best diet? what is a best diet?????????

CHANGES4ME Posts: 132 Member
edited September 22 in Food and Nutrition
ok, i wanna know!!! best diets. what r they? protein? carbs? what? i cant afford nutri system, ( sure wish i could ) or jenny craig... cant afford weight watchers either. here is my delimma.... we get food stamps, & most of of it goes 2 dinner meals for 30 daz. i work 2 - 10 mon - fri... i need ideas on what i could make meals that are easy 2 fix, not costly.. i usually eat while i am feedin a resident where i work at.... help me pweaz!!!!


  • FelipaJ
    FelipaJ Posts: 71
    The best diet (way of eating) is the one you can stick to long term.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    A lifestyle change that you can incorporate into your everyday living is the best "diet" and since you never end the "diet" you won't gain all the weight plus more back. It is best to eat small meals often instead of 3 large meals.
  • cmichel
    cmichel Posts: 12
    Just follow the food pyramid.
  • see if you can find a farmer's market in your area on the weekend. They have fresh veggies and fruit for REALLY inexpensive prices you can't find in the grocery store. I typically take less than $10 with me and have two bags of food to take home. I got carrots for 50 cents a bag last weekend!!

    the best "diet" is the natural kind. Anything processed and frozen or in an airtight bag is going to have added salt and preservatives that you don't need. Plus it's not as filling as fresh.

    Also, be sure to check out the "two for one" pricings in your local grocery stores where you can use the food stamps. You'll get a much better deal. Raw oats is a GREAT filler and staple to your pantry.

    Best of luck!
  • Juliane_
    Juliane_ Posts: 373 Member
    My favorite lunch is a tuna fish sandwich on sandwich thins. I use Kraft mayo w/ olive oil because it's lower in calories.

    I think that as long as you watch your calories you will be fine.

    I also like the suggestion of another poster. Eat smaller meals. I try to make sure I eat between meals a healthy snack. It helps you to never feel totally hungry.
  • The best diet is the one that agrees with your body the best, and it's going to be different for everyone. Fruits, veggies, complex carbs, and lean protein- mix, match, and don't forget to congratulate yourself by indulging every once in a while. Good luck with your journey :wink:
  • Amber030583
    Amber030583 Posts: 490 Member
    Sounds like money is tight, which I can completely understand. If you are serious about this and want to make it a lifestyle change then you gotta watch portion control. Also, peanut butter will be your best friend. Now, to make it stretch even further coupons, coupons, coupons! You can print them offline also. Gotta stretch your money the most you can and if you can't afford to go healthy organic food (because it does tend to be more expensive) then just get what you can afford and start measuring everything out. I do splurge and get my new addiciton Cheeto's mighty zingers. (YES, i know terrible) But right when I went to put my groceries away I got out the measuring cup and ziplock bags and measured out the servings until the bag was gone. I then had them already prepacked and it was a grab and go thing. (150 calories or something like that and it was more then enough) Also, I do this with raising. You would be surprised that 1/4 cup of raisins are really filling and give you a great boost of energy.

    So, my main thoughts are coupons, sales, ziplocs and portion control and you will have this in the bag!
  • I am finding recently that soups and stews go a long way! You can make a huge pot of vegetable soup for very little. And, now that it's getting chilly out it's a really great comfort food too! Have a small salad or roll with it and it makes a great meal. Good luck!
  • SuzanneRogers
    SuzanneRogers Posts: 250 Member
    Check out it will tell you what to buy based on foods you like and sales for the week. It cost $5 but worth it to help you eat healthier and save money at the same time.

    I save the most money on food when I use my crockpot to cook. Buy roast and get a many meals from it. Same goes for whole fryer put in crockpot, you can put the meat in spaghetti, pasta, chicken salad sandwiches. Just be creative.

    Check out she will tell you want is on sale at what store and were to find the coupons to get the best deal and it is free.. Feel free to message me if you need more help.

    As for as diets go, low carb, high protein,low fat, no sugar; elimination of any one fat, carb, protein is not a long term thing. Your body need a balance of them all to function. Just eat off salad plates, smaller portions and more fruits and veggies. Snack on almonds - I buy 1lb tub of them - great source of healthy fats and protein.
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    Honestly I believe the best diet is a balanced one, healthy, as many fresh veggies as possible, and as little processed food as possible. Watch your portion sizes and incorporate it into a healthy lifestyle, not a restrictive diet.

    Jenny Craig, Nutrisystem, blah, blah, you can do the same thing at home with research and determination.
  • hotpickles
    hotpickles Posts: 639 Member
    The best diet is one that you can stick with and enjoy. There's no sense in following something too restrictive for you because you will just end up quitting. Everyone is different, so what might work for one person probably won't work as well for another.

    My advice is to try and eat real foods that you prepare yourself, and allow yourself some room for indulgence in the foods you like, but aren't considered that healthy. Moderation is key!

    CHANGES4ME Posts: 132 Member
    which is what? that is what i tryin 2 find out.. itried healthy choices, lean cuisine, carbs, i am stayin right between 220 -225 since as far back as aug....
  • which is what? that is what i tryin 2 find out.. itried healthy choices, lean cuisine, carbs, i am stayin right between 220 -225 since as far back as aug....

    this will help you figure if you are eating too many or too little calories.
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