how do you keep up with MYP over the weekend?

i eat very healthy during the week, workout every day. Then the weekend comes and i find myself eating crap food and not exercising. I stay within my calories but im not getting enough protein, fats ECT. Then i have the worst stomach pains on Monday from all the bad food i ate over the weekend. You think the stomach pain would stop me but it doesn't. SO how do YOU keep up with MFP over the weekend? i should mention my BF is on second shift so the only time i do see him is on the weekend and he does not worry about exercising, he eats somewhat healthy but he is not training for a half marathon like i am so he tends to want / not care about eating bad on the weekends.


  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    You can still take time for yourself on the week end. For me it's just like every other day. I just try to get my workout out of the way in the morning (although it's getting harder now that it's so cold in the morning and I tend to walk a lot).
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Generally it's just about self control. What is it that keeps you in control during the week, but not on the weekends?
  • samco66
    samco66 Posts: 126 Member
    Generally it's just about self control. What is it that keeps you in control during the week, but not on the weekends?

    i have no idea? Maybe because during the week i have a set schedule. i go to work, come home, workout, make and eat dinner then go to bed. I have no life during the week because im so set on my schedule so when the weekend comes and i get to see my boyfriend (we live together) i tend to not care at all. i can't help but not care
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    i can't help but not care

    There's your problem.

    On a side note, that's not necessarily a bad thing. You have to decide for yoruself what's important. For some people, fitness/weight are most important, and they will make sacrifices in other areas accordingly. For others, family/friends are more important. It's just a matter of priorities.

    Figure out what your priorities are, then accept them.

  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    I would worry about the stomach pain. It sounds like more than just not eating in your macros. Try eliminating different foods and see which one triggers the pain. My weekends tend to be my cooking days to get ready for the week so I sometimes sample too much and wind up over calories. Sometimes we also go out to eat and then I never can seem to stick with my macos but usually can stay in calories. Not sticking with Macros is not the end of the world but stomach pain is bad.
  • samco66
    samco66 Posts: 126 Member
    I would worry about the stomach pain. It sounds like more than just not eating in your macros. Try eliminating different foods and see which one triggers the pain. My weekends tend to be my cooking days to get ready for the week so I sometimes sample too much and wind up over calories. Sometimes we also go out to eat and then I never can seem to stick with my macos but usually can stay in calories. Not sticking with Macros is not the end of the world but stomach pain is bad.

    i have IBS and when i eat any foods with a lot of grease or in general unhealthy food i can feel it. It’s usually my left lower abdominal area, right above my left hip. My doc says it’s my left descending colon that hurts and it’s because of my IBS. So when I eat bad it really hurts, it’s one of the reasons I started to eat healthy. thanks for the answers, i did not know about teh macros.
