Back Again!

Hello All,

My name is Lauren and I'm a 25 yr old looking to make some serious changes. I'd like to lose some weight and take better care of myself. I did this a few years ago and lost twenty pounds in which I've luckily been able to keep most of them off. However my reason to start again this time is not only for my physical health but my mental health. I feel more insecure with myself than I have in a long time. I feel myself questioning every outfit I put on which we girls know thats a PAIN IN THE *kitten*! I feel sluggish and groggy a lot and I'm just sick of it. I want to get back on track the right way-- Exercising and eating healthy!

I'm huge on support and when I do things like this I need all the support I can get! Add me if you want to help motivate each other!

Best wishes to you all-

