My wii is mean and doesn't want me to lose weight

Every time I step on my Wii fit board, it says "oooh" as if I hurt it. Then after I weigh myself, I have to hear it say "Obese." Screw the Wii. I almost don't want to work out so I don't have to hear that anymore. Instead, I mute it.


  • jMfxO
    jMfxO Posts: 9
    haha if it makes you feel any better it does the "ooohh" sound to everyone ; even if you're at a normal weight. i thought the same thing when i first got mine, what a discouragement. but - good news - haha it does that for for everyone.
  • NatalieWinning
    NatalieWinning Posts: 999 Member
    I know what you mean! I FINALLY got told i'm just fat instead of obese! Somehow I thought the "ohhh!" sounded more curious this time than shocked at my weight!
  • emills88
    emills88 Posts: 28 Member
    That seriously sucks...I have a Wii fitness program that is great and I would recommend it to anyone, it is called My Fitness Coach. It doesn't use the Wii Fit pieces, it's really great though, they go a little overboard on the motivation talk throughout, it can get a little annoying, but it never says you are too big or anything! Plus it tells you how many calories you burned which makes it easy to match it up with somehting on here (it's not actually listed in the exercise section). I have found that just logging aerobics on here usually is close.
  • KatrinkaB
    KatrinkaB Posts: 11 Member
    LOL! I'm glad someone else feels like I do. I just talk back to it, just like I do Billy Blanks and Jillian and Bob!
  • strongerthanb4
    mine is shocked when i step on it too.......needless to say i was unimpressed today when it pulled the "ooohhh" crap with me!
  • daj150
    daj150 Posts: 815 Member
    I treat the Wii like I do my scale. It's just a number (or sound and number in this case). I use it to track my progress, not to gauge it. I have recommended many times to ditch the Wii if it bothers people and to just use On-Demand or get workout tapes/videos that accomplish the same thing...except they have nothing but a person being very motivating and not judging you. Wii is a great fitness tool though.
  • Beach_Chica
    I'd mute it too. It's a stupid computer anyhow. Other than being programmed to what it needs to know, it wouldn't know what obese or anything else would be. It's set up by man. I don't need a computer telling me I'm over weight. I think it should be a little more encouraging than that, but maybe that's just me. I don't have a wii and I don't know if I'll want one. lol

    When I was bigger than I was now, I didn't realize that I had gotten as big as I did. When I had someone, other than my close friends telling me I'm beautiful the way I am, tell me that I was big for my age and height, it hit me. I looked through all my pictures and saw that the person was right. It does hurt, but at least that person was willing to HELP me with the situation and not try to sugar coat it. After all, I need to cut that out.
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    Mean! I would be happy to help you out. Mail it to me and I'll put it into it's place...

  • Amarillo_NDN
    Amarillo_NDN Posts: 1,018 Member
    I am waiting for me to just say. "Get off me fatso!"
  • 4lafz
    4lafz Posts: 1,078 Member
    Ha Ha- does me too. Wait until it says "you're overweight" for the first time! You will do a happy dance - I know I did. Who would have thought it would be GREAT to be overweight! LOL
  • Home6
    Home6 Posts: 208 Member
    What killed me was the 'tuba following a fat guy' music whenever it told me "that's obese" or "that's overweight". WiiFit girl, I hate you.

    Just think about how happy your Mii will be though, when you are 'normal'!