To lose weight or not!

gunnarpalm Posts: 59 Member
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
Forgive me if this comes across a bit blunt but during the numerous discussions with people through these posts, there are a large number of whom are either questioning why they can't lose weight or why it doesn't come off fast enough. When I ask them what they are willing to do to lose the weight other than calorie count they don't have a game plan. Ladies and gentlemen, calorie counting is only part of the total equation if you want to have lasting results. Losing weight requires a total game plan. A change in lifestyle including working out in some form and making sure that you have the proper nutrients is essential. Missing essential vitamins and minerals such as calcium, potassium and iron, which all play a vital role in your bodies ability to develop energy and burn fat, will hinder your progress. When people talk about not wanting to spend the money on workout programs or vitamins it just boggles my mind. I would bet that there are few people that don't have a monthly cell phone bill or cable bill that doesn't cost more than the supplements or the purchase price of a workout program required to help people become healthy . After all isn't weight loss and health of the utmost importance! If you want to succeed you must take action. As is the definition of insanity (not the workout), "repeating the same action expecting a different result". Ladies and Gentlemen if you have been unsuccessful change the actions you are taking, use your resources and you will succeed! Best of Luck to all.


  • Amarillo_NDN
    Amarillo_NDN Posts: 1,018 Member
    so true.
  • fitnewlife
    fitnewlife Posts: 339 Member
    This is a true statement. That's why when people ask me if I eat, I proudly tell them yes I do. As a matter of fact, sometimes after I've worked out really hard, I seem extra hungry throughout the day. But the good thing about that is I make healthy choices. Yes, I wanted to lose weight and yes I have changed my lifestyle. I've developed a love of exercising even though I hate it. And yes, I even take my vitamins and drink plenty of water. I'm even putting forth the effort to get more rest. So yes, you cannot do the same things you've always done and expect to achieve different results.
  • elmct57
    elmct57 Posts: 594 Member
    great post!
  • Rynatat
    Rynatat Posts: 807 Member
    SO TRUE! I'm mindful of what I eat, where my nutrients, vitamins & minerals come from and I exercise: the HUGE key in this whole equation being exercise. I also go over my calories almost everyday but that's because in 5, 10, 20 years I want to be able to keep this lifestyle up - not keep yo-yoing. So if I lose slowly at a pace my body slowly adjusts to, I'm not shocking it, I'm retraining my blueprint to accept a new blueprint on the cellular level: which when that is changed, it makes a WORLD of difference!
    I'm happy that I've been losing slowly: the results are paying off - BIG :happy:
  • Ugg! I hate you for being right. I lost half of the weight that I wanted to by diet alone and I know that in order to complete my goal I'm going to have to start exercising. The only thing is I hate it more than anything and come up with every excuse as to why I don't. How can I come up with a plan that I don't dread or will I have to just suck it up and deal? :grumble:
  • gunnarpalm
    gunnarpalm Posts: 59 Member
    For me I had to find something that gave me a purpose to workout. I started trying to run 5K's and sprint Triathlons. This gives me a goal and a purpose to my workouts. The bottom line is to try find a workout that is convenient. I have some workouts that I do when I have plenty of time and then I have some that only take about 15 to 30 minutes.
  • Ok, I will ponder this new approach
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Ugg! I hate you for being right. I lost half of the weight that I wanted to by diet alone and I know that in order to complete my goal I'm going to have to start exercising. The only thing is I hate it more than anything and come up with every excuse as to why I don't. How can I come up with a plan that I don't dread or will I have to just suck it up and deal? :grumble:

    I think its easier if you get involved with a group or have someone to do it with. I started nightly walks with my hubby...then I got the courage to join a Zumba class...not the DVD's but the actual class, its just so much easier to keep myself going there than it was to do the DVD (when I had the option to sit on my butt).
  • Luv2bme
    Luv2bme Posts: 58
    Couldn't agree more! I know when I'm not losing weight, I'm doing it to myself, I know what I've been doing wrong and what I need to change in order to see the results I'm looking for...
  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    Forgive me if this comes across a bit blunt but during the numerous discussions with people through these posts, there are a large number of whom are either questioning why they can't lose weight or why it doesn't come off fast enough. When I ask them what they are willing to do to lose the weight other than calorie count they don't have a game plan. Ladies and gentlemen, calorie counting is only part of the total equation if you want to have lasting results. Losing weight requires a total game plan. A change in lifestyle including working out in some form and making sure that you have the proper nutrients is essential. Missing essential vitamins and minerals such as calcium, potassium and iron, which all play a vital role in your bodies ability to develop energy and burn fat, will hinder your progress. When people talk about not wanting to spend the money on workout programs or vitamins it just boggles my mind. I would bet that there are few people that don't have a monthly cell phone bill or cable bill that doesn't cost more than the supplements or the purchase price of a workout program required to help people become healthy . After all isn't weight loss and health of the utmost importance! If you want to succeed you must take action. As is the definition of insanity (not the workout), "repeating the same action expecting a different result". Ladies and Gentlemen if you have been unsuccessful change the actions you are taking, use your resources and you will succeed! Best of Luck to all.

    Good posting, fully agree with everything you say.

    I too, have worried about some people not taking in those essential nutrients, potassium for instance, helps keep the heart beating. Calcium - I mean calcium, vitally important to keep the bones strong and if at a deficit, osteoporosis is not to be laughed at at a later date!

    I often wonder how some people are still walking around, the food that they are consuming on a day-to-day basis is appalling and to say it is lacking in goodness is putting it lightly. On that note by the way, I am talking about people outside of this community on the main, I have seen some of the rubbish people at work eat and drink and one of the very worst criminals for doing this was myself before I started this weightloss plan! Seriously, I am amazed I am able to function at all, many days I would just consume bags of sweets and nothing else!! :noway:
  • gunnarpalm
    gunnarpalm Posts: 59 Member
    It's hard to make that choice of changing the way we live. The support we get here at MFP is a great first start. But while we all want to be supportive and say don't worry if your not seeing results, in some cases, we should be helping by holding people accountable for their lack of action. Things will not change if you don't change!
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