New user and struggling with motivation and sugar intake

Ive only just joined so not lost an ounce yet! Im dedicated to loosing weight but motivation is a real issue for me, my "get up and go" has gone.....

Ive been using the food diary for 3 days and my sugar intake has been over the recomended everyday, ive got a sweet tooth certainly but maybe my food choices aren't the best?!

advice on good excercise choices for a newbie more than welcome


  • stt43
    stt43 Posts: 487
    The recommended sugar intake is irrelevant. If you have no health issues related to sugar ignore it and don't worry about it. If are consuming the right amount of calories you will lose weight, regardless of your sugar intake.
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    The moment I got rid of the sugar part on here I was able to relax. It's not worth the stress that causes.
  • thanks guys, i thought the sugar thing was a bit ridiculous, especially in regards to fruit which is all natural!
  • LyndaMRou
    LyndaMRou Posts: 54 Member
    Sugar is really hard to wean yourself off of. Trust me, I have a total sweet tooth as well. I've managed to cut down on my sugar intake, but I've not told myself I can't have it, only that I don't need it right now. Looking at your diary, you're probably eating too little -- there's a reason MyFitnessPal sets 1200 as your lowest calories -- you might not lose if you don't take in enough calories.

    Sugar won't kill you, but if you're hungry, I find it better to stay away from refined sugars and eat something substantial like an apple and peanut butter or some veggies and hummus.

    Good luck and if you want a new friend on here, send me a request!
  • SkiMummy
    SkiMummy Posts: 33 Member
    I agree with everyone else - the sugar levels are ridiculously low. I am diabetic (Type 1), so I fully understand the importance of not having too much sugar in your diet. But with the levels on MFP even a glass of milk and a banana will put you over. I am over every single day, but the sugar in a banana is not the same as the sugar in a slice of white bread with jam, so you just need to use your own judgement.

    Hang in there - the motivation will come once you start to loose the weight. You can do this.
  • If u Are worried about ur sugar intake Stick to natural sugars dont eat added sugars. Natural sugars are in fruits and vegies , organic honey etc but If u are diabetic stay away from bananas.
  • bchthrpy
    bchthrpy Posts: 76 Member
    I am an established (didn't like the word "old") user and my get up and go, left me months ago. As a result I have gained 10 lbs. I just can't figure out why.
  • I just joined, too, and also find the sugar allowance absurd and extreme. I eat virtually no "added" sugar or processed foods and still significantly exceed the allowance because of fruit and non-fat dairy. If I want to cut those things out (along with everything else I've already sacrificed), I'll do Paleo.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Ive only just joined so not lost an ounce yet! Im dedicated to loosing weight but motivation is a real issue for me, my "get up and go" has gone.....

    Ive been using the food diary for 3 days and my sugar intake has been over the recomended everyday, ive got a sweet tooth certainly but maybe my food choices aren't the best?!

    advice on good excercise choices for a newbie more than welcome

    Your ticker says you've lost 5lbs! Congrats.

    As others have said, forget the sugar macro. It's irrelevant. The protein macro MFP sets is too low - try to get 1g/lb lean body mass. Some say it should be 1 g/kg of weight. Especially if you are exercising.

    You are not meeting your calorie requirements. While that might help you lose weight more quickly, it is less likely to be pure fat that you are losing.
