Surprisingly high calorie filling foods?

Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
I've had that craving for a while, so for lunch I decided to order a pizza and that pizza cookie from Papa John (kids didn't have school and I didn't feel like figuring out lunch). I had two pieces of pizza and one piece of cookie (delicious, by the way).

Almost 800 calories later, and after a pretty high calorie breakfast (for me), I figured the rest of the day would suck, as I only had 300 calories left... What would you know, I'm now making myself eat dinner because I'm not hungry at all!

So, I'm wondering... Is there any other high calorie food I'm denying myself for no reason, because I wrongfully think they won't fill me up?


  • Ed98043
    Ed98043 Posts: 1,333 Member
    What kind of pizza is it that you have two slices and a cookie for less than 800 calories? Because I need to get some.

    I would say my biggest high-calorie, high-satiety item is steak. A nice 14 to 18 oz grilled New York strip or rib eye is very high in calories but I'm full for hours afterwards. Plus no protein shake needed that day.
  • GettingMooreInShape
    Burgers! Great balance of protein, fat, and carbs.
  • sriley7682
    sriley7682 Posts: 48 Member
    I agree with the burgers comment above! Also, lean steaks like Laura's Lean Beef. Yum!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    It was Papa John cheese pizza. 2 slices at 290 calories, plus their cookie pizza at 200 calories a slice.

    I've had bad experiences with burgers though! I get hungry after a bit. Not sure why. It was a grilled chicken burger last time though. Who knows. Might be because today was a rest day too and I didn't do anything.
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    I will be having 3/4 of a medium pizza for dinner and could not be more excited about it.
  • TurtleTape
    TurtleTape Posts: 254 Member
    Pasta always fills me up, or really any carbs. I know everyone's all "protein keeps you fuller longer!", but it doesn't work for me. Often I'll eat a big pasta, rice, or bready meal late in the afternoon(not eating beforehand, unless it's something very small) and I'm good until bed.