Should I really only consume 1200 calories?

I'm twenty years old, weigh about 125lbs, & am 5'. I just realized everyone else seems to have a daily goal of 1500+... but MFP has given me a daily goal of 1200 calories a day. I just saw this while looking through a couple food diaries, & this made me sad. ): Does 1200 calories sound about right if I'm hoping to lose weight or at least maintain my weight?


  • So it depends how much your weight loss goal is every week.

    If I wanted to loose a 1lb it would be 1290 for me but thats to little for me so I accepted that I would be better on .5 lb so 1540.

    As I loose that will go down as my body will need less to function.
  • Caelrr
    Caelrr Posts: 26
    Oh, I see now. Thanks so much!! (:
  • emilychris13
    emilychris13 Posts: 14 Member
    You also might want to double-check your settings for your daily activity level. It will lower the number of calories you're supposed to intake if you've told it you have a pretty sedentary lifestyle. The more calories you burn day-to-day, the more it will say you need to intake.

    (And I feel you... my goal is 1220. But it's actually pretty doable, if I'm paying attention. For me, I find it most practical to eat about 1400 calories a day, and then be sure I fit in some sort of work out... even if it's just a 30-minute walk after work.)
  • Cat232013
    Cat232013 Posts: 23 Member
    Mine is too :( I'm 23 5'3 and 126 lbs. Weekdays I don't find too bad but the weekends have not gone well so far haha! I'm trying to be as active as possible so I can eat more or at least balance out my weekly deficit from overdoing it on the weekends