Compression sleeves/socks

SO last night at physical therapy, my therapist was checking out my ankle and felt up my shins, following the stuff from my ankle.
He asked me if I got shin splints which I said I hadn't since I replaced an old pair of Asics (February 2012, shoes were 6 yrs old so nothing against Asics, I got a pair now).

He seemed a little surprised since he could feel stuff going on in my shin.
He suggested I wear a compression sleeve on that leg to help with recovery.

He said he likes "Zoot compression sleeves"
I'm going to go to one of the local running stores tonight and look about.

But until then, has anyone here used Zoot or some other brand and give me your opinions on the sleeves vs the socks?

Thank you =]


  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    I don't know about Zoot products but I have tried Zensah, CEP, 2XU, and CW-X. I have found that CEP and 2XU are both pretty close in terms of amount of compression and lasting quality. My Zensah sleeves (the first ones I ever purchased) lost a lot of elasticity over time. But my CEP's and 2XU's are still holding up great. I recently bought a pair of CW-X sleeves to try on and knew right away they were not going to work. They are very thin and I don't feel much compression. I sent those back. I expected better quality because their running tights are so good.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    I've got zoot compression socks, 2xu compression calf sleeves and compression tights. I do find they work well for recovery purposes, but the jury is still on out whether or not there are any real benefits during exercise.

    But it sounds like your situation is a little different. Part of me says to trust your doc. Another part of me says if you aren't having problems, why do you need to buy more gear?

    So I guess it comes down to this... Do I think they are good to have/use? Yes, but only if you need them. So, do you need them?
  • LishieFruit89
    LishieFruit89 Posts: 1,956 Member
    I've got zoot compression socks, 2xu compression calf sleeves and compression tights. I do find they work well for recovery purposes, but the jury is still on out whether or not there are any real benefits during exercise.

    But it sounds like your situation is a little different. Part of me says to trust your doc. Another part of me says if you aren't having problems, why do you need to buy more gear?

    So I guess it comes down to this... Do I think they are good to have/use? Yes, but only if you need them. So, do you need them?

    I'm not 100% sure I need them.
    He suggested trying them and it won't cause any harm if I do?
    I don't have shin splints but I do have ankle & knee issues (hence the PT)
    And I have felt better running in my compression tights I have so I think these will be handy for the days I wear capris/shorts...
    Worst case, I waste 60$...

    Have you used any of them while on a treadmill or do you just use them when you're outside?
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    I rarely use them during exercise, 99% of the time I use them for recovery. But no, never on a treadmill.
  • rgugs13
    rgugs13 Posts: 197 Member
    I used to get bad shin splints in during middle school track. Gave up running then, but trying again now. I got a couple pairs of smart wool compression socks from Sierra Trading Post, and I absolutely love them. They were irregulars, so only $20 each. I don't have anything to compare them to, and have only had them a week, but they have definitely helped prevent soreness and shin splints. Look on other discount gear websites before you buy some. You might get lucky!
  • KeithAngilly
    KeithAngilly Posts: 575 Member
    I use them for recovery only...I am happy with the response, although I have never had shin spints
  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    I wear them (CEP) for my longer runs and for a while afterwards. I like how they feel. I think it helps recovery, but even if it doesn't, they just feel good LOL. Yes, expensive. I only have the one pair. I may get CEP compression sleeves next time as they're less expensive.
  • Firefighter4ever
    Compression socks just recently caught my attention. Are they mainly for recovery? Or exercise? Or both?

    I now use a spandex bicycle type short to run in and now I don't like to run without em. I really like how it keeps the muscles warm and collected.
  • HelloDan
    HelloDan Posts: 712 Member
    Worth considering compression leggings, that way you get the compression effect, but you also get a useful bit of gym wear out of it too, rather than just sleeves which may not get much use, or eventually get abandoned.