Finally there, but unsatisfied..?

Hi guys, I hope everyone is doing well on their health ventures. I hope you can help me out <3

This has been on my mind a lot and I have been struggling with it, so I was hoping you guys could give me some advice or share your own stories.. I'm gonna just go ahead and give you the stats.

H: 5 ft
HW: 165 lbs
CW: 108 lbs
I keep a diet around 1200 calories, I eat pretty clean (No added sugars, lactose, coffee, grains, legumes, i avoid preservatives and the like). I do moderate exercise 3x a week and I walk everywhere.

My goal weight for as long as I can remember has been 110. I had a doctor and personal trainer tell me that 110 was a great goal for me but looking at my body, I am still not where I want to be. I still seem pudgy and I don't feel like a thin person. I have done a lot of research, and a lot of it indicated that 100 was a better goal for me. It was weird, finally weighing in at a number that seemed mythical to me at one time and still not looking fit/thin. Any thoughts?

Thank you!


  • vorgas
    vorgas Posts: 741 Member
    Time for body recomp. Pick up heavy things and put them down. Repeat.
  • angrodriguez92
    angrodriguez92 Posts: 193 Member
    Ok, more strength training is definitely something I can do. Thank you.
  • Jewlz280
    Jewlz280 Posts: 547 Member
    I agree. Seems it's time to hit the weights. I've been focusing on losing, but I'm afraid if I continue to wait, I won't be happy when I get closer to goal, either. So, I understand what you're saying. Just a fair warning, you may have an initial gain when you start with the weights for a few weeks. When your muscles are 'stressed', they retain more fluid and it will give a falsely high reading. And you will need to up your cals some to build muscle. Others who know more than me will probably be able to give you more details like the link above. Or you could even look up Stronglifts or the New Rules of Lifting for Women. I'm hoping to start Stronglifts but think I will do more research on a few other things then get to it. Good luck!
  • gigglesinthesun
    gigglesinthesun Posts: 860 Member
    one of the issues is that just by losing weight you don't actually love yourself more. We all assume that'll come, but it's not always the case. By all means, lift heavy and continue to work out and watch your diet, but also try looking at yourself in the mirror naked every day and point out thing that are good about your body to prod that self-love a little along :-)
  • Mollysous
    Totally agree, you must love yourself for the parts you have. My sister-wife had a child 15 months ago and she used to be "skinny and beautiful", now she is healthy, but her shape has changed. She has decided to love her slightly pudgy belly (baby stretched it out) and the fact that she is an outty instead of an inny (bellybutton) is comical!

    Bottom line is, no one but you is you and damn girl, you did it! I am just starting my journey at the same place you did (5ft, was 164 lbs, now 161 lbs and I'm just shooting for 135 because 110 seems like a pipe dream and I cannot imagine being that "skinny", I do need some body fat, right?).

    Be proud of your accomplishments!