What are your weekly goals?

MoniSunZ Posts: 59 Member
I'm just starting back at getting healthy after about 18mos of slacking off. I find there is a tremendous amount that I need to fix so I'm setting weekly goals to help make the changes less overwhelming. I would love to hear other's weekly goals.

As for mine this weeks are:
1. Exercise at least 30min every day.
2. Cut down to one coke a day
3. Cut the cookies down to 2 a day.
4. Log everything I eat
5. Register for the Disney Royal Family 5k in Feb


  • My goals this week
    Drink 2 gallon of water a day
    Exercise 60 minutes a day
    Eat no bread or rice
  • MoniSunZ
    MoniSunZ Posts: 59 Member
    Great goals!
    Water is one thing I always struggle with.
  • Anita4life
    My goals for the week:
    1. Plan a menu
    2. GO to the grocery store (this is where I always get tripped up)
    3. Log daily
    4. Restart C25K
  • joannawisetaylor
    I just started today. My goals are:
    1. Log at each meal
    2. Prepare food ahead so it's ready at each meal.
    3. No bread!(that's a biggie)
    4. Exercise - 30 minutes a day (my dogs are going to love me)
    I can do this!!
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,020 Member
    Stay within my net calories goal
    Meet my fiber, protein, and calcium goals
    Exercise at least 45 minutes
    Redeem a voucher for a month at a local gym (I might wait until tomorrow, since today is gorgeous here and I can get outside, whereas tomorrow it's supposed to rain and be about 15 degrees F colder)
  • Anita4life
    I totally should add preparing food ahead to my goals as well. Guess maybe this is a good idea to think about every week. They say all you have to do is change one bad habit at a time and it can change your life.
  • patmoomur
    patmoomur Posts: 31 Member
    I would find that there is still a lot on your goal list. For me, I would be happy to log everything and try to stay on program with calories.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    This week's goals

    ~ to drink my whole water container at work at least once each day, even though I am not as thirsty when it's colder weather as I was during the summer

    ~ to finally break 50 lb. I'm on a mini-plateau of sorts, as I keep "losing and gaining" the same 2-3 lb for the past 2 weeks. I think it will happen by steering clear of sodium (which is usually not a prob for me, but I've eaten a lot of Chinese and Thai food recently)

    ~ to go for a brisk outdoor walk at least twice between now and Thursday. I currently do about 80% of my weekly exercise Sat/Sun and would like to get into the habit of being more active through the early part of my work week.
  • mpeace1406
    mpeace1406 Posts: 76 Member
    My goal for this week is to only focus on one day at a time, really one "meal" at a time. I've had a bad habit the past year and a half or so of doing really great for the first few days of the week, and then sabotaging the whole thing by eating terribly on the weekends or in the evenings.

    So today I am taking a new approach. I logged my meals for the day and my goal is to not stray from my diary. I haven't done that in a LONG time (actually stick to my meal plan). So if I can do this today I will feel really empowered.

    Good luck everyone with your own goals!! :D
  • burlingtongrl
    burlingtongrl Posts: 327 Member
    This week I am going to focus on drinking more water (7 per day) and plan healthy meals all the way through the weekend. I hardly ever plan weekend meals and I am always scrambling to cook something quick (usually not too healthy). I will also exercise everyday (challenge groups help with this).
  • MoniSunZ
    MoniSunZ Posts: 59 Member
    I totally should add preparing food ahead to my goals as well. Guess maybe this is a good idea to think about every week. They say all you have to do is change one bad habit at a time and it can change your life.

    Depending on how busy you are day to day that can make a huge difference. That's what the hubby and I did every Sunday night was prep and batch cooking what we could. That's what I did for starting this week too. ^_^
  • muwchck
    muwchck Posts: 261 Member
    I have one goal this week. Do not get behind on my workout schedule. I got behind twice last week. I did manage to get my workouts all in, and lost some weight, but I'd rather keep them on the day they are supposed to be on, instead of 2 or 3 at a time.
  • Broderick50
    Broderick50 Posts: 851 Member
    My goal every week is to make all my workouts, stay under my calories each day, lose 3 to 4 lbs , this week I've added a 5am run so make all of those sessions is in there now.
  • Shreddingit84
    Glad im disciplined by now! It was a bumpy road but I made it!
    My daily goal is simply:
    Drink over 8 glasses of water
    eat up to my IIFYM calories
    Walk outside with my kiddos and
    work this *kitten* out hard! ( not off) :p
  • Eleonora91
    Eleonora91 Posts: 688 Member
    Avoid bingeing, that's all
  • PaintedSwan
    1.)less sugar & caffeine.
    2.)be more active.
    3.Pilates to stay flexible.
    4.)lose 1.5 lbs weekly.
    5.)Dont gain any weight .
    6.)drink at least 4 cups of water.
  • climbing_trees
    climbing_trees Posts: 726 Member
    No alcohol!!!
    7 hours minimum sleep per night!
    1400 cals per day with less carbs, more protein
    Start moving away from bodypump to a self-led lifting schedule

    Lose a half pound hopefully >__<
    Been stuck at 135 for a while, ready to kick it up a notch!
  • MrsFowler1069
    MrsFowler1069 Posts: 657 Member
    Mine are:

    *To up my water intake. I have been slacking a little on this. I'm driving, starting early in the dark and cold and it just doesn't inspire me to drink water. Between wanting more black coffee and not wanting more bathroom breaks, I've begun drinking less water....but I feel better and do better in my hunger management and weight loss when I drink more. Plus I really do love it.

    *To go grocery shopping. There is food in the house, but some of the staple things that I rely on are getting pretty sparse.

    *To exercise outside of moving freight at work at least twice, even if that just means taking a couple of walks.

    *To take my meds every day. I've been slacking a bit on that, too. Going to the pharmacy today! I don't take anything that missing a day of is going to kill me, but I do benefit from taking them for now. And the better I do now, the more chance that I can quit taking one of them for good later on.
  • gmthisfeller
    gmthisfeller Posts: 779 Member
    I just started today. My goals are:
    1. Log at each meal
    2. Prepare food ahead so it's ready at each meal.
    3. No bread!(that's a biggie)
    4. Exercise - 30 minutes a day (my dogs are going to love me)
    I can do this!!

    Not only CAN you do this, but you WILL do this! Go!
  • MrsFowler1069
    MrsFowler1069 Posts: 657 Member
    I just started today. My goals are:
    1. Log at each meal
    2. Prepare food ahead so it's ready at each meal.
    3. No bread!(that's a biggie)
    4. Exercise - 30 minutes a day (my dogs are going to love me)
    I can do this!!

    Yes, you can!