Has anybody started at 300lbs+ ?



  • xTattooedDollx
    xTattooedDollx Posts: 426 Member
    Feel free to add me. I started at 330 now im 266.
  • spirit05
    spirit05 Posts: 204 Member
    I decided to get serious about getting healthy in Feb. 2013, I was 312 lb.
    As of this morning I am at 244, it has all been worth it!
    I struggle with depression and am disabled with a bad knee. Going to the gym is interesting, I try to hit the pool whenever I can.
    I bought trekking poles online for about $20. and I use them to walk the mall two or three times a week.
    I started out with a stability ball and eating better, I lost the first 45 lb. with just the stability ball then added in walking and gym.
  • stackhsc
    stackhsc Posts: 439 Member
    Yep, you can do it :) 345-210 over 4 years or so and aiming for 190, this below is what worked for me and revelations through stumbling blocks ive had in my slow but steadyish mostly downward trend lol.

    Set goals, ralistic goals, mini goals. post em or write them down so you can hold yourself accountable. Most importantly adjust them as needed. Celebrate the successes and move past the missed goals (celebration doesnt have to be with food lol). challenge someone else with a weigh off or similar to stay accountable. when i started out from 345 i was aiming for 320, then under 300, then 280, then 250, next was 220, now is 190. for me its been 4 years or more of small gains but i am now at a point that eating right and in moderation is easier. I still have to think about it and fight the urge to over indulge at times but i normally can manage it now. sure i still have bad days or sometimes weeks depending on life but you gotta do what you gotta do lol.

    you are human, its normal to run into road blocks, mentally it is hard. I am convinced that over eating is just a socially acceptable addiction. I use to (still do sometimes) eat when i am stressed. the more stressed the more i eat. Food is a social thing, it gets you together with friends and family and it makes you feel good, or the association of those good feelings etc. If you stumble get back up. Its obviously better to not overeat but if you do one day get right back on the horse and don't use birthdays, holidays etc as a reason to let things slip... yes it sucks but the saying that you sometimes see on here, "nothing tastes as good as skinny feels" will eventually hold meaning for you. I am far from skinny but as good as my favourite foods taste in moderation they certainly dont give me the satisfaction that feeling better physically and mentally does.

    No mater what you see hear read or believe its simple (for most, yes i am sure there are some with medical issues etc but not most) TOTAL CALORIE DEFICIT BETWEEN WHAT YOU PUT IN AND WHAT YOUR BODY NEEDS AND BURNS DAILY IS WHAT WORKS. If you eat less than your body needs you will lose weigh, if you eat more than your body needs you will gain weight. you can eat what ever you want, any thing at all and you will lose weigh it just all has to be in moderation and total less in calories than what your body needs.

    relating to above its not WHAT you eat its HOW MUCH you eat. you could gain weight eating all health food and you could lose weight eating only cheese cake and big macs. Would it be "healthy" no but you could do it.

    To start dont worry about the macro nutrients etc, sure later if you really want go for it but to start out dont overwhelm yourself. really all that matters is calories as long as you are eating a semi balanced diet.

    its not about a diet, its about a life style change. take your time, accurately determine your body's caloric needs, eat what the app suggests. Find low cal foods and drinks that will help you feel full, dill pickles, pickled hot peppers, water, black tea, black coffee, the all hated diet pop (sure it may or may not be bad for you but if you can lose weight using it for you, the benefit of losing weight is better for you than not losing weight as that is proven.(for clarification that weight loss is better for you than not losing weight part is proven)... words straight from my dr) .

    If you exercise make sure that you don't let your net calories drop to low, this may mean eating back some or all of your exercise calories.

    Be real with yourself and realistic with the data you enter regarding how many calories, portion sizes amount exercised, activity level etc. garbage data in equals garbage results out.

    I lost a fair bit before MFP but its been much easier with it.

    good luck :)
  • stackhsc
    stackhsc Posts: 439 Member
    @ eddavenport. love that motivational phrase.. thats exactly what did it for me, got on the scales one day at over 345 and figured well i can do something about this before i hit 350 (weight doesnt matter its just what triggered for me) or i can just give up and accept it.... haven't looked back since
  • action_figure
    action_figure Posts: 511 Member
    My name is Shay and I weigh approximately 325lbs. I'm 5'7 and I'm a junior in college. My whole teenage experience was next to crappy because I've always been heavy. I've tried dieting and working out but I get depressed and don't want to go with what I've previously set for myself. As of Thursday I have been on an 1800 calorie a day regime , I've been to the gym once but my legs hurt so bad because I haven't works out in so long , but I plan on going back tomorrow. Is there anybody who had started at my weight and has made significant change? Do you guys mind posting pics ? Giving me some advice ? I'm just so impatient but I know that I won't lose it in one day. I just really want to change. Ugh I just don't want to give up on myself anymore. Kind words of wisdom anyone ? Also if anyone attends Penn State UP and wants to work out together I'm totally down

    Hey there. I started on October 1, 2012 at 347.2 lbs. I'm down to ~190 currently.
  • abettershay_
    Wow congrats ! You gave me lots of encouragement. I wanted to start swimming soon anyway so that suggestion was just my confirmation that I'm on the right path ! Keep up the great work !
  • abettershay_
    Hi, I just wanted to offer some encouragement. I started out at just under 307 pounds in mid June and have now lost 40 pounds. I too have a long way to go but I just wanted to tell you it IS possible and agree with what others have said... it will NOT come off overnight. I too get impatient when I think of how far I have to go, but then I reflect that since I graduated high school almost 15 years ago I have done little and very inconsistently to take care of myself. I have not chosen health for myself.

    Once I finally was ready to face reality, and start investing in myself by eating healthier and exercising as well as journaling through the process to sort out the emotions (deep ones!) that go with gaining almost 180 pounds in those 15 years, once I decided I was WORTH taking care of and changing for... I kept telling myself "Every long journey begins with a single step." It's the accumulation of a hundred choices you make throughout your day, day after day, week after week, but it will add up, it will make a difference. I take more pleasure and pride now in consistently making good choices and the HOPE I finally have that I CAN make positive changes, than I do in the pounds I have lost (although that is wonderful too).

    It is tough to exercise being a larger person, but I promise you will feel better and you will have more energy as time goes on. Even with the first 10 pounds I lost and a month of exercising 5-6 days a week, I noticed a significant increase in energy. Just being able to move more easily is fantastic. Anytime you feel slow and out of shape, just remember- you are lapping everyone on the couch!

    One final thought... you are about 10 years younger than me I think (I will turn 33 in January). I "wasted"/"lost" my 20s to poor health, poor choices, weight gain, and hating myself, and being stuck in total denial about my health. Thankfully I have a wonderful supportive husband who has stood by me lovingly the whole time, but it has been hard on him seeing me hate myself and harm myself by not choosing health. If you start now and stick with it, in 2 years you could be at a healthy weight. You have your whole life ahead of you! Don't lose any more time, or cut more years off the end of your life either, to poor health. YOU ARE WORTH IT!!!

    Good luck to you and many blessings! Feel free to message me.


    Thank you so much ! This is exactly what I needed to hear
  • pgray1229
    pgray1229 Posts: 4 Member
    I started out at 305. I now weigh 229. I have lost 76 pounds since April of this year. I have 60 more to go. I have never had a binge day and I've never gone above 1300 calories a day. I am now going down another 100 calories so I will be eating 1200 a day. I exercise at least 4 days a week, drink about 80 ounces of water and I write every bite I put into my mouth. This weight loss is so important to me and I've come too far to destroy all my progress thus far.. food is never ever worth being fat, ever!!!
  • 1PoisonIvy
    1PoisonIvy Posts: 894 Member
    Great advice Erin...........Good luck Shay, You Can do it!
  • DanIsACyclingFool
    DanIsACyclingFool Posts: 417 Member
    My story doesn't hold a candle to some of the others on here. But yeah. Early 2012 I was at least 335. Not many pics exist because like many others I shunned the camera. Now I regret not taking more before pictures. There's some before's in my profile, and some during's as well. No after pics yet. I'm a work in progress!

    I am pushing hard and seeing the results! I'm at a very exciting place because the physical changes seem to be accelerating now that all the heavy fat stores are history. It's very motivating and it keeps me pushing ever harder. I keep demolishing personal records and am pretty shocked at how I perform from a fitness standpoint nowadays, and it keeps getting better. I can outperform many many MANY people at the gym who look way "better" than I do (so far). And I started off with simple walks and the recumbent bike, like many others.

    The human body is an amazing machine and the lengths at which it goes to adapt to what we throw at it is AMAZING. That potential is within you as well, waiting for you to tap into it.

    I'll leave you with one last pearl I drop from time to time.

    I'm not saying it's going to be easy, because it ISN'T.

    What I AM saying is that it's GOING TO BE WORTH IT!
  • Sashoi
    Sashoi Posts: 295 Member
    I started at 305 July 1, 2013 and I haven't really taken any pics yet. Waiting till I hit my first 40lbs lost goal. Just logg everything that goes into your mouth, drink water and get that body moving. I also don't deprive myself and pretty much eat what I like within reason. I'm usually under my calorie goals but last week on vacation everyday was a bad day lol. I didn't gain any weight from it n now I'm back on track hopefully I'm 2 weeks I can hit my first goal. Good luck to you and feel free to add me my diary open n I'm on everyday.
  • cjmcmillan
    cjmcmillan Posts: 75 Member
    I started out at 332 pounds 18 months ago and I am down 102 pounds.


    Exercise was really hard for me at first because I had no energy and was grossly out of shape. As the weight started to come off, I found it much easier to work out. After I lost 40 pounds, I started on the Couch to 5k program. I have discovered that I love to run! I am training for my first half marathon next year.

    I wish I had done this sooner...I'm turning 34 next month...I spent too much of my younger years fat and unhappy. I'm finally living my life the way I want to.

    You can do this!! Best of luck to you!!!
  • unapologetically_crystal
    i started on here on 12/12/2011. i weighed 327lbs. i now weigh 175.1lbs. (12/7/2013) thats about 150lbs in 2 years.

    ^^ july 2012 (258lbs) & november 2013 (177lbs)

    ^^2008 & 2013

    my advice. DONT GIVE UP. EVER. there will be bad days. LOG EVERYTHING. good and bad days. let go of the slip ups. each day is a brand new start. a new 24 hours to do better then the day before. i still eat whatever i want in moderation.. and within calories. restricting too much made me want to make more poor choices. im not really into exercise.. i do try to time from time.. you dont HAVE to exercise to lose weight.. but it is a really good thing to do anyways. measure ALL of your food. if you can get a cheap food scale.. then weigh everything. its so easy to think something is ABOUT a cup.. but its really a cup and then some.. so measure measure measure! and i mean a flat measuring cup. when you heap it.. its more calories.. and over time those calories DO add up. make small goals. i weighed 327 so i was like hmm lets get to 300.. then i said well lets try 275.. 250.. etc. accept that it wont happen fast.. and thats a GOOD thing.. the slow process is more beneficial because then your body has time to adapt and tone up the skin instead of it just hanging. just keep believing. you CAN do it.
  • patols1
    patols1 Posts: 108 Member
    I was 305 September of 2012 and have now made it to 169! I have tones of pics if you want to check them out on my page. You can do it. Feel free to add me if you want more friends.

    congrats on the weight loss and all the hard work you put in. it is amazing and a true inspiration. thank you for sharing.
  • patols1
    patols1 Posts: 108 Member
    i started on here on 12/12/2011. i weighed 327lbs. i now weigh 175.1lbs. (12/7/2013) thats about 150lbs in 2 years.

    ^^ july 2012 (258lbs) & november 2013 (177lbs)

    ^^2008 & 2013

    my advice. DONT GIVE UP. EVER. there will be bad days. LOG EVERYTHING. good and bad days. let go of the slip ups. each day is a brand new start. a new 24 hours to do better then the day before. i still eat whatever i want in moderation.. and within calories. restricting too much made me want to make more poor choices. im not really into exercise.. i do try to time from time.. you dont HAVE to exercise to lose weight.. but it is a really good thing to do anyways. measure ALL of your food. if you can get a cheap food scale.. then weigh everything. its so easy to think something is ABOUT a cup.. but its really a cup and then some.. so measure measure measure! and i mean a flat measuring cup. when you heap it.. its more calories.. and over time those calories DO add up. make small goals. i weighed 327 so i was like hmm lets get to 300.. then i said well lets try 275.. 250.. etc. accept that it wont happen fast.. and thats a GOOD thing.. the slow process is more beneficial because then your body has time to adapt and tone up the skin instead of it just hanging. just keep believing. you CAN do it.

    also congrats to you. you look amazing and thanks for sharing.