Ladies under 5'0 success stories please!

Amberh82 Posts: 468 Member
I'm in need of some motivation :) I'm 4'10 so I know how hard it can be to lose even a few pounds...Please post your success story if you don't mind...


  • Allup2Me78
    Allup2Me78 Posts: 589 Member
    I can't wait to see the replies..As you know I am 4'10 also :wink:
    I'm in need of some motivation :) I'm 4'10 so I know how hard it can be to lose even a few pounds...Please post your success story if you don't mind...
  • sola24
    sola24 Posts: 334 Member

    I am 4'11"-5'. I lost 5 kgs 2 mnths back..went from 60kgs to 55kgs.. then I went home for a month as it was festive season.. Now trying to get back on track.. I didnt gain weight.. but havent lost any till then either.. and there is not much visible difference..
  • Amberh82
    Amberh82 Posts: 468 Member
    so are there really no ladies under 5'0 with success stories?! I find that hard to believe.

    Come on ladies step up!!! everyone can use a little motviation now and then :happy: Don't be shy
  • loserlee123
    loserlee123 Posts: 109 Member
    4 11 and 3/4 (but I say 5) :) Down 40 lbs by counting calories, eating what I want as long as it fits into my calories trying to have lower carbs and lower sodium and a bit higher protein. I walk about 45 mins a day sometimes more, sometimes less. My ultimate goal is to lose another 50 lbs. MFP put me at 1200 calories, I bumped it up to 1300 and I usually eat back the exercise calories I earn from walking. I am not a quick loser I am averaging about 5 lbs a month but hoping slow and steady wins the race. I have recently found that weighing and measuring food is very important. For example, I weighed my banana today to check the grams because who knows if it is a small banana or a large banana just looking at it and I want my calories to be as accurate as possible.
  • Amber__E
    Amber__E Posts: 8 Member
    I'm 4'11" and I've lost 30 lbs. Honestly, I don't think height has anything to do with losing the weigh. Honestly, I've never really thought about it. My weight may be distributed differently than taller people but you lose it the same way. Plan, plan, plan your meals ahead of time and try to get some exercise in and you will be successful. I've stumbled of course, who hasn't? It's not always easy to stick to it. When I do, I'm successful.
  • huango
    huango Posts: 1,007 Member
    Not sure if I should be posting here because I'm not really a "success" story.
    I've been a bit overweight most of my life.

    It wasn't until I started really reading/learning from others on MFP that I found THE thing that works for me.

    1. I'm 4'11" also.
    2. Have been dieting forever, tried everything, and used to gain weight w/ anything over 1200calories, so I felt like I had to diet ALL THE TIME, since it's a JOB to make sure your calories are allocated correctly EVERY DAY.

    So this is the combo I've found and I feel like I want to share it w/ everyone.
    I wish I had found this/tried this sooner.

    I'm starting week 6 tomorrow. Been such an EASY 5weeks of "dieting".

    A. I lift heavy, 3 times a week ~40minutes, 1 HIIT (hill run/walk or rowing or burpees/pushups) for ~20minutes, and walking/gardening, etc, and 2 days off.
    --- NO MORE STEADY STATE CARDIO!!! I hate running.

    B. I do 5:2 FAST diet, where I eat my TDEE (~1700-2000 calories <---- you KNOW this is quite a lot for shorties) for 5 days and on 2 non-consecutive days of 500 calories.
    - my goal is to get off my cholesterol drugs.

    I *EASILY* lost 2.5 pounds in 5 weeks, and I only have 3 more pounds to GW.
    ---> *** You know how hard it is to lose weight/inches when you don't have a lot of weight to lose? and when you're short?
    (The last time I lost weight/inches was prepping for my wedding where I worked out 10times a week (run 6miles in the morning before work, then 1.5hrs step classes after work) while eating only 1000 calories/day for 4months!!! <---There is NO way that I can maintain that forever. In fact, I'm about 3-5pounds from my wedding weight and I did NOT have to kill/deprive myself.)

    Yes, this diet allows me to eat a "normal" amount of food, not just rabbit food.

    AND I can totally SEE a difference w/ lifting, compared to all those years of just steady-state cardio. I don't want to just be non-fat. I want to look hot in my bikini this coming Summer at the ladies' Friday bikini brunches :)

    check out this link:

    I really feel like I can keep this up for quite a long time, if not forever (in some form or another).
    I've actually changed my outlook a bit. Now, I try to find things to do "as my workout" like helping my friends move (lifting heavy things) or playing tag w/ my kids (like sprinting).

    I don't dread hill walks/runs, but I look at it as free-butt tuck. <---- Yes, a NSV: yesterday, my DH gave me a GREAT compliment: "Your *kitten* looked hot in those jeans yesterday". YUP, an unprompted compliment from my husband.

    BOTTOM LINE: do not eat less. Because once you get off the low-calorie diet, you'll just gain it all back, if not more (since you have less muscle mass to burn this additional calories). I'm done w/ Yoyo diets.

    friend me if you want support/learn more/do it w/ me...

    I wish someone had told me about this sooner.
    I'm on my way,

  • xiamjackie
    xiamjackie Posts: 611 Member
    Amanda you are awesome. I love being friends with you. Can I ask your stats, btw? I didn't realize you were a fellow shortie.
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    Me me me!!!!!

    Weight loss is very slow but I am in the best shape of my life :)
  • Littlestandrews
    Littlestandrews Posts: 96 Member
    I'm definitely not a success story yet but I'm almost half way to my goal. I started out at 169lbs at 4'11"! I began dieting on July 13, 2013 by running 1-2 miles 3x a week and eating 1350 calories a day. I'm now 145lbs and I eat 1300 calories a day and run 3-4 miles 3x a week. I eat back about 1/2 my exercise calories....
    My UGW is 115lbs and so I'm still 30lbs away but I'm confident I can get there. Hoping to get there by my birthday (April 20)!

    Good luck!
  • 1two3four
    1two3four Posts: 413 Member
    Well, I'm 5'0. I know not under, but still short compared to most, and on limited calories due to limited mobility (from life-long disability). And I'm technically NOT a success story yet but...

    I've lost 100-pounds. I still have 60+ to go and I'm going to get there eventually. I usually eat 1,300-1,500 calories/day depending on how much I can move any given week. (Though I have on occasion failed to reach 1200, when I barely get out of bed).

    It's slow going here now that I've lost so much, but I'm working on increasing my ability to exercise so that I don't have to be stuck with low calories forever. HTH give you some motivation. It can be done, just stick to your calories and get moving!!
  • mrsamanda86
    mrsamanda86 Posts: 869 Member
    I'm 4'11 and started off at 168, am now down to 144 so far. My ultimate goal is to get to around 120-125 and see how it goes from there. I've brought my bf% down from 30.8 to 26.8 in just three months. The only things I've done is chill out on the butter and cheese and start working out again. I keep my calories to netting 1300(so I eat about 16-1800 on the days I work out). I'm not quite a success yet, but hope this helps. I'm pretty happy with how I've done so far.
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