No self-control

bmuelling07 Posts: 23
edited September 22 in Motivation and Support
I tend to live in the moment when it comes to what i put in my mouth.. and when I go out to eat I splurge and eat a bunch of crap that I shouldn't and I eat way more of it than I should. As I'm doing this I am aware that it isn't good for me.. but for some reason I don't care at the moment. However, I do come to later regret my choices of food and how much I ate.

Anyone else have this problem? I would really like to control this more so that I am not tempted to purge. That is the whole point of keeping a food log for me.. my therapist thinks it will help...

thanks guys,


  • savannahgur
    savannahgur Posts: 235 Member
    I share your problem also but what I try and do is think about what I'm going to eat BEFORE I go out and plan meals around that. If I'm out and about shopping and I haven't thought about what I want beforehand, that's when I just pre-plan your meals around where you will be and what you will be doing.

    Also, eating at home before you go anywhere helps too.

    Hope some of this was helpful.

  • bspz
    bspz Posts: 7
    I experience the exact same ting. I am conscious of what I am doing but am unable to stop. Afterwards, I have tremendous guilt which usually makes me eat more. You are not alone. I wish I had words of wisdom on how to stop this but, I too am struggling with it. I stopped buying all snacks so I don't have things to gorge on. However during those episodes, I will even eat croutons just to have something crunchy. Maybe having some healthy snack pre-measured out to have at the end of the day (as a reward for being in control all day) may help. Good luck and please share any tips you find helpful.
  • Seriously, I am in the same boat that you are - I am SOOOOOO frustrated!!!!!! I wish there was a SAFE magic pill to keep me from stuffing my face!!!
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,024 Member
    i am in the same boat as you. When I sit down to eat it does not matter what it is I want it and I want all of it. What has been helping me out so far is logging it in here BEFORE eating. This way that regret I have afterwards is there before I pick up my fork.

    Good luck, you can do it!
  • I am the same way! I have found that planning ahead helps as the pp said. Also, how I start my day with food is typically how I tend to eat all day. For instance, this morning I didn't take the time to eat at home...a banana or I ended up with a McD's sweet tea and biscuit...hello 2 meals of calories and snacks into one! UGH! This is how I usually "fail" at eating right.

    So, instead of beating myself up as there are going to be times of unhealthy decision making with food...I'm going to have a portioned lunch (lean cuisine) and drink lots of water. I also plan on getting some exercise today and not eat those calories...just for today though!
  • I would love to be able to just go grab a healthy snack and be done with it... but unfortunately I have a few problems.. 1. my boyfriend eats a lot of junkfood.. and I don't forsee him quitting his nightly crap-food bingeing. 2. A friggin' ho ho is a helluva lot more appealing to me than apple slices (Which sucks.. I like apples too..) and 3. For some reason unknown to me I am just so dang lazy that I would rather throw my diet in the garbage than just take the time to make up a healthy snack so that my intake for the day isn't totally effed.

    The idea of pre-planning is a good idea for eating out.. I did that while on a trip with my dad and brother recently and it went well actually. It's just that in my mind I think that I am going to be sacrificing flavor, and won't feel as satisfied if I get the healthier option on the menu. I think that I have bad wiring in my brain.... pretty sure..
  • i am in the same boat as you. When I sit down to eat it does not matter what it is I want it and I want all of it. What has been helping me out so far is logging it in here BEFORE eating. This way that regret I have afterwards is there before I pick up my fork.

    Good luck, you can do it!

    Great idea! The only downfall of that is that I do not have a phone where I could have the fitnesspal app. but I don't see why I couldn't just write down what I plan to eat to log later.. although it would be nice to know the nutritional info beforehand.. but nonetheless that is a good idea to see what I'm eating all written out in a list. Thank you!
  • 1FitMomof4Girls
    1FitMomof4Girls Posts: 202 Member
    Me too! No self control! I do great for several days, then I fall off the wagon and it takes me sevral days to get back on the wagon.
  • When I think I'm going to eat something that will sabotage me, I tell myself nothing will ever taste as good as being a size two again.
  • I am the exact same way and have been for as long as I can remember. I can tell you exactly what I'm doing, why it's wrong, and why I haven't lost weight etc..but I have no idea why I just can't fix my will power problem. Just know that you aren't alone at all!
  • Mellencamper: Motivation via quotes takes me back to my dark days with anorexia... otherwise I would soooo do that because it did work.. lol... but I need to avoid anything triggering. Thank you though :)

    Gibson: Know exactly what you mean.. fortunately I have not been gaining weight back when I fall off. But, when I get back on the wagon I restrict myself too much.. which explains the screw ups.. blah :(
  • jeorwa
    jeorwa Posts: 92 Member
    It helps me to log my food BEFORE I eat it...when I see those calories adding up, sometimes it make me change my mind!
  • hang in there
  • I am the exact same way and have been for as long as I can remember. I can tell you exactly what I'm doing, why it's wrong, and why I haven't lost weight etc..but I have no idea why I just can't fix my will power problem. Just know that you aren't alone at all!

    I think that the reason I tend to be so gluttonous is because of my childhood... I felt that I always had to eat up the good food or else my dad or brother would eat it all before I was satisfied. I remember that leftovers in our house didn't last more than 3 hours before one of us got into it. And I always would binge of the stuff that was the worst for me because it was a rarity in our household. Although my dad was and is overweight he would never let us get chips, regular soda, candy, or fast food unless lucky for us he was having a fat day and decided to say f it. On the rare occasions that we did have crapfood they never survived long.. my dad would polish off a bag of chips in one sitting sometimes.. (He also grew up eating leftovers and different stuff because he felt that if he didn't eat it then someone else would eat it all and leave him with nothing) I hate that this feeling of "WANT" was drilled into my head by just watching my dad. It blows my mind. I hope I can overcome this one day.. I never want my children to feel that they won't get enough of something.. ugh
  • I think this is a tough thing for a lot of people, myself included! I am on week 4 of 1200 calories or less a day and am doing fairly well :) Here are a few things I do that might work for you... I always allow myself to eat what I want on the weekends, but in moderation - don't feel guilty about treating yourself! It's a reward for not giving in during the week! When your boyfriend is munching on bad stuff, grab a handful of plain roasted almonds, baby kosher dill pickles or celery and light cream cheese! These have helped me get through the snacking munchie times! Maybe if you tell your boyfriend you need his support - he will join you in healthier snacks! Check out the menu before you go out to eat and decide on something healthier before you go and another tip I have when going out to eat is to ask for a box before the meal... sounds silly, but if you box up half of it right away, it won't be right in front of you and you won't be as tempted to eat it all!

    Be confident in yourself, don't beat yourself up if you falter and get right back to your healthier routine! You can do this!!!!
  • caejde
    caejde Posts: 29 Member
    I do it at times too. But, instead of stressing over it, just get back on track the very next meal. Also, I think it's important to allow yourself to have a cheat-candy, dinner out, ice cream...whatever. I have found that when I restrict myself too much is when I binge and eat crappy the most. Just try to be a little careful when eating out. There's times I only eat half my food and bring the other half home and then it usually gets thrown out. Sometimes my husband will share an entree. It's hard work but it's a learning process too.
  • FemininGuns
    FemininGuns Posts: 605 Member
    I USED to have this problem. A lot of it had to do, for me, about ME. How I felt about myself, how I didn't care, and how I had thoughts of "one won't hurt" or "so and so eats this way and looks great, I should be able to do the same!" or "I'll do something about it tomorrow" or "I deserve to eat xx" or "this is so good, I have to hurry up and eat it so I can FEEL satisfied and FEEL full"

    My suggestion: Try keeping a log of your thoughts that go along with what you're eating... I know it sounds weird, but you will finally come see why you eat what you eat and can't stop! We don't just DO things... We set ourselves up - I truely see that now for myself. I used to set myself up by talking to myself well in advance about not exercising and what the next so called "yummy" meal will be. I have a MUCH different view on food now. I eat it for FUEL and not for making me feel happy, adequate or full. After seeing this, I now see A LOT of my family members overreating, and they're not even aware of it.

    I've been there, it's no fun - I feel your pain. If you are able to get to the point to balance your eating habits (or not even have it as an issue - as I do now) you will see that many more areas of your life will get under control as well.

    Once you have your thoughts about eating gathered on paper, you will start seeing your pattern. You will even see THE SAME PHRASE being repeated over and over again (just like a broken record). Once you have your patterns figured out, it's time to do the hard work and turn those thoughts into positive ones!!! REPLACE YOUR EATING THOUGHTS. For example: "Oh my god, I LOVE fries! They are so tasty and yummy!!!" turn to "Fries ARE good, but they are not good for me at all. I feel yucky after I eat them. How is eating fries helping me stay with my goal? It's NOT! So, no fries this time, I will opt for a sweet potatoe or brown rice. These foods make me feel happy, like I am staying on track with being healthy! I LOVE FEELING GOOD!" So when you turn your thoughts to postitive, you have to ramble on until YOU believe what your NEW POSITIVE THOUGHT will be. It's personal, so I might say something that rings true for me, while something different will be positive for someone else. Either way, you should feel lighter as you are doing your positive thinking :)

    I am surprised that your therapist hasn't suggested this method - it's basic Cognitive Restructuring.

    I hope this helps! It's some work, but the end result is well worth it :)

    Suggestion on a book to accompany you on this journey would be Love Yourself, Heal Your Life by Louise Hay.

  • I think this is a tough thing for a lot of people, myself included! I am on week 4 of 1200 calories or less a day and am doing fairly well :) Here are a few things I do that might work for you... I always allow myself to eat what I want on the weekends, but in moderation - don't feel guilty about treating yourself! It's a reward for not giving in during the week! When your boyfriend is munching on bad stuff, grab a handful of plain roasted almonds, baby kosher dill pickles or celery and light cream cheese! These have helped me get through the snacking munchie times! Maybe if you tell your boyfriend you need his support - he will join you in healthier snacks! Check out the menu before you go out to eat and decide on something healthier before you go and another tip I have when going out to eat is to ask for a box before the meal... sounds silly, but if you box up half of it right away, it won't be right in front of you and you won't be as tempted to eat it all!

    Be confident in yourself, don't beat yourself up if you falter and get right back to your healthier routine! You can do this!!!!

    This helped a lot.. thank you for the tips. The snack alternatives that you listed are actually some of my favorites that I haven't had in a long time! And also, the idea of getting a box beforehand is SUCH a good idea! I notice that in between the time that I declare that I am full and the time I get my box I have continued to munch on my leftover food.. this idea will save me a lot of calories and regret lol thank you!
  • I USED to have this problem. A lot of it had to do, for me, about ME. How I felt about myself, how I didn't care, and how I had thoughts of "one won't hurt" or "so and so eats this way and looks great, I should be able to do the same!" or "I'll do something about it tomorrow" or "I deserve to eat xx" or "this is so good, I have to hurry up and eat it so I can FEEL satisfied and FEEL full"

    My suggestion: Try keeping a log of your thoughts that go along with what you're eating... I know it sounds weird, but you will finally come see why you eat what you eat and can't stop! We don't just DO things... We set ourselves up - I truely see that now for myself. I used to set myself up by talking to myself well in advance about not exercising and what the next so called "yummy" meal will be. I have a MUCH different view on food now. I eat it for FUEL and not for making me feel happy, adequate or full. After seeing this, I now see A LOT of my family members overreating, and they're not even aware of it.

    I've been there, it's no fun - I feel your pain. If you are able to get to the point to balance your eating habits (or not even have it as an issue - as I do now) you will see that many more areas of your life will get under control as well.

    Once you have your thoughts about eating gathered on paper, you will start seeing your pattern. You will even see THE SAME PHRASE being repeated over and over again (just like a broken record). Once you have your patterns figured out, it's time to do the hard work and turn those thoughts into positive ones!!! REPLACE YOUR EATING THOUGHTS. For example: "Oh my god, I LOVE fries! They are so tasty and yummy!!!" turn to "Fries ARE good, but they are not good for me at all. I feel yucky after I eat them. How is eating fries helping me stay with my goal? It's NOT! So, no fries this time, I will opt for a sweet potatoe or brown rice. These foods make me feel happy, like I am staying on track with being healthy! I LOVE FEELING GOOD!" So when you turn your thoughts to postitive, you have to ramble on until YOU believe what your NEW POSITIVE THOUGHT will be. It's personal, so I might say something that rings true for me, while something different will be positive for someone else. Either way, you should feel lighter as you are doing your positive thinking :)

    I am surprised that your therapist hasn't suggested this method - it's basic Cognitive Restructuring.

    I hope this helps! It's some work, but the end result is well worth it :)

    Suggestion on a book to accompany you on this journey would be Love Yourself, Heal Your Life by Louise Hay.


    Thank you very much for the wonderful advice :o)
    I have only gone to therapy once, but we are doing cognitive restructuring. I used up all of my restructuring worksheets already but will get more. I have been mostly using them for my anxiety because I have distorted thinking when it comes to how I feel someone reacted to something and how i think it was something that I caused.. even though I'm realizing that I have no idea why someone does what they do.. and how do I know it's because of me? I have no way of knowing that.

    So yeh, I really should analyze what is going through my head when I am decided to eat things that are horrible for me when I could have had the healthier option that probably tastes better and wouldn't make me feel crappy. Thanks so much!
  • wow this is so true for me. I have always had a good metabolism…I could eat my sock off and still wouldn’t gein weight. People would look at me eat, and look at my body and they would be so surprised. That was great for me, cos like I always used to say “food is my BFF”. I don’t eat to feel happy though (apart from chocolate and sushi which do this for me). I eat because I like the taste of good food. We have two recipes at home now, one for me, and the other for my husband, who doesn’t restrict his eating, but he eats in moderation and doesn’t have to worry about weight Problem is while he is eating his good delicious food, I am stuck with the healthy veggs and stuff…and here where the problem lies..I cant see him eat and control myself (as u all have guessed I started gaining weight after I git married). When I don’t see anyone eat I am fine (and when I don’t see it lying around in the fridge)..its the visual that does it for me. I cant see and not eat…the moment I see good food I want it, and nothing can stop me. Once my husband tried to stop me, and I woke up at 2 am to eat it..i was bothering me even in my sleep. But low and behold, the moment that food has gone past my through and I am all satisfied I feel guilty, and try to compensate with exercise the next day, which does not resolve the problem.

    Long story short, I how exactly how you feel…an wish I too had the mechanisms and control to not just eat what comes before me. I was a size 2 just 1 year ago…now I am a size 4 goin to 6 
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