Mind Games

Yesterday was full of bad decisions. I started the day off well with my regular oatmeal then took Mom to the doctor. On the way I wanted to stop for a McDonalds Cheeseburger. Talked to myself, said I don't need it bad decision but drove right thru and because it was breakfast still ordered a steak & cheese burrito. In that moment talked to myself & said I don't need the hashbrowns. Ordered them anyway. Tried to fix it by eating low calorie lunchable even though I wasn't really hungry. Reeses in my drawer at work. Fought with myself for 2 hours before giving in. Then because I gave in and blew it I ate the brownie bites too. Came home feeling defeated made burritos for dinner not so bad only 420 calories. Fought with myself to not finish off the avocado, ate it anyway. Told my husband how good I felt for not eating the second burrito that I really, really wanted. Cleaned up the kitchen then offered to make one for my daughter. Talked to myself while making it the whole time. Kept saying no you don't need this. Made a mini burrito & ate it anyways. Victory... I didn't eat the candy I also wanted.

I talk to myself all of the time. I fight battles & win but some days are just horrible. Am I the only one? Does everyone talk to themselves & not win?

Today, I'm back on track and have won several battles with myself. I've got to get a grip. I know this is a lifestyle change. Been just below or just above maintenance for 2 years. I'm just whining, I know that. Any great words of wisdom? Today will be a better day!


  • pelleld
    pelleld Posts: 363 Member
    So, are we twins separated at birth? I talk to myself ALL THE TIME!!! Sometimes its good self talk, sometimes its not. Sometimes I win, sometimes I don't. I'm really struggling trying to figure out what is going on with me.

    I've taken up running and feel good about that. I talk to myself at lot while I'm running. Usually its good self talk because I feel so strong and empowered when I'm running. And I make good decisions after a run (usually).

    I'm looking forward to see what others have to say........