frown:
  • ginnyroxx
    ginnyroxx Posts: 763
    i wanted to nap but i thought about the commitment i made here and chiefed it out. I'm glad I did. Jillian kicked my *kitten* - as usual.

    i was laying on the floor after an abdominal exercise and she said ok let's get up for blah blah blah and i literally said "i don't wanna"

    but i persevered! I keep hearing that day 5 is the magic number when it won't suck as bad.

    I do get a sick pleasure out of every "ouch" moment through the day, as I know it's because my body is getting stronger.
  • garedds
    garedds Posts: 251
    I have to say my least fav is the jumping jacks/skipping combo in the first circut. It kills me every time, but I can see it getting "easier" each time too. My fav. would probably be the chest flies and punches. And today i actually got my feet up during the butt kicks. I can't kick my own butt yet, but I'm working on it! And then I am going to kick Jillians!
  • lizziamber
    I hate the whole first circuit! Pushups...yuck! Jump-roping....yuck! Once I make it through the first circuit I'm like "I GOT THIS!"....except for the strength portion of the last circuit, not the chest fly - but that other evil thing, lol
  • ginnyroxx
    ginnyroxx Posts: 763
    I hate the whole first circuit! Pushups...yuck! Jump-roping....yuck! Once I make it through the first circuit I'm like "I GOT THIS!"....except for the strength portion of the last circuit, not the chest fly - but that other evil thing, lol
    the side lunges? my arms are on fire by then.

    idk if this will help you, but it does for me for some reason. instead of watching them, i close my eyes and concentrate on my movement. i seem to be able to push through easier.