Any PCOS sufferers that have lost weight without meds

I've lost about 7 lbs in 3 weeks but am starting to think I'm fighting a losing battle after reading so many posts about peoples experiences with needing extra help. Metformin made me sick all the time and other meds devastated my energy levels. Can I do this weight loss following the MFP calorie guidelines?


  • I was diagnosed with PCOS a few years ago. I have only been on here for a little over a month so I am by no means a success story but I've lost 14 pounds so far. Metformin made me sick as well. I think every person is different obviously but I have really tried to cut down how much sugar I intake and I think that helps. Lots of chicken and veggies! Good luck! Feel free to add me if you need some encouragement :)
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    reducing carbohydrates generally works well with PCOS.
  • stardust92
    stardust92 Posts: 46 Member
    I have lost 40lb since Jan 13 with nothing but logging cals and walking to work 3x week (30 mins mod pace).

    I eat between 1200 - 2000 cals a day.

    I went from 228lb to 187lb and im 5'3. Want to get to 126lb so have a long way to go but I hope it helps

    Would be more but I love my food
  • I'll definitely add you if that's okay, My profile says I have lost 14 lbs but this is in 3 years :laugh: I'm back on the site and still motivated so far.

    And many thanks for the youtube link, I'm listening as I type
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    I had originally lost 40kg with no medication (put some back on when I started eating bad again) It's doable.
  • ShubhaBansal
    ShubhaBansal Posts: 80 Member
    I had lost 11 kgs without medicine..
  • Brilliant weight losses, feeling a little bit less down about it all now

    *get shoes on for a more motivated walk*
  • orczombie
    orczombie Posts: 20 Member
    I was never put on medication for PCOS. Just keep at it. :)
  • swet02
    swet02 Posts: 52
    I am fighting this now, my OB said, losing weight will help me a lot, I am looking forward to seeing the result...
  • It's absolutely doable. I lost over 100 pounds since February with no meds at all. Calorie counting, exercise, and sufficient protein is all it took for me. I never watched carbs, though I hear many people say you should. I was not diabetic, only pre-diabetic, so I didn't. After about 6 months of losing, my cycle returned to an almost normal state, cysts are reduced, and blood sugars are great. My last fasting blood sugar was 77, and my a1c is 4.2.

    Not everyone is the same, but losing weight is possible! Good luck to you!
  • swet02
    swet02 Posts: 52
    Sbatz, tnx for sharing that. I am also trying to lose without any meds. I am diabetic I guess, since my last fbs was already 10.1. And I am PCOS also, that is the reason why I am also afraid of getting pregnant because of my condition. But now, I am more confident that I can certainly do this. I am watching closely on my cal count, protein and sugar intake. Glad to say, I have not exceeded so far for my daily required sugar. I will be checking our my sugar and visit my OB again for the next two weeks and see how my diet really affected everything.

    Wish me luck guys
  • MandysChange
    MandysChange Posts: 40 Member
    I have PCOS and I am not on meds except a Mirena to control my cycles. I have lost 23 pounds since the beginning of September this year. I would recommend keeping your carbs under control and your protein high.
  • I haven't had any luck without Metformin. It makes me feel sick as well, but when I stopped taking it, it didn't matter how diligent I was about tracking calories and cutting sugar/fat; the scale did not budge one bit for me, and I started gaining towards the end of my "no meds" attempt. I'm back on the Meformin, but cut my dose in half. I'm not getting as sick as I used to, so we'll see if it helps. Good luck!
    I'm just glad I even had a diagnosis. I was diagnosed a year ago, but struggled to find a doctor who would take me seriously for the entire year before that, leading to a 100 lb weight gain in total. I also had a cystectomy in February, but that didn't seem to help much.
  • Conniehysell
    Conniehysell Posts: 4 Member
    I have PCOS and lost 50lbs... All without meds, but gained it back since my mom's health got really bad and she passed away in March of this year. But I'm back to get rid of it forever now
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member

    I was diagnosed with PCOS and Insulin Resistance about 16 years ago (was TTC, eventually had IVF baby).

    I've never taken drugs for it, even though the Endocrinologist wanted to put me on Metformin. Do you know all the side effects from that stuff?? OMG. I do have a Mirena IUD - on my third one, best thing I ever did for my cycles.

    Solution is a low carb diet and walking. 75-100g carbs a day, and they are from green vegetables and berries. Cut right back on your grains and starch vegetables. PCOS loves low carb, you will be surprised at the difference. Takes about half a week to adjust to lower carb lifestyle but after that, you'll be fine.

    My macros are set to Protein 40% Fat 40% and Carb 20%. If once a week I blow it, then so be it - back on lower carb the next day.

    Best wishes.
  • Vivian06703188
    Vivian06703188 Posts: 310 Member
    I just follow MFP I have set it up to lose 2 lbs a week with a sedentary lifestyle. I walk 5 to 6 days a week from 30 to 45 min. Initially I started at 1800 calories and MFP has reduced it as I have lost weight. I am now at 1380 calories per day then add my workout calories according to my daily activity. I have lost 42 pounds since June 2013 or July 2012 I can't remember I think it says it under my name. It is basically 160 days. I only weigh once a month and have not logged any loss for this month yet. I think anyone with any condition can lose weight following the MFP plan. I don't take any weight loss drugs. I try and eat healthy whole food. I don't think you get the results you want if you fast food but there are plenty of people who would argue with me on that front. The reason I say that is because it is so easy to miscalculate the calories if you don't prepare your own food. If you have already lost 7 lbs in one month you are doing very well and are seeing great results. I am unsure why you are questioning if it can be done when you are doing it.
  • Conniehysell
    Conniehysell Posts: 4 Member
    SkimFlatWhite, I know exactly what you mean about the side effects... I argue with my Dr at EVERY visit including today's about me not taking that crap. May I add you as a friend?
  • Carnivor0us
    Carnivor0us Posts: 1,752 Member
    Hey, I've had PCOS for a long time and I've lost weight with diet only. I used to take meds, but they didn't seem to help much. A ketogenic diet has helped me immensely and kept my blood glucose levels normal. Feel free to friend me and/or message me.
  • calcatb
    calcatb Posts: 4 Member
    I would have one of your DR's do a Metobolic Resting Rate (MRM) on you. its a breathing test that shows how many calories you burn by breathing and being alive. Then once we had that number we set my calorie intake. It takes a deficit of 3500 calories each week to lose one pound.

    I'm off Metformin now. They gave it to me to see if it would help me lose weight and the thinking was that I may have been experiencing insulin resistance, because I'm very apple shaped which is indicative of an insulin insensitivity issue.

    My actual MRM is significantly lower then what a "normal" person would see. But I'm one of those people who gained weight on weight watchers even though I could follow it to the letter. The calorie count is just to high for me to lose weight. I now lose about 1-2 pounds a week or so but with all my med issues I'm doing good and have lost 45ish pounds. I at least know what does work now and how to manage it which for me is a real numbers game of calories and excercise. Good luck to you and keep working on it regardless of your issues => you can lose weight. I think out of all the sites I have used and MFP has worked very well for me and lots of support!
  • I have lost over 20 pounds by eating low carb and high protein. I have also recently cut out dairy as apparently women with PCOS should not eat it. It has helped me get over my plateau.