Whole 30 Starting September 24th, 2013



  • Bubble105
    Bubble105 Posts: 68 Member
    Ahhh... Thanks! Well hopefully I'll be the kind of person who snaps out of it in a few days rather than a few weeks...
  • SpiritedAway84
    Ahhh... Thanks! Well hopefully I'll be the kind of person who snaps out of it in a few days rather than a few weeks...

    For me it starts at about day 3 or 4 and only lasts a day or two, so maybe it won't be too much of an issue for you. It makes me want to sleep alllll day! Ugh! The link below is an interesting read....

  • SpiritedAway84
    I did it about 2 years ago, it went pretty well.
    I learned to plan ahead after the one time I was stuck for food and tried to eat an unripe avocado. It was baaaaad. :)

    Haha! My friend just texted me and said she was stuck at work and the only thing she could eat was an avocado and she hates avocados. She said "I'm never coming to work hungry again" .....planning ahead is key!
  • x_Redeemed_x
    Planning ahead - I used to make a weeks worth of chicken breast - they were so gross after being frozen and reheated. I still avoid chicken because of that diet. On that diet, I had the montra: "Food is Fuel" - but that's just so utilitarian - food becomes blah.

    That's one thing I like about W30 - food becomes good again. I do have to plan ahead, but all I do now is just plan to make sure I have tomorrows food available today. Preparing and eating these meals takes more time, but I'm trying to just realize that I need to make time for eating and food prep.

    Of course, even w/ the best planning we can get in a jam - So if you are in a Jam the next 30 days what are your best ideas? Mine is this:

    The subway double chopped chicken salad with avacado and red-wine vinegar. I make them put on a whole handful of black olives and add avacado for the fats. Then of course all the veggies I can handle. It's expensive but it works in a jam.
  • SpiritedAway84
    Doing the prep for the next days dinner to throw in the crock pot in the morning before work is one way I am trying to plan ahead. Also, I ordered some primal pacs jerky and bought some good nuts and freeze dried fruit just in case I need something transportable.
  • x_Redeemed_x
    October 7th - starting again. Let's just say it was a bad weekend. When peanut butter attacks :(
  • kirkor
    kirkor Posts: 2,530 Member
    October 7th - starting again. Let's just say it was a bad weekend. When peanut butter attacks :(

    Sunbutter is pretty good. It tastes similar enough to curb a craving, but different enough that it's not so easy to splurge on.
    But with Whole30, just like reaching for a piece of fruit instead of a candy bar is not the same as slaying the sugar dragon, so too is gnoshing on approved nuts ad libitum not the way to go.

    Oof, I'm glad for this thread --- reminds me that I need to just pick a date and do a Whole30 m'self. :O
  • aimforhealthy
    aimforhealthy Posts: 449 Member
    I'm also starting Whole 30 tomorrow just for fun and to see how I like that style of eating. So far I've plotted out a bunch of recipes for the week that are simple and pretty close to what I eat anyway - I'm not a huge fan of breads/ pasta/ etc and especially dislike dairy products, so I'm doing it to see if it "fits" me more than because I think it's "clean" (I dislike demonizing food into "unclean/dirty" and "bad" categories) or because I think everyone should eat that way. I have done some research and honestly don't think I'll be all that strict past the 30 days, but it's basically an experiment to see how I like it.

    I already know my big thing is going to be my morning coffee. I do NOT like it completely unsweetened - I usually put a packet or two of Splenda in there - but maybe I'll splash some almond milk in there and see if that makes it better.
  • x_Redeemed_x
    Over time - I'm enjoying the black coffee! Can't believe it. For all that are posting here, I'm going to invite everyone to a new group - Whole 30 fall 2013 - please join so we can have different threads, etc.
  • x_Redeemed_x
    Okay - we have enough on this thread to start a group, let's join the group here:

    Thanks for everyone's encouragement and posts.
  • kirkor
    kirkor Posts: 2,530 Member
    Cool, joined the group --- thanks!
  • SpiritedAway84
    October 7th - starting again. Let's just say it was a bad weekend. When peanut butter attacks :(

    I totally fell off the wagon on day 5 and have yet to get back on. I keep sabotaging myself. Ugh. However, when we get back from a weekend of camping (I refuse to camp without s'mores) I am giving it my best effort again. Even after 5 days I felt great and as soon as I had wheat and dairy again my stomach looks and feels huge.
  • Cheeta_HH
    Cheeta_HH Posts: 489 Member
    I'm starting the Whole 30 on Monday. Is anyone else out there still following this plan? I'd love some mfp support!
  • SassieFit
    SassieFit Posts: 119 Member
    I'm starting the Whole 30 on Monday. Is anyone else out there still following this plan? I'd love some mfp support!

    I start tomorrow! :-) I also plan on joining the group in the link above tonight for added support.