Scared new member

Ok here it is....bottom line I'm not getting any younger and my body obviously hates this fat suit I'm BP is suffering and to be honest I've got to much to live for. So after a discussion with my GP today who introduced me to this app, here I am. I have been on sooooo many weight busting missions in the past quite frankly I wonder how long this will last. I'm not a quitter however after loosing a stone and a half in July after 12 weeks I slowly slipped back into bad habits. It is long term I suffer's so easy to have something bad, followed by something else and before you know it your back to square one.

I've never counted calories before and after putting in my vitals was surprised to see I should only be having about 1300 calories to loose weight....I bet I'm well over this every day, so no wonder I'm here again!

Ok we'll wish my luck in my new education .....I pray I can succeed in my long term healthy goal to feeling fitter and lighter : )


  • bkyoun
    bkyoun Posts: 371 Member
    You can do this!

    It has to be a lifestyle change, not a diet. When you get to your goal wait, you don't stop counting your calories. Decide to do it every day for the rest of your life. With the app, it really isn't a burden.

    Decide to start today. You'll get there!
  • no1jewel
    no1jewel Posts: 16 Member
    Hey thanks that is the plan...however I'm sitting here wondering what to stuff in before D day on Monday when I'm starting...I will try my best!
  • tdh115
    tdh115 Posts: 52
    Start today, or at least tomorrow. Don't wait for Monday, so many times I have waited for Monday stuffing myself with everything I could get my hands on all weekend. Then something happens on Monday and I don't get started, so I stuff myself again until the next Monday and well I guess you see the pattern here. I gained a lot of weight.

    This time I just set my mind to it and I started on a Wednesday. But I am trying to make small changes that will add up to bigger results. About a month ago my Dr. has me start with meatless Mondays. To my surprise it really isn't that hard. My goal yesterday was to concentrate on getting in all my water. Yea for me I did it.

    I think logging your foods are important and I love the scanning the bar code option it makes it so much easier. I lost 30 lb a couple years ago on NutriSystem and I think the biggest thing I learned is I need to track my intake. As soon as I quit tracking my food I started regaining weight and then I got into the next Monday roller coaster.

    You can do this, we can do this, but the above poster is right it has to be a lifestyle change. Start with small steps, I set daily goals. Give yourself a pat on the back each time you meet one of these goals!!

    There is a wealth of information on this site and there are great people hear to help you. Log in daily and use this as a tool.

    Have a great weekend.
  • AusAshMommy
    AusAshMommy Posts: 845 Member
    Sending a Friend Request!

    You can do it! I agree it's totally a lifestyle/mindset change! Don't wait, get started NOW, purge the cabinets of everything that'll tempt you! You can do it!
  • Hiker_Rob
    Hiker_Rob Posts: 5,547 Member
    I agree with tdh115, don't wait for another day, begin today. There is unfortunately no magic line that needs to be crossed, just a decision about being determined about what you need to do and then working at it. Set goals, long and short term and take it a day at a time (except for weighing, put the scale away and weigh only every week or so). Weightloss from a lifestyle change approach takes longer but it is so worth it, it will hep you gain the control for the future, not will power, but control.

    Don't think of it as "D-Day", its a New day, a great day, a day where you are taking control of your life. D-day means it is controlling you.
  • loriq41
    loriq41 Posts: 479 Member
    Don't be scared! We are about the same age and let me tell you..IT IS SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO WORTH IT! :)
  • knitapeace
    knitapeace Posts: 1,013 Member
    Whatever you would have stuffed yourself with over the weekend, you can still have. Just smaller amounts, and not every day. Nothing needs to be off limits. I love eating and I haven't felt deprived since starting to track and eat at a deficit. I just have to plan for it and be smart. Start today! I'll send you a friend request too; I'm your age as well. :)
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    Welcome to MFP! Don't wait until Monday, start logging today. Use now until Monday just to get into the habit of tracking everything you eat and drink. Focus on making small changes, you do not have to purge your cabinets. You need a small calorie deficit and patience.

    Good luck!
  • SouthernCountryGirl
    Hi, just sent you a friend request. I'm like you. I like to plan things out. Start on Monday if that's what makes you feel better. Just a suggestion, log everything you eat over the weekend. Good, bad and ugly. Log it all. Vitamins, spices, even the smallest thing. If it crosses your lips log it. And be honest or as close to it as possible on the amounts eaten. Then Sunday night, look at your diary for the last few days. I'm willing to bet it will be a huge motivator. I was shocked at the number of calories, sodium, cholesterol and such in the things I was eating when I first started. It's an eyeopener that's for sure. I wish you the best :)
  • vinny76063
    vinny76063 Posts: 133 Member
    Do your very best and remember its a process, Here shortly it will just be a habbit to eat healthy and the hard work will pay off!!!!
  • Harri_212
    Harri_212 Posts: 9 Member
    I just signed up today too! I understand that point that you have come to in your life where you realise enough is enough. I graduate from University in July and I want to be ready in every possible way to enter the big bad world!! I would agree with everyone else in saying log everything. Accountability is key, even to people you don't know. Especially to people you don't know. For me, I can't wait for the day I feel fit and confident enough to run up my road in daylight hours, knowing quite how many people will see me running. The prospect of it terrifies me now, but with some hard work I hope I will be able to go running with pride :) But from previous experience on weight-loss forums, you really do end up making conscious decisions about what you're putting in your mouth when you know you have to acknowledge it, and admit it to a community of people. Good luck on your journey; even if you're "starting" on Monday, making the decision to sign up, log on and get in contact with the members means you've already taken the first step. It will all be worth it!!!
  • no1jewel
    no1jewel Posts: 16 Member
    Yes! I agree totally I have a pan and usually are good at starting, I know its a lifestyle change...but for some reason my inner food junky manages to crush my healthy angel and before I know it I'm self loathing again. I think the idea of logging all foods this weekend is a great idea as you pointed out may actually prove how much goes past the lips. I will weigh myself today and then the process can begin. I love all of your inspirations and stories and wish you all well x
  • no1jewel
    no1jewel Posts: 16 Member
    Plus I want to know how you all get the weight counter on your post :tongue:
  • Healthy_4_Life2
    Healthy_4_Life2 Posts: 595 Member
    This is a great place and you will get lots of support!! YOU can do it!! :flowerforyou:

    Edit to add: I am also your age with 4 children. YOU can totally do it!!
  • 1ZenGirl
    1ZenGirl Posts: 432 Member
    Go to the top of the page and click on APPS. Then scroll down and on the right you will see Weight Loss Ticker....follow the instructions and there you go!

    Weigh your food. We always overestimate at the beginning. Document every single bite. Those two things right there seem simple but they require focus and dedication.

    Good luck!
  • toddleo87
    toddleo87 Posts: 10 Member
    On your profile page, where your ticker is, underneath it says something like" add ticker to your post/page" just click on there. Have sent a friend request to you
  • MisterDerpington
    MisterDerpington Posts: 604 Member
  • GFielding_56
    GFielding_56 Posts: 76 Member
    Hi - you've made a good start - you've signed up here!

    It's all about being aware of what your body 'needs' vs what your body 'does'.

    A lot of the time you eat the junk or the chocolate or sweets it's because you're bored - before you have it ask yourself "Do I really need this?" if the answer is no then don't bother.

    To lose 1lb in weight you need to lose 3500 calories which you can either do by increasing your exercise or not eating as much food. Take it slow and steady there is no point in trying to lose 4-5 lbs a week that probably is not sustainable but a lb or two is.

    If you need help ask on here lots of good people who've been there before you are not going to be the first person to experience whatever.

    Log every day and log everything that's the only way you will know you're getting in right. Once you are in the habit of it it's easy and becomes part of your daily routine

    Good Luck
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    You can do this!

    It has to be a lifestyle change, not a diet. When you get to your goal wait, you don't stop counting your calories. Decide to do it every day for the rest of your life. With the app, it really isn't a burden.

    Decide to start today. You'll get there!

    Exactly! I've been on maintenance for over two years now! It is absolutely do-able. Don't punish yourself or starve yourself or ban your favorite foods. Whatever you do to lose the weight needs to be something you are willing to stick with. :drinker:
  • pjroxy
    Hey you know I do not agree with drugs drugs and more drugs. A drug to be classified as a drug needs to have an mld that is minimum lethal dosage.
    The drug residuals that we all carry in our bodies from the environment is the basic cause of allergic reactions. Extreme cases are like the canaries that miners once carried.
    So why would someone put an artificial substance into one's body for a short term gain and a long term loss?
    Weight loss is the balance between food (amount and types) and exercise. A variable equation.
    I found a way and have lost 15 kilo in the last 7 months. I eat as much as needed and exercise 90 minutes a week.
    So if you are curious then go to here
    IT may apear as a hyperlink but is easy to copy and past.
    Wishing you a satisfying weight loss and fitness journey