Can't Be Starvation Mode, So What Then?

Hi there, need help. I've lost 20 pounds and came to a screeching halt, no loss in over a week. In fact I think I gained a couple back. I don't think I am on starvation mode, I always reach my target of 1500 cals/day, really.

I have been having awful headaches lately, and started to drink water like a maniac and they stopped.

Still a litlle constipated but getting better.

Any ideas about why I stoped losing weight?


  • Amarillo_NDN
    Amarillo_NDN Posts: 1,018 Member
    one of the things I hear works is, to eat your maintaince calories for one week. that way you don't gain but gives your body a change. Some times the body just gets use to a way and just says, no thanks.
  • krisdw
    krisdw Posts: 25 Member
    Hi there, need help. I've lost 20 pounds and came to a screeching halt, no loss in over a week. In fact I think I gained a couple back. I don't think I am on starvation mode, I always reach my target of 1500 cals/day, really.

    I have been having awful headaches lately, and started to drink water like a maniac and they stopped.

    Still a litlle constipated but getting better.

    Any ideas about why I stoped losing weight?

    First off, I like your Superman image. :-)

    Are you staying within your sodium limits? Have you been tracking your fiber at all?
  • lutzsher
    lutzsher Posts: 1,153 Member
    If your weight does not move in 3 weeks it is a plateau . . .one week is nothing to worry about at all.
    I have an issue with constipation quite often and have to really up my water . . . your weight will not move that week as a result. Give it some more time and be patient. Our bodies will sometimes hold onto the weight for a week or two even when you are doing everything right. If it hasn't moved in 3 weeks you need to reevaluate your diet or up your activity keeping your water and sodium levels in check as well.
  • gnrshelton
    gnrshelton Posts: 358 Member
    The constipation might be due to not getting enough fiber. It's hard to say what might be the problem without seeing your dieary but maybe take a look at your carbs,fats and salt. I know eating a lot of carbs stalls me. If I eat to much bread I can forget any weight loss. One week of no weight loss is not really a problem. A few weeks might be a stall. It also depends on how much weight you have to lose. If you have to lose a little weight it might take longer than needing to lose a lot of weight.
    Good Luck. You can do it.
  • gcedillo
    ...sorry if I was to loose on my eval, it is more like two weeks really. I guess my next question would be, is starvation mode linked to headaches?
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    If you've lost 20 lbs have you re evaluated your calorie needs? Are you working out? Are you eating your exercise calories? Are you watching sodium? Being too hungry and not getting enough calories could be linked to headaches. This past weekend I KNOW I didn't eat enough but I was so worried about going over I really watched it. As a result on Sunday morning I woke up with a headache. In fact, this morning I did too. Headaches can also be caused by dehydration but I saw in your original post you drank water and they went away.

    I say look at your calorie goals and see if they changed as you dropped the 20lbs. I also suggest you watch your sodium. If you are eating a lot of processed foods that are packed in sodium, you may actually GAIN weight. Case in point, I gained 3lbs from one day to the next after a day at Disneyland and planned bad eating. I lost that weight and another 2.2lbs. Sometimes you have to shock your body into moving again. As another poster here said, try setting your calories to maintenance to see if that works. You will be eating more food, but that may help. Before doing that though you should reevaluate your base calories.
  • gcedillo
    Interesting, couple of you pointed out the sodium, I need to do a little research on that. Would it be because it would make me retain "water" as they say? or why should I pay special attention to it?

    I do exercsie every day a minimum jog of 2 miles. I'm still 20 lbs from my goal.
  • mountainmare
    mountainmare Posts: 294 Member
    Do you use a HRM to count your calories?
    I'm in my 60s (alot OLDER than most here) and when I started walking I was burning close to the calories on MFP. I walk outside with lots of hills. Within a month my same walk at a faster pace with the same hills was burning 100 fewer calories for a two mile route.
    The good news is that walking (and slow jogging) can get you fit fast. The bad news is that you may now be fit and need to do more to get the same burn.
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    Interesting, couple of you pointed out the sodium, I need to do a little research on that. Would it be because it would make me retain "water" as they say? or why should I pay special attention to it?

    I do exercsie every day a minimum jog of 2 miles. I'm still 20 lbs from my goal.

    Yes, you should pay attention to your Sodium. Seriously it can effect your scale. On my friends list as soon as most people started tracking their sodium they were shocked at what they were consuming and when they started watching it they have been losing.

    Also, as mountainmare said: do you use a heart rate monitor to count your exercise calories? Are you eating enough? These are all questions that you have to look at.
  • tross0924
    tross0924 Posts: 909 Member
    Headaches and constipation can both be symptoms of mild to moderate dehydration. Make sure you're getting enough water every day. Upping water intake helps some people with a plateau too.