gaining weight and size - why?

jemila24 Posts: 9
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
I am so confused. I have been walking regularly, up and down hills, my food intake has not increased; yet I'm gaining weight and not fitting into my clothes. Help! What am I doing wrong?


  • pen282
    pen282 Posts: 168 Member
    Hi jeminia

    I'm afriad I have no answer for the ganing size part, but as for gaining weight, it could well be because you're gaining muscle from all the walking you have been doing :)

    soz that isn't a huge help, its the only answer I could come to hehe :laugh:

    stick with it though, exercise is no bad thing!
  • How many carbs are you taking in?
  • right off the bat, could you be pregnant?
  • twnzmom
    twnzmom Posts: 182 Member
    You may be gaining because you're developing muscle. Don't give up watch your carbs and fats make sure you at least eat your daily minimum and drink all your water. It will come off don't stop.
  • ChellieIrish
    ChellieIrish Posts: 593 Member
    Maybe open up your diary so we can see what you are eating :wink: You may not be eating enough cals especially if you are working out :drinker:
  • gussmi
    gussmi Posts: 13 Member
    (1) How many calories are you taking in? If less than 1,200, your body is in starvation mode, which causes you to gain weight.

    (2) Watch your sodium intake and alcohol intake, your scale weight does not show how much fat you are actually losing. You may either be gaining muscle (good) or its water retention. If its water retention, drink more water which should balance your body and result in a lost of scale weight due to water.

    (3) Ignore your scale weight for a while and keep working. Look at how your body responds

    (4) Add weight training, adding muscle leads to weight loss. Your goal is to turn the fat into muscle and look and fell better with a toned body,

    (5) Take your time....changing your lifestyle takes time and YOU WILL SEE AND FEEL BETTER OVER TIME. Trust me, my scale weight is all over the place but it is obvious that I look better over the long run. Look, it took years to abuse your body but it will take a faction of that time to look great.

    Stay up.
  • Thank you all! So, i have been taking in more carbs than I should, and I've not been keeping up with my log like I should. So, it sounds like those things would help me and maybe I'm taking in more than I should overall. I'll have to get back on my diet log. Thank you all for the motivation. I am going to continue walking. I do think my muscle is building up. So I have another question, my muscle is building as a result of walking, do you think it is still possible to loose weight? Like maybe fat weight?
  • gussmi
    gussmi Posts: 13 Member
    Yes. Actually weight training SHOULD be added to your routine. It actually speeds up your weight loss because you are turning the fat into muscle, which results in a more tone body. When I added weight training to my exercise months ago, the weight just came off. The important thing is to ignore the scale for a while and incorporate diet and exercise into your goals. Trust me, you will reach your goals (I am a horrible speller by the way)
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