Keeping your treadmill workouts interesting - Mix it up

For those trying to keep there treadmill workouts interesting... Here's an idea for a little internval work. 3 minute warm up, 11 minute of intervals (see below), and 3 minute cool down.

Example (pick the speeds that work best for your ability and speed) - Each of these are based on the treadmills MPH and each is maintained for one full minute. You built up and then back down:

Try 7-8-7-9-7-10-7-9-7-8-7 --> And here's another if you need a little slower base line between the increases - 6-8-6-9-6-10-6-9-6-8-6 ... find your ideal tempo that pushes you just a bit, but allows for enough rest before hitting the higher speeds. Then you build up 3 levels and then back down. Total workout or run will be 17 minutes. If you're not pretty well spent by the end of 17 minutes you know that you could increase the speed next time.

Side note: I do love to run, but mixing things up just keeps things interesting for me, and constantly gives my body different things to get used to. I throw things like this, hills or inclines, distance runs, etc. all in the mix. This would just be one example of how to keep your treadmill workout interesting, fun and/or challenging over the winter months. One other idea is to look up different running routines or programs and figure out how to adapt those to your next treadmill workout. Make finding workouts like this a new challenge and keep yourself motivated all winter long :)

I hope this helps just mix things up for someone and keep them going and trying new things :happy:
