Empty Fridge & Freezer: IDEAS?

Our fridge and freezer went out last Friday and everything's been trashed. Repaired today. Now we have an empty food zone ready to be filled with good body fuel. Traveling Houston area and Dallas over the next couple of weeks and will have access to whole food and specialty markets. Plan to pack my car with coolers just in case. Send me your favs. I'd like to try some new meal items, snacks and stock up on staples. All suggestions are welcome, thanks!


  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    I keep my freezer stocked with mostly meats. Chicken breasts, different types of fish, a turkey breast or two, lean steaks, lean pork chops, ground turkey, extra lean ground beef and assorted bags of frozen vegies. For my boyfriend I have bacon, sausage, italian sausage, bagels, english muffins and assorted "Sunday" snacks for during football games....wings, spring rolls, tater tots, and assorted stuffed pasta. I buy the meats in the bulk (or family sized) packages, bring it home and trim as needed then repackage it for 2 servings and freeze it. Sometimes I will add a marinade to the packages of chicken or steaks before freezing. Keeping all that in the freezer I have more room in the fridge for the yogurt, cottage cheese and fresh fruits and vegies. I replenish the meats every other week or so, but shop 3 times a week for fresh fruits and vegies. I hate to have stuff go bad in the fridge.

    New things I have tried in the last few months: spaghetti squash, greek yogurt, ginger apples, Raw chai spice oatmeal, and portabello mushroom "burgers". Check out the recipe forum, lots of good stuff there.
  • BellyLaugh
    BellyLaugh Posts: 32 Member
    Thanks! A lot sounds good. I hope to avoid the tater tots, etc., only because of the saturated fat, plus I'm a carb craver. My husband could eat mashed potatoes every day. I prefer sweet potatoes or yams. Love sweet potatoe baked chips made at home. Still not sure what qualifies as lean red meat. I've always bought ground sirloin but since I'm not a steak lover - hubby is - I'd like to learn more. I eat the filet when I go to Outback. Tilapia is a staple for us in the past. I love beef roast - my mom makes rump roast and it is so yummy; I make eye of round roast since it's leaner but not nearly as yummy. Learning....
  • Lisa__Michelle
    Lisa__Michelle Posts: 845 Member
    I've been eating a lot of yogurt, flavored oatmeal, apples, Campbell's Vegetarian vegetable soup, ground turkey and ground chicken (great, healthy, 90 something percent fat free substitutes to ground beef), chicken breasts, pineapple, and frozen broccoli. I have also been making whole wheat english muffin sandwiches with fat free zesty Italian dressing, onions, lettuce, and 1 serving of oscar meyer shaved turkey.
  • LindaSueBakk
    LindaSueBakk Posts: 145 Member
    Do you like Mexican food? Does Italian Soup sound good? If so, let me know and I'll send the recipes your way.
  • BellyLaugh
    BellyLaugh Posts: 32 Member
    Evan.... the English muffins sound good right now! Thanks for your suggestions.
  • BellyLaugh
    BellyLaugh Posts: 32 Member
    Linda, yes, I love Mexican food. My husband loves Italian. I'd appreciate the recipes. Thanks!