Worst things said to you about your weight?



  • hyenagirl
    hyenagirl Posts: 206 Member
    "You're skin and bones! You don't eat enough!" I make it a point now to eat all my meals in front of people, otherwise they're convinced that I have some sort of problem not eating. When I go out, I usually wind up eating much more than the people calling me "skin and bones". I can really pack food away.
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    I wouldn't dwell on past insults and petty people. Do what is good for you and get on with life.
  • RachaelRenk
    RachaelRenk Posts: 116 Member
    I've been pretty thin most of my life until about a year and a half ago. I haven't heard anything really mean, necessarily, but because I'm not really used to this size I don't really like it when people compare now-me to then-me. My mom has made comments about "it's probably all the beer" and "you've gained weight", my boyfriend sometimes says dumb *kitten* things like "look at your big floppy titties!" (bounces them). I used to have super small boobs. No more. They aren't even floppy, they just aren't so close to my body anymore. That just makes me feel really self conscious of my weight and also worried that I have awful boobs because they're too big or something.

    Men, let me just say this now..."floppy" is probably one of the WORST adjectives you can use in reference to your girlfriend's body.

    Don't do it. Ever.

    He also also (jokingly, but not funny) made references to my "big round belly".
  • TeriOlsen
    TeriOlsen Posts: 1 Member
    I was asked if I was pregnant...at a bar...while drinking, and by an acquaintance. I thought it should be common sense that i was NOT pregnant with a beer in hand, just fluffy around the waist. But, nonetheless, that question was asked in a loud-let-me-talk-over-the-music manner and EVERYONE heard. Within a moments time all eyes lowered to my mid-section and I went to the bathroom and cried. It took another 18 months and 10 more pounds to finally wake me up. But now I am here and ready to kick butt...
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    I took care of seniors for awhile when I was a college student and they would usually make some comment about my weight "You're a chubby little thing" or "Honey you could be in pictures, you're so pretty, you just need to lose some weight!" I always had a hard time letting that go, even though I knew they were old and sometimes confused. I think that's one reason I always preferred working with nonverbal people with autism instead of seniors, at that job!

    The worst, though, is when I was 13 or 14 yrs old. I was already at my adult height of 5'8", at about 180 lb and wore a 13 or 14 in most things. I didn't consider myself "fat" (in fact now at age 37 that's my goal weight for the next year or so). I went over to my stepmom's friend's house with her for a party. It was a sales party with really tacky bejeweled clothing...this would have been around 1990. Anyway, I was a goth/grunge kid so not interested in the bejeweled junk these 40 yr old women were. At one point during the party, the hostess turned to me and said "They have PLUS SIZES! I'm sure they have something to fit you!" I was so humiliated. There I was, in 8th grade and all of these women 30-50 yrs old were skinny and looking right at me. It was horrible.
  • ModernNerd
    ModernNerd Posts: 336 Member
    There's no winning my friends. I've always been pretty slender (I'm on here to put on a little weight and some muscle) but not unhealthy looking by any means. Last semester I had a perfect stranger give me the elevator stare before calling me a skinny b!tch. I gave her a wink and raised my 100000-calorie Starbucks drink to her. Kill 'em with kindness :wink:
  • jeffd247
    jeffd247 Posts: 319 Member
    My daughter crying one day at the beach and said, "Some boys were calling you fat and being mean to you but they were bigger than me so I ran away".

    That was it for me. Not said to me directly, but that was my laying in a puddle of my own vomit because I just OD'd on heroin type of lowpoint.

    And I should have said that, looking back on it now, I'm so glad this happened to me. What a wake up call.
  • tink11464
    tink11464 Posts: 119 Member
    Four years ago, my entire family and I were at a cousin's funeral and his ex-wife showed up. I didn't recognize her as she had lap band surgery and lost so much weight. My mom turns to me and says "Wow, you should get that done". Ummmm - okayyyy - already sad about losing a cousin and throw that in mom!! Some people just don't think before they speak!!!

    Ouch, talk about the wrong time and place D: My father told me I was fat at my 11th birthday party, and that I should let the other kids have my cake lol. Also, horrible timed.

    Sadddd - My mom also did this to my daughter in front of my daughter's cousins (my mom's other grandkids who are ALL thin - my daughter fights the same weight issues I do). My daughter was about 18 and took my youngest (who was 6) to my moms for the day to go swimming with all of their cousins. My mom ordered pizza and in front of everyone told my daughter she could only have one piece - I think I lost ALL my marbles that day - I never blasted my mom until that day - she absolutely crushed my daughter - and in front of all of the other kids!!! Just wrong - it's sad the way those who never had weight issues think!!!
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    The two that stand out most in my mind was

    1. I was swimming with my little brother and he dived under the water in front of me, came up and instantly said "Wow, Mum was right, you ARE really fat!" What made that so much worse was number 1, the look of genuine disgust on his face (can always rely on kids to be honest), and number two, the fact that my Mum hadn't said anything to me, which meant my brother had overheard her saying it to someone else.

    2. When I passed my driving test I went to collect my car that was being dropped off at my Nans house, and when they dropped it off my Nan said "I hope that comes with a strong suspension if Lauren is driving it."

    Yeah, my family don't mince their words. :laugh:
  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    Four years ago, my entire family and I were at a cousin's funeral and his ex-wife showed up. I didn't recognize her as she had lap band surgery and lost so much weight. My mom turns to me and says "Wow, you should get that done". Ummmm - okayyyy - already sad about losing a cousin and throw that in mom!! Some people just don't think before they speak!!!

    I feel you. I've been lucky enough to have had relatively few comments said to my face about weight through the decades, despite having been fat for the good majority of my life ever since I was 5 years old or so. There are a few choices moments though that really stand out.

    My brother's brother (who is not related to me), who I hadn't seen in years, decided that the repass meal RIGHT AFTER MY FATHER'S FUNERAL was the perfect time to make a comment about how much weight I'd put back on, after having lost a lot a few years prior. Here I was crushed, grieving, trying to hold myself up, and he thinks the perfect mealtime small talk is to bring up how fat I've gotten. I was too far gone to even set his *kitten* straight.
  • When I was in high school, I was about 25 pounds overweight. My brother was very judgmental and asked me why I didn't just lose the weight and not have to deal with that problem any more. "Just think how much your life would be better," he said.

    Also when I was in high school, my best friend told me that someone said to her (about me): "She looks anorexic on the top, but then she has these really big hips."

    When I was in grade school, I spent the night at a friend's house. A few days later, my friend told me her mother commented about me: "She'd look a lot better if she did something with her hair and lost a few pounds."

    When I was in my early twenties, I was very thin. My brother commented that he had never seen me so thin. He was complimentary, and I couldn't stand it. When I was a bit overweight, he wasn't as nice to me.

    My in-laws gave me a Suzanne Somers diet book one Christmas. Also one Christmas, my parents gave me an Atkins diet book.

    When I was in my very early twenties, I worked at a restaurant while going to school. One night I was hanging out at the cook's house, along with some others. He commented to me that I was perfect looking except for my thick calves. If I toned down my calves, I would be a knockout.

    One of my old boyfriends told me a friend of his commented about my large butt. He told me he told that guy that there was more to grab onto. Gross.

    A few Christmases ago, the in-laws got us all quilted LLBean vests. For my husband, me, sister-in-laws, etc. The girls (in their twenties and thirties) all got small size vests. They were all thin. I got a 1X size. So they guessed my size was 1X?!! Actually I was probably a 2X at that point. I hated the vest.

    Last time I visited my mother, she made lasagna and served me the tiniest piece I had ever seen.

    I met a man once who invited me over to his house in the mornings to do aerobics. "We can get you in shape in no time," he said. Barf.

    At my weekend job (I no longer have), a woman decided I might like her daughter's hand-me downs. "She's a larger gal, like you," she said. On four or five occasions, she gave me a garbage bag full of ugly plus sized clothing. I gave them all to Goodwill.

    My mother openly commented to me about how fat my cousin has gotten, and what a shame it is that she ruined her once beautiful figure. Should I get the hint?

    People are so insensitive and judgemental. I think maybe a part of me rebels against my family and others who have been so crititcal of me all my life. Now that I am "fat", it is a slap in their face. I am just now realizing this. I know it is not healthy.
  • MizSookeh
    MizSookeh Posts: 106 Member
    Increasingly worse along with increasing weight!

    Guy towards end of high school, comparing me to other girls (one of who went on to be a model):
    "You're alright... you're a bit chunky, but you're alright."

    The girl I was replacing in my new job, she'd sent an email about me which wasn't deleted when I took over her PC:
    "the fattest thing I've EVER SEEN" (and there's no way... I was a good 40kgs less than I am now!)

    Later in the same job by a business consultant:
    "you would be an amazing looking girl if you lost some weight"

    After joining a weight loss program, losing 20kgs, falling off the wagon and coming back 6 months later:
    I can't recall the exact words, but I'd put on so much weight in that time that she had to double-check I was who I said I was, and that she had the right file open. :(
  • Nutella91
    Nutella91 Posts: 624 Member
    At my skinniest: "Anorexic *****"
    At my fattest: "Fattie"
  • The girl I was replacing in my new job, she'd sent an email about me which wasn't deleted when I took over her PC:
    "the fattest thing I've EVER SEEN" (and there's no way... I was a good 40kgs less than I am now!)

    Ouch. That one would've made me burst into tears.
  • ThatOperaGirl
    ThatOperaGirl Posts: 138 Member
    When I was about fifteen, my mum once took one of my favourite dresses from my closet and told me I wasn't allowed to wear it anymore because, "Well, it just ... *clings* in some places and it's not very flattering, now, is it?" Yes, it was a fitted dress and yes, my butt and hips were somewhat bigger than they had been a year ago when I bought the dress because, you know, puberty. However, I was actually pretty much bang in the middle of a healthy BMI for my height at the time.

    When I was nineteen, I was a bit heavier -- I was getting close to the top of the healthy weight range for my height. I was cast as Desdemona in Shakespeare's "Othello" and was over the moon. Not long after, my mum started dropping all these hints that I should get out and exercise or change my eating habits. I called her out on it and she goes, "Well, it would just be nice if you were trim when you play Desdemona."

    She also told my sister, who is in amazing shape and was preparing for a physique competition at the time, that she getting a bit bulky, it's not as if she *needed* all those muscles anyway, and maybe she should tone down her workouts. And believe me, my sister was not bulky at all -- just incredibly lean with amazing muscular definition.

    Can't win sometimes...
  • alisonlynn1976
    alisonlynn1976 Posts: 929 Member
    Strangers on the internet still inform me that I'm fat, despite finally not being fat for the first time in years. And they usually appear to weigh more than I do! It's a bummer, but at least the people I know in real life have been supportive and encouraging.
  • gcg3
    gcg3 Posts: 2
    After I lost some weight a friend of my commented and said that she didn't think I had needed to lose weight but now that I had I looked way better.... i know she was trying to spare my feelings by not saying I looked fat before. But...ouch.
  • moya_rargh
    moya_rargh Posts: 1,473 Member
    When I was 16st in 2010, my sister would take great pleasure in inviting me around for dinner and then make all kinds of nasty comments in front of my daughter and then partner such as "No leftovers, when you're around, hey? haha!" "Don't worry, he'll it.....won't you?" and other such "Wow, you're really fat!" comments.

    Now, everybody is telling me that I'm too skinny, while offering me cakes, biscuits and asking me if I want to go for a takeaway for lunch with them!!!??
  • soldiergrl_101
    soldiergrl_101 Posts: 2,205 Member
    The worst thing said to me about my weight would be all the men that tried hitting me with lines such as "Baby You Thick!" As if its a good thing that I am overweight and unhealthy. Its not attractive, and its not flattering when someone hits on you using a line calling out one of your biggest internal struggles
  • I was asked if I was pregnant...at a bar...while drinking, and by an acquaintance. I thought it should be common sense that i was NOT pregnant with a beer in hand, just fluffy around the waist. But, nonetheless, that question was asked in a loud-let-me-talk-over-the-music manner and EVERYONE heard. Within a moments time all eyes lowered to my mid-section and I went to the bathroom and cried. It took another 18 months and 10 more pounds to finally wake me up. But now I am here and ready to kick butt...

    I hear ye ! Some drunk guy tried to CONVINCE me I must be pregnant and then kept accusing me of lying to him when I kept telling him I was not !!