anyone carb cycling?

I recently bought Chris Powell's Choose More, Lose More. I love him and thought I'd take a chance on the book. LOVE.
Seriously breaks it all down, and makes eating healthy and exercising so doable I couldn't possibly have any excuses not to make the changes. Lots of different options for different goals/lifestyles, etc.

I started trying it last week while finishing the book, without the exercise portion. Bit of a learning curve, for me it's eating every 3hrs that will be a challenge, at least in the mornings. I work in an elementary school 3hrs every morning, but unless I'm scarfing a meal as I'm walking in and out, I'm going to have to pack something and try to discreetly eat there. But I'll figure that out.

I have tried oodles of times to get fit/eat healthy. This year I've had the most success and I think this book is the final key for me, combining it all in a way that works.

I can't believe in just a week the amount of energy I have from ditching all the crap and eating mostly whole unprocessed foods. I was dog tired last night, 1st day of exercise LOL. But it's a good tired, not a lethargic tired. The 1st two days I really think I had some mild withdrawal symptoms, which is just scary to think that I was putting that much junk in my body that it reacted that way :(

I had every intention of getting up early again to do my 9min workout, but the dog woke me up twice between 2 & 4 throwing up, and when the alarm went off at 5:30 I was STARVING and that was that. Breakfast was first. BUT - while he says it's better to do 1st thing, it's Ok, just as long you get it in. So instead of already calling it a loss, I looked at my schedule and have already figured out where to get that, and a little cardio in later.

I do have a question though.....anyone else wake up starving? I was yesterday too. I'm not really hungry throughout the day - sometimes I start watching the clock to see when my 3hrs is up cuz my tummy is rumbling, but just a little.
But I've seriously been FAMISHED waking up. Which is frustrating because I'm NOT a morning person and HATE exercising 1st thing. I'd really like to get in the strength part early, but I don't know if I can get through the workout hungry, even if it's all in my head!!
Wasn't sure if this is something that will pass, if its' a good sign, or what.

Happy Tuesday everyone!


  • loveswalking
    loveswalking Posts: 354 Member
    Hi: I've been wanting to try it. Does it tell you in the book how many carbs. you are suppose to eat on the 1200 and 1500 calorie days?
  • PnutLuv
    PnutLuv Posts: 15 Member
    Haha, you know that, was the 1st thing I looked for, I've always been all about the NUMBERS. But NO - and it makes sense. He gives you portion sizes of healthy carbs, you just eat that. No worrying & obsessing over numbers, other than sticking to the calorie range. But just following the portion sizes and what foods to eat when, I've not had any problem with the calories.
    It's sort of freeing, not having to worry that I didn't get X amount of Carbs and X amount of proteins. If I'm putting in the right foods, it will just work!
    Best $26 I ever spent.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Why watch the clock? If you're hungry, eat. Timing makes no difference. Get the total calories you need in as many or as few meals as you want.

    That's the problem with books and such, they use unnecessary, complicated rules in order sell their product and make profit, when it's completely unnecessary. No need to sneak food into your workplace or watch a clock just eat at some completely arbitrary time. If you don't want to pay attention to specific grams of carbs or protein, don't. Most people honestly don't need to. If you stick to your calorie goal, you'll be fine.
  • PnutLuv
    PnutLuv Posts: 15 Member
    To each their own. I like having a plan & a goal. Structure works better for me. And I like learning and trying new things. The whole point of this book is the ease & flexibility. No equipment, so special "brand" foods. Real life stuff.
    And eating at work? - will probably help tons because I usually get home starving and that's when I have a harder time making better choices. ;)
    Was really just looking for ideas or input from those carb cycling, I realize everyone has their own ways to success.
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    I did it for a few weeks this summer and plan to do it again after New Years just to get me back on track after the holidays. I used the Bode by Vemma app but didn't buy the products. You really don't need them. I too liked having everything planned out which made it easy. I didn't follow the timing exactly because it started to annoy me. In real life eating on such a strict schedule is not always possible.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    To each their own. I like having a plan & a goal. Structure works better for me. And I like learning and trying new things. The whole point of this book is the ease & flexibility. No equipment, so special "brand" foods. Real life stuff.
    And eating at work? - will probably help tons because I usually get home starving and that's when I have a harder time making better choices. ;)
    Was really just looking for ideas or input from those carb cycling, I realize everyone has their own ways to success.
    All carb cycling is is eating a low carb diet, with occasional high carb days to replenish glycogen. There's no need or specific reason to rigidly time meals if you don't want to. If you prefer doing it a certain way, nothing is stopping you, but if it interferes with your life, there's no good reason not to change it. You could always, for example, just eat twice as much in the morning before working.

    To answer your other question, waking up starving every day generally means you aren't eating enough.
  • Brad805
    Brad805 Posts: 289 Member
    Please do not take this the wrong way, but carb cycling is usually most beneficial for those at very low BF levels trying to get lower. At this point it seems like more of a nuisance than you really need. Until women get below 20% and men are less than 15%, a typical calorie deficit will work just fine. Have a free meal or a re-feed once in a while and all will be fine. The most important thing is to preserve muscle mass during the fat loss process and I am sure you have already read the preferred nutrient for that.

    Keep at the daily grind.
    Good luck
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    I typically do not prescribe to the notion that carb cycling is beneficial, but if having that sort of structured plan helps you to stay the course, then I am all for it.