Help! working out eating clean...gaining weight?

Hi so for the past two weeks I've been doing something a little different! I am waking up at 530 am going to the gym doing 45-1 of cardio. Eating clean juicing started taking vitamins. But for some reason I'm gaining weight.... its so sad especially when I'm trying really hard and this is killing my motivation. What am I doing wrong any help will be appreciated?
A lil about me:
Wake up 5:30
Drink two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar
Get to the gym one hour of cardio example: 30 mins stairmaster 30 mins eliptical or treadmill.
Get home drink my juice (kale celery apple pineapple strawberry spinach granola flax seeds)
Go to work 8am around 11 eat cereal or special k sandwiches
Around 2 lunch I eat salads or grilled chicken n veggies tuna or like today baked tilapia n mixed veggies
For dinner I eat something small same as above
Nothing after 7pm
I drink A LOT of water all day everyday
Vitamins omega b12 b6 D
Help?!?!?! I've gained about 3 pounds in these past two weeks that I've been doing this


  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    Did you just start the exercise in the last couple of weeks? It's not uncommon to see no change or even a slight gain on the scale when you start a new exercise routine. Our bodies flood sore muscles with water to help cushion and repair them. This is temporary and should go away as your body gets more used to the routine.

    Additionally, eating clean and/or juicing means very little if you're not in a calorie deficit. You tell us what you're eating but not how many calories you eat. Log your food and make sure you're eating at a reasonable deficit.

    I'll also add the usual caveats. Eating clean/juicing/not eating after 7pm/apple cider vinegar are all fine if that's what you want to do, but they're not required for weight loss. Eat at a reasonable calorie level and get a little exercise. Everything else is up to personal preference and what you can stick with.
  • fivethreeone
    fivethreeone Posts: 8,196 Member
    Juicing, working out, and eating clean are not required for weight loss.

    Knowing and consuming the proper number of calories on a daily basis for an extended period of time is.

    Use this link to figure out the proper number of calories to consume, using the "fat loss -20%" choice
  • escloflowneCHANGED
    escloflowneCHANGED Posts: 3,038 Member
    What is the apple cider vinegar supposed to do?
  • Msang
    Msang Posts: 30 Member
    What is the apple cider vinegar supposed to do?
    Nothing really I drink it because it had helped me with my stomatch problems n for some reason I feel a bit more energized.
  • Msang
    Msang Posts: 30 Member
    Juicing, working out, and eating clean are not required for weight loss.

    Knowing and consuming the proper number of calories on a daily basis for an extended period of time is.

    Use this link to figure out the proper number of calories to consume, using the "fat loss -20%" choice

    Thank you so much I will look into this. I new to this so I'm trying to learn the most I can.
  • missADS1981
    missADS1981 Posts: 364 Member
    what is your heart rate when you do your cardio. why not swap the 1 hour and go for a half hour of HIIT? also i am always going to say lift weights, i'm a big supporter of weight lifting for females.

    it doesn't seem like you eat enough, at least not from what you mention. try to eat more often and smaller meals.
  • Msang
    Msang Posts: 30 Member
    Did you just start the exercise in the last couple of weeks? It's not uncommon to see no change or even a slight gain on the scale when you start a new exercise routine. Our bodies flood sore muscles with water to help cushion and repair them. This is temporary and should go away as your body gets more used to the routine.

    Additionally, eating clean and/or juicing means very little if you're not in a calorie deficit. You tell us what you're eating but not how many calories you eat. Log your food and make sure you're eating at a reasonable deficit.

    I'll also add the usual caveats. Eating clean/juicing/not eating after 7pm/apple cider vinegar are all fine if that's what you want to do, but they're not required for weight loss. Eat at a reasonable calorie level and get a little exercise. Everything else is up to personal preference and what you can stick with.

    Yes I started about 2 weeks ago. I guess my first step was to see what calorie level I should be at huh? Thanks for the info I'm trying to learn as much as I can
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    Did you just start the exercise in the last couple of weeks? It's not uncommon to see no change or even a slight gain on the scale when you start a new exercise routine. Our bodies flood sore muscles with water to help cushion and repair them. This is temporary and should go away as your body gets more used to the routine.

    Additionally, eating clean and/or juicing means very little if you're not in a calorie deficit. You tell us what you're eating but not how many calories you eat. Log your food and make sure you're eating at a reasonable deficit.

    I'll also add the usual caveats. Eating clean/juicing/not eating after 7pm/apple cider vinegar are all fine if that's what you want to do, but they're not required for weight loss. Eat at a reasonable calorie level and get a little exercise. Everything else is up to personal preference and what you can stick with.

    Yes I started about 2 weeks ago. I guess my first step was to see what calorie level I should be at huh? Thanks for the info I'm trying to learn as much as I can

    If you set up your MFP account accurately and with a reasonable goal in mind (hint: that's rarely 2 pounds/week) it will do a good job of figuring your calorie needs for you. Just remember to log your exercise and eat back some of the earned calories.

    Or you can figure your TDEE (your total daily energy expenditure) and eat about 20% less than the total number of calories your body burns in a day. You'll find a lot of TDEE calculators on the web, but I like Scooby because it does the math for you (

    If you set up MFP accurately, these methods should give you about the same results in the end.
  • Also, you should start measuring rather than stepping on the scale. You may very well be a little heavier, but it is possible you have lost (or you will) some inches.
  • bmqbonnie
    bmqbonnie Posts: 836 Member
    I'd probably calculate the calories in that juice. The flax and/or granola can be pretty calorific depending on how much you're eating. It also sounds to me like you may not be getting a whole lot of protein. I wouldn't consider special k to be "clean"- not necessarily detrimental to weight loss, but not particularly nutritive or filling either.

    Like someone else said too, if exercise is a new thing to you it's possible to put on a few pounds from that initially. make sure you're drinking a lot of water to try to flush it out.
  • Msang
    Msang Posts: 30 Member
    If you set up your MFP account accurately and with a reasonable goal in mind (hint: that's rarely 2 pounds/week) it will do a good job of figuring your calorie needs for you. Just remember to log your exercise and eat back some of the earned calories.

    Or you can figure your TDEE (your total daily energy expenditure) and eat about 20% less than the total number of calories your body burns in a day. You'll find a lot of TDEE calculators on the web, but I like Scooby because it does the math for you (

    If you set up MFP accurately, these methods should give you about the same results in the end.

    I set up my MFP account and went to Scooby website and they gave me two different calorie counts MFP gave me 1200 and Scooby gave me 1725 So im a little confused in to which one to follow? Unless im doing something wrong?
  • Mr_Excitement
    Mr_Excitement Posts: 833 Member
    Juicing, working out, and eating clean are not required for weight loss.

    Knowing and consuming the proper number of calories on a daily basis for an extended period of time is.

    Use this link to figure out the proper number of calories to consume, using the "fat loss -20%" choice


    Measure what you eat on a food scale, at least for a while. Everything. Get your caloric intake in the right range and you won't have to do a single burpee.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    If you set up your MFP account accurately and with a reasonable goal in mind (hint: that's rarely 2 pounds/week) it will do a good job of figuring your calorie needs for you. Just remember to log your exercise and eat back some of the earned calories.

    Or you can figure your TDEE (your total daily energy expenditure) and eat about 20% less than the total number of calories your body burns in a day. You'll find a lot of TDEE calculators on the web, but I like Scooby because it does the math for you (

    If you set up MFP accurately, these methods should give you about the same results in the end.

    I set up my MFP account and went to Scooby website and they gave me two different calorie counts MFP gave me 1200 and Scooby gave me 1725 So im a little confused in to which one to follow? Unless im doing something wrong?

    MFP will add extra calories when you exercise. What happens to your goal after you log your workouts?
  • GuybrushThreepw00d
    GuybrushThreepw00d Posts: 784 Member
    you shouldn't ask a question like this on the forums and not have your diary privacy set to open.
  • Msang
    Msang Posts: 30 Member
    If you set up your MFP account accurately and with a reasonable goal in mind (hint: that's rarely 2 pounds/week) it will do a good job of figuring your calorie needs for you. Just remember to log your exercise and eat back some of the earned calories.

    Or you can figure your TDEE (your total daily energy expenditure) and eat about 20% less than the total number of calories your body burns in a day. You'll find a lot of TDEE calculators on the web, but I like Scooby because it does the math for you (

    If you set up MFP accurately, these methods should give you about the same results in the end.

    I set up my MFP account and went to Scooby website and they gave me two different calorie counts MFP gave me 1200 and Scooby gave me 1725 So im a little confused in to which one to follow? Unless im doing something wrong?

    MFP will add extra calories when you exercise. What happens to your goal after you log your workouts?

    I see what I did wrong. In scooby i need to figure out my height in centimeters for some reason :) let me try it

    Ok tried it and Scooby added more calories im at over 2000 and MFP is at 1200 thats a huge difference! im going to follow scooby instead of MFP hopefully I see a difference thank you so much for your help
  • Msang
    Msang Posts: 30 Member
    you shouldn't ask a question like this on the forums and not have your diary privacy set to open.

    This is my first day using my diary and I had no idea it was private. im new to this...sorry
  • GuybrushThreepw00d
    GuybrushThreepw00d Posts: 784 Member
    you shouldn't ask a question like this on the forums and not have your diary privacy set to open. :tongue:

    This is my first day using my diary and I had no idea it was private. im new to this...sorry

    didn't mean to be curt... i left my smilie out :smile:
    ah, much better.

    flip setting to public, then back to friends only once you've got everything you wanted from the question.
  • Msang
    Msang Posts: 30 Member
    Juicing, working out, and eating clean are not required for weight loss.

    Knowing and consuming the proper number of calories on a daily basis for an extended period of time is.

    Use this link to figure out the proper number of calories to consume, using the "fat loss -20%" choice
    Did u get two different calorie count from scooby than the one here at MFP? I'm getting a big difference of the number of calories I should consume a day?
  • Bromard6
    Bromard6 Posts: 44 Member
    Fruit juices are very high in calories. Measure calories and you may find that a regular size juice/smoothie can be a huge calorie bomb. Water retention could be an issue but that is necessary for long-term success. Ensure that you weigh when you're fully hydrated. Good luck!
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    how long have you been doing this?