Getting in Shape for my 10yr High School Reunion!

Yeah. It's happening. Next year. I also give myself quick fix weight loss goals and fail. Now, I'm aiming for something a year away to get into the best shape of my life. Now just for the reunion, but because I don't want to be 30 and have spent most of my adult years out of shape and not living the life I want too.

I'm 27, no pets, no kids. Just a closet full of expensive shoes and handbags haha :) I like intense workouts and weight lifting, but I want to become a runner so I'm currently training for a 5k which will lead to my first 1/2 marathon in April 2014. It's hard. But I'm sticking with it.

I'm a huge foodie and I love supporting local farmers and buying local, sustainable food. I also love to cook!

I've tried a lot of get skinny quick diets (from vegan to Paleo) and failed at all of them. Now, I"m learning to adopt a looser Primal diet (less strict than Paleo) but more of the "Just Eat Real Food" philosophy. I'm learning to make all kinds of things, from yogurt with local milk, whole wheat tortillas and even my own kombucha.

I track my calories more so to make sure I am eating enough. I lift in the morning and do running at night, so I can easily burn 1000 cals a day. I've got about 30 lbs to lose. (YIKES that sounds hard)

I'm looking for a people similar to me, with similar goals and lifestyles to keep me motivated and help hold each other accountable. No only good days, this is the ups and downs! Leave a comment or shoot a friend request!

Ciao ciao!


  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    You don't have children so you're going to look awesome, young, and amaze everyone at your reunion most likely ;-) I didn't weigh any less at my own 10 yr reunion but this was true for me thanks to being CFBC

    Have fun!
  • crisgetsfit14
    You don't have children so you're going to look awesome, young, and amaze everyone at your reunion most likely ;-) I didn't weigh any less at my own 10 yr reunion but this was true for me thanks to being CFBC

    Have fun!

    Actually- I already stalked most of my former classmates and you are right on the money lol. Most of them have several children and have let themselves go. So it makes it a little easier haha :)
  • Zulumel
    Sounds like a great motivator!

    I too am trying to incorporate a more paleo/primal approach to eating. I wouldnt mind having some support (as I am new to this site).

    I am 26 year old and I just finished my Masters degree. All that school work means I am out of shape compared to what t I was 2 years ago. I am definitely interested in lifting + spin classes. My goal is to get fit enough to do martial arts/kickboxing/Krav Maga classes.

    I have about 10-15 pounds to lose but I need to gain quite a bit of muscle! I just want to get back to living a more active lifestyle!

    Good luck with your goals!
  • delicious_cocktail
    delicious_cocktail Posts: 5,797 Member
    You don't have children so you're going to look awesome, young, and amaze everyone at your reunion most likely ;-) I didn't weigh any less at my own 10 yr reunion but this was true for me thanks to being CFBC

    Have fun!

    Actually- I already stalked most of my former classmates and you are right on the money lol. Most of them have several children and have let themselves go. So it makes it a little easier haha :)

    I'm in the best shape of my life, including better than high school, but nothing can erase the bone-weariness that those little *kitten* create. I'm sure I seemed a lifeless husk to my childless peers at my 10yr.
  • jacbarney
    I wish you the best of luck. 30 pounds in a year will be a piece of cake (metaphorically of course, lol). I just had my 10 year on October 5th and I was so down on myself physically that I didn't even go so don't make the same mistake because now I'm really disappointed in myself. Cheers to all the local eating as well, that's truly the way we all should strive to be!