Any PCOS sufferers that have lost weight without meds



  • teateatea23
    teateatea23 Posts: 17 Member
    From what I've gathered it really depends on your body. I have hypothyroidism and PCOS so it's definitely a double edged sword. Over the past two months I've lost about 5 lbs (and a couple inches... i never kept track) by doing C25K and not really changing my diet too much (I eat very healthy anyways, high protein, lactose intolerant, gluten free and low carb). For me slow and steady is how it goes, but 7lbs in 3 weeks sounds great! And good job to everyone else who has seen success.
  • buttshrink
    buttshrink Posts: 32 Member
    You can add me! I've lost just under 60lbs since march without any medication for my pcos. I eat around 1550 cals a day and exercise for 30 min to sn hour 4 or 5 days a week.
  • imaginaryplant
    imaginaryplant Posts: 93 Member
    Hello, in 2008, I was able to lose 130 lbs while not on my PCOS (Metformin) medication. I started at 285 lbs. I don't recommend this for everyone, but at the time I was considering weight loss surgery, so I felt that I had to do something about my weight or get cut open and I really didn't want that. For the first 5 days, I drank nothing but liquids, I ate liquids (broths, jello, clear low cal juices, crystal lights with an occasional diet coke just so I didn't give up)...I slept A LOT over those days. At the end of the 5 days, I had lost almost 20 lbs. After that I had broken my addiction to food and was able to handle a very strict 1200/day calorie diet. I don't recommend this for anyone who has any medical issues, besides having PCOS, I was physically healthy and 28 years old. I ate 1200 cals a day, and did brisk walks for 30 mins to an hour almost everyday.

    After I was down 50 lbs, I moved to the gym. I would do 1 hour of cardio, 1 hour of strength training (alternating areas of the body daily, just to make sure I didn't strain anything). Over 9 months, I lost 100 lbs. The last 30 lbs were the HARDEST to lose. I ended up having to get a tummy tuck because of the large amount of skin that I had left on my stomach which was causing rashes and my insurance paid for it. They removed 5 lbs of skin. I was always under the impression that taking Metformin and exercising was a bad mix, but I think as long as you drink a ton of water and dont overdo it, it should be fine.

    Right now, I have only gained 30 lbs back because of brain medication, and I've had the hardest time trying to lose. I'm on Metformin again, and I'm not afraid of exercising while on it.

    I'm sharing all of this because this was the biggest thing I've ever accomplished, I was told that I would NEVER be able to lose weight due to my PCOS. It is possible, and I am living proof that women with PCOS can lose weight and change their lives. I just hope that soon I'll take off these wretched 30 extra pounds that my stupid brain meds caused...i do know its possible, I just get discouraged sometimes.
  • I have PCOS and lost 50lbs... All without meds, but gained it back since my mom's health got really bad and she passed away in March of this year. But I'm back to get rid of it forever now

    Inspiring and thank you, I hope you get that 50 lbs back off, I'm sure you will x
  • I realise that I am managing to lose weight so far but the higher protein, lower carb system sounds like the way to go. I do expect to plateau quickly. Never really been lower than 190 lbs my whole adult life.
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    I do fine if I do something about the insulin problem. I do great on a low-glycemic diet, but I love certain things too much to do that all the time. So I have to exercise. It keeps my glucose nice enough, apparently, because I don't burn many calories doing what I do yet it works.

    If I try to lose weight without worrying about blood sugar or exercise, it does not work. It might at 1200 calories a day or something, but I've never tried that low. I don't want to, lol :)

    I'm hoping to do even better if I take a short yet brisk walk after eating earlier in the day. My night exercise clears out that glucose well, and I think a little earlier would cover me for all day. I monitor my BG, so I can tell how well my level goes down, btw. It's a huge drop and lasts till the morning.
  • Eve1972
    Eve1972 Posts: 297
    I lost all my weight without any meds, it can be done! Good luck!
  • kenzietate
    kenzietate Posts: 399 Member
    Hey, I've had PCOS for a long time and I've lost weight with diet only. I used to take meds, but they didn't seem to help much. A ketogenic diet has helped me immensely and kept my blood glucose levels normal. Feel free to friend me and/or message me.

    Keto is what helped me also. I finally found out about it in June and lost about 10 lbs before I unexpectedly got pregnant also due to keto.

    It is very possible to lose weight with PCOS and no meds. It takes a lot of work either way but it is very worth it! Good luck and feel free to friend me! I will be back at it as soon as I can!
  • Cinloykko
    Cinloykko Posts: 117 Member
    I'm on meds.... and they ALL make me sick. but i have a pretty extreme case of PCOS >>>
    but ive read of a lot of success stories that say you can do it without meds!!!! I think it can def be done. you just need to keep in mind that you will experience different progress. It might be slower than regular people, but dont get discouraged!!!! losing weight will ultimately HELP your pcos symptoms ... even 0.5lbs off is a step in the right direction :-)

    Restrict Carbs
    Watch Portions
    Be mindful of hormonal cravings/eating
    Strength training if your friend
    Low GI diets are great
    Some up's and down's are okay
    Slow and steady is the way to go

    Good luck!!!
  • teddiebare
    teddiebare Posts: 46 Member
    I was just diagnosed last week after not losing any weight in 14 months. I initially lost 50-ish lbs with low-carb and exercise, but I hit a WALL. And a bad one. I tried 1200 calories for 6 months. I tried 2200 for 6 months. Now I eat between 1800-2000, and I exercise 6- hours a week (3 of it being heavy strength training). I also walk 4-miles a day in addition to the exercise. I even did a week-long juice fast and lost exactly 0 pounds. I have tried raw vegan. I have been a vegetarian for 8 years and even added chicken and fish back into my diet to attempt Paleo. Nothing. I finally forced my doctor to help me figure out what the hell, and got my PCOS diagnosis after some more blood work.

    I am on a low level of metformin, and she thinks I will do well since I've already figured out the diet and exercise portion. I might go see an actual endocrinologist in January, just to make sure I don't need anything else. They've been convinced it was my thyroid for years, but were never able to get an abnormal lab result.

    So the short answer is: it depends. It depends on your body and how well it responds to diet and exercise. I have exhausted that avenue, and I'm hopeful that the low-dose of metformin will help get things moving again. I'd like to lose at least another 20-30 pounds, and I'm tired of struggling.
  • kazsjourney
    kazsjourney Posts: 263 Member
    I lost most of my weight without meds. I have lost 180 pounds. I did it by basically avoiding as much processed foods as possible, having one grain free meal per day, and exercise. I also ensure I get enough sleep :)
  • Glad it's not just me who had such bad reaction's to Metformin. Most doctor's hail it as some miracle drug, that's going to help you lose weight, cure PCOS, and probably create World Peace! :mad: It made me nauseous as heck, I didn't want to eat a thing whilst taking it. I tried restarting it after I'd lost quite a bit of weight already, but found exactly the same problem, so I have lost the weight medication free. I've lost 100lb, but haven't cut carbs/dairy, or increased proteins, or tried hitting macros. Just calorie counting and having anything I fancied that day. That along with exercise, mostly walking 1/2hr a day.

    Good luck. :flowerforyou:
  • aklove907
    aklove907 Posts: 118 Member
    I was diagnosed a few years ago, and have always fluctuated weight wise. I have been logging everything I eat, and starting to exercise a few times a week. I have lost 14lbs in about 6 weeks without any meds. I am feeling great, and losing a little bit steadily! Best of luck to you on your loss!!
  • lebbyloses
    lebbyloses Posts: 133 Member
    I have PCOS, and I have never been on medication for it (well, birth control). I've lost more than 40 pounds. You can do it!
  • Conniehysell
    Conniehysell Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you Alisonb8
  • I lost 50 pounds (gained that back plus more but that's another story) with PCOS on a only fruits and vegetables diet. I did not take any medications for my PCOS. It's possible to lose weight but it'll take a bit longer depending on various factors in each women who has the diease. Don't be discouraged ! Keep eating healthy and exercise a few times a week, you'll see results. :)
  • LadyTest
    LadyTest Posts: 5 Member
    I lost 108 pounds three years ago and I have PCOS. I have been on meteor in for years and thought I couldn't lose weight because of my PCOS and hypothyroidism however, 3years ago it all clicked and I did it. My cycles regulated and I had a baby 7 months ago. I have gained back some weight so here I am again.
    Good luck to you! You can do this! Friend me if you would like. Take care.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    Portion control and watching the carbohydrate intake has really worked for me. Now I'm on metformin but that id d/t pregnancy.
  • gomisskellygo
    gomisskellygo Posts: 635 Member
    I was just diagnosed last week after not losing any weight in 14 months. I initially lost 50-ish lbs with low-carb and exercise, but I hit a WALL. And a bad one. I tried 1200 calories for 6 months. I tried 2200 for 6 months. Now I eat between 1800-2000, and I exercise 6- hours a week (3 of it being heavy strength training). I also walk 4-miles a day in addition to the exercise. I even did a week-long juice fast and lost exactly 0 pounds. I have tried raw vegan. I have been a vegetarian for 8 years and even added chicken and fish back into my diet to attempt Paleo. Nothing. I finally forced my doctor to help me figure out what the hell, and got my PCOS diagnosis after some more blood work.

    I am on a low level of metformin, and she thinks I will do well since I've already figured out the diet and exercise portion. I might go see an actual endocrinologist in January, just to make sure I don't need anything else. They've been convinced it was my thyroid for years, but were never able to get an abnormal lab result.

    So the short answer is: it depends. It depends on your body and how well it responds to diet and exercise. I have exhausted that avenue, and I'm hopeful that the low-dose of metformin will help get things moving again. I'd like to lose at least another 20-30 pounds, and I'm tired of struggling.

    We are twins!!! I got my diagnosis last week too! Same story, lost a ton, and then hit a wall for SIX YEARS!! I tried eat more, eat less, run more, run less, fitbit, HRM, all of it! And nothing! I started the Metformin XR 1,000 mg last week and BAM!!! 7 lbs gone! I know my ticker says 2lbs but I didn't "man" up and add the 5lb gain when I started logging again.

    OP: I think it is possible. It is possible for some people!! I will add though...I have had ZERO side effects from the meds. (Crossing my fingers).
  • I'm 30 and I was diagnosed with PCOS around 4 years ago. I was 203 lbs at my heaviest and now I weigh 160 lbs. I did not use any medications. I actually used this app stayed under 1200 calaries and worked out. At my heaviest I did not have a period at all. Now, I get one faithfully every month. I'm single so of course I'm not trying to get pregnant but I am hopeful when the time comes.