& another & again. Buddy to lose 60+ lbs with me.

I've posted several posts like this before but there's always someone new here or someone who hasn't read my posts. I'm Marsha. I'm 25 years old. I've struggled with my weight since my childhood. I need someone who will be there from start to finish!!! Maybe even after! We get those friends that have accomplished their goals or are almost there & there are those that are going through the same exact battles as you are at such a convenient time....
Anyways I'm 5'6 tall or 66 inches... & have a goal weight set to 155 pounds. In January of this year I started off at 240. I lost quite a few pounds very slowly... That was slim to no effort... I really need support because I feel like this year and next year is all about *opening* up and letting down the walls, freeing some inhibitions... I'm in a relationship and this weight is holding me back in some ways of feeling comfortable with myself... I wanna get the scale dropping again... It's getting colder where I live and I just wanna be able to be focused and not binge.. get to the gym when weather doesn't prevent me from doing so... I travel by my two feet.. Walk to and from work... Anyways.. that was a little bit about me.. feel free to add me...


  • Hey there :) We are already friends but I feel like I could have written that post, you sound just like me. And you best believe that I will be here for you every step of the way!! It's amazing how much someone telling you to get off your butt and get going can motivate you. Good luck!
  • Windzer
    Windzer Posts: 104
    Feel free to add me. Starting up my journey again after a hiatus!
  • You sound so much like me ... I've tried losing weight so many times and I am hoping that having a little extra support can make all the difference. :)
  • Kimdbro
    Kimdbro Posts: 922 Member
    Pretty much identical... my goal is 155lb too, tho it's not a hard goal, I'd be happy being 170lb again. I was 155lb 5 years ago, got up to 246lb. Now sitting at 229.8lb. Slow but sure. I'm on daily, I try to be motivating, and I appreciate friends that are communicative and involved. Feel free to add me if you'd like.

    **edited to include, identical except age lol. I'm 37, does it count if I FEEL 25?
  • bluegirl87
    bluegirl87 Posts: 1 Member
    Right there with you! I'm 26 and working to lose 100+. I definitely could use support buddies!
  • I can definately relate. I have been chubby all my life. Now, I am 29, and I wouldl like to lose 100lbs. I am looking for people in a similar boat to motivate and to help motivate me.
  • kayla_0209
    kayla_0209 Posts: 6 Member
    I have 60 pounds to lose, would definitely love the support! Feel free to add me.
  • Hi,
    My name is Erin and I am starting over... yet again. I have "baby weight" plus some more too lose 60 - 70 - possibly 80lbs to lose... ( is it still considered baby weight when your baby is 5???) I have discovered since I quit smoking (5 years ago) I am now an emotional eater... I eat when I am happy and celebrating, I eat when I am stressed, I eat when I am board, I eat for no reason what so ever... So once and for all I am determined to take control. I am looking forward to seeing what I am really capable of! I always said if I could quit smoking I could do anything... but this weight loss business is HARD! I hope I can gather a support team, new friends and also encourage and empower others on this journey too!
    Day one is complete! I did very well! I want to take this one meal and one day at a time! I know we can all do this!!!!
  • lseed87
    lseed87 Posts: 1,105 Member
    I'm Lyndsey. Also 25 (26 in December). An inch taller. Congrats on losing what you did and will do! I feel the same way about winter but thankfully will be moving to Arizona so won't have to deal with snow and will be way more active.