To dumbell or not to dumbell...some beginner advice?

Hi all,

just hoping that some of you more experienced in this area will be able to offer your thoughts...

I am just about to complete the Couch 2 5k next week, and am putting some thought into what to do next...I have surprised myself by actually enjoying running so I plan to continue that a couple of times a week.

However, I also want to add some strength training in as well. The gym isn't an option at the moment (toddler and clingy baby at home!) so I need to do something in my own home.

Having looked into this a bit I am thinking either doing just bodyweights, or buying some adjustable dumbells.

Do you think it would be worth the purchase?

AND - could anyone point me in the direction of some online workouts that would be good for a beginner? I saw what seemed to be a good bodyweight one at nerd fitness, but while there seem to be heaps of dumbell workouts online, I would rather take a recommendation from someone who knows (as I don't know anything about dumbells yet!).

Thanks so much for your help.


  • ChrisLindsay9
    ChrisLindsay9 Posts: 837 Member
    I saw what seemed to be a good bodyweight one at nerd fitness, but while there seem to be heaps of dumbell workouts online, I would rather take a recommendation from someone who knows (as I don't know anything about dumbells yet!).
    Keep an eye on the messageboards, because I see people recommending nerdfitness all the time. So if they don't reply to your post here, you should see those recommendations pop up over the next several-few days.

    When you start with the DB exercises, take progress pictures right away. If all goes well, you will see noticeable changes that can be very motivational. You can always delete them if need be. Good luck!
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    A lot of gyms have daycares, even my local rec center does.

    But anyway, when I work out at home I only use dumbbells. This is what I do:

    Goblet squats
    Dumbell rows using the couch as a bunch.
    dumbell shoulder press.

    Then if I have time (which is almost never):
    tricep extensions
    lateral shoulder raises
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    Bump r responding later.
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    Take a look at Chalean Extreme. It's great.
  • Mr_Excitement
    Mr_Excitement Posts: 833 Member
    Check out Scooby's site:

    It's a great resource-- especially for someone just starting out on strength training.

    As for dumbells, I've never actually used the adjustable kind (I assume you're talking about the kinds that sort of click in to change weight, and cost something like $500). If you're talking about the screw-tight sort that you swap plates on, I'd personally recommend against them and I'll tell you why.

    When you eventually reach a point where you're doing presses with dumbells that are heavy enough that you have to get them into position by putting them on your thighs and kicking them up, the sharp edges on the screw-tight dumbells will murder you. The ones that are flat on the end make it a lot easier.

    And don't buy new-- you can get used dumbells on Craigslist for a fraction of what you'd pay new.

    EDIT-- oh, also, here's Scooby's beginning workout, which is I think is pretty great for a beginner. And it's got video demonstrations of the different lifts:
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    Check out Scooby's site:

    It's a great resource-- especially for someone just starting out on strength training.

    As for dumbells, I've never actually used the adjustable kind (I assume you're talking about the kinds that sort of click in to change weight, and cost something like $500). If you're talking about the screw-tight sort that you swap plates on, I'd personally recommend against them and I'll tell you why.

    When you eventually reach a point where you're doing presses with dumbells that are heavy enough that you have to get them into position by putting them on your thighs and kicking them up, the sharp edges on the screw-tight dumbells will murder you. The ones that are flat on the end make it a lot easier.

    And don't buy new-- you can get used dumbells on Craigslist for a fraction of you'd pay new.

    :huh: I'm going to guess a woman won't get there any time soon. I've been lifting for 2 years and haven't.
  • Mr_Excitement
    Mr_Excitement Posts: 833 Member
    Check out Scooby's site:

    It's a great resource-- especially for someone just starting out on strength training.

    As for dumbells, I've never actually used the adjustable kind (I assume you're talking about the kinds that sort of click in to change weight, and cost something like $500). If you're talking about the screw-tight sort that you swap plates on, I'd personally recommend against them and I'll tell you why.

    When you eventually reach a point where you're doing presses with dumbells that are heavy enough that you have to get them into position by putting them on your thighs and kicking them up, the sharp edges on the screw-tight dumbells will murder you. The ones that are flat on the end make it a lot easier.

    And don't buy new-- you can get used dumbells on Craigslist for a fraction of you'd pay new.

    :huh: I'm going to guess a woman won't get there any time soon. I've been lifting for 2 years and haven't.

    Hmm-- do you usually have a partner who helps get them into place? I lift with one woman fairly regularly and she kicks some of them up sometimes. She just kicks up lighter ones than I'd usually need to kick up. Edit-- I just noticed you do pushups. I only need to kick dumbells into place for incline presses and dumbell bench presses.

    Say, OP, on second thought-- those screw ones might be great for you. They'd probably do you fine for a year at least, and the plates can always be used on a small barbell or curl bar later if you like.
  • NRBreit
    NRBreit Posts: 319 Member
    Check out Scooby's site:

    It's a great resource-- especially for someone just starting out on strength training.

    As for dumbells, I've never actually used the adjustable kind (I assume you're talking about the kinds that sort of click in to change weight, and cost something like $500). If you're talking about the screw-tight sort that you swap plates on, I'd personally recommend against them and I'll tell you why.

    When you eventually reach a point where you're doing presses with dumbells that are heavy enough that you have to get them into position by putting them on your thighs and kicking them up, the sharp edges on the screw-tight dumbells will murder you. The ones that are flat on the end make it a lot easier.

    And don't buy new-- you can get used dumbells on Craigslist for a fraction of you'd pay new.

    :huh: I'm going to guess a woman won't get there any time soon. I've been lifting for 2 years and haven't.

    I'm a guy, but I also have to kick the weights up from my thighs for incline bench and overhead press. Basically, if you can incline or overhead press more weight than you can curl, you have to kick them into position somehow. Otherwise, you expend all of your energy getting the weights into position before you even start the lift.
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    You can always clean the dumbbells into position - you don't need to "kick" them up.
  • aubyshortcake
    aubyshortcake Posts: 796 Member
    I'm no expert, but I started using the You Are Your Own Gym app (it was 2.99) and I like it so far. It's all bodyweight exercises and not very long, so I like to do it first thing in the morning. Could be worth looking into :)
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    I was thinking for standing over head press (assuming OP won't have a bench or an incline bench.) I just kind of swing it up, and yeah, it's the same weight as I'd curl (if I curled), 30lbs. I don't know many women who can one hand dumbbell press more than they can curl.
  • BowieBaby
    BowieBaby Posts: 25 Member
    Thank you for all the replies!

    I was thinking of something like this for the adjustable dumbells?

    This would just be for the next year or so, as when things calm down a bit in my house I want to start going to the gym again (I live in a small town and our one gym doesn't have any daycare).

    Thanks for the links as well - will check them out!
  • shell_mc
    shell_mc Posts: 109 Member
    You can also look into the resistance bands. Those are great for strength training and take up way less room.
  • BowieBaby
    BowieBaby Posts: 25 Member
    Yeah, I wondered about resistance bands, but from reading things on MFP it seemed that a lot of people advised dumbells over resistance bands?