Will just walking help me lose weight

I'm between 5'3 and 5'4, and I weigh 54 kilos. I eat reasonably healthy, plenty of fruit/veg and around 1,200 calories per day. Activity wise, I'm sedentary and I want to change that. I'm slim looking, but I do have some problem areas and would like to tone up and lose a few pounds.

My only issue is (and I know this sounds bad) I really don't like exercise. I honestly just don't have the commitment or motivation to work out. Joining a gym is out of the question because I have severe anxiety/confidence issues. I've tried home workouts before, but I get bored easily and can't focus so I just give up. I feel like the only exercise I can enjoy and commit to is walking.

I've decided I am going to start taking walks as many days a week as I can. I've heard that walking at a brisk pace burns calories, and I'm a fast walker so this shouldn't be a problem.

Anyway, I wanted to ask whether this would help me lose weight. If so, how many hours per day (or hours per week) should I do? Would 30 minutes of brisk walking most days a week be sufficient? How fast would I see results?

Any info, suggestions and advice is much appreciated. I'm new to all this, so excuse me if I sound clueless!


  • Naaer
    Naaer Posts: 212 Member
    Walking is very good exercise...Here in the States they recommend doing thirty minutes a day of walking, most days of the week(five)...This amount should tone you...I'd increase to an hour to lose weight...Keep your caloric content at, about, 1200 calories, and you should lose weight....

  • _xXJennXx_
    _xXJennXx_ Posts: 3,290 Member
    As long as you do 30 minutes minimum, yes it will help you lose weight. I started out with walking and lost most the pounds that way!
  • I know there are programs out there to "walk off the weight". It sure it better than doing nothing! I too dislike exercise for the sake of exercise. I walk to work and back (a mile each way) most days and though the weight isn't flying off, it is going down and I am slimming/toning up.
  • If that's the type of exercise that you can continue a workout regimen with then go with it. You won't burn calories that fast and therefore won't see the same benefit as a higher intensity workout but if you hate working out it's a lot better to get some exercise over none.
  • When I was losing weight, I walked every day, and lost weight. I too had a 1200 calorie limit, and ate back my exercise calories. Once a week I would take a 4&1/2 mile walk (About an hour and a half), the rest, about a half hour to forty-five minutes. The more I exercised, the more I could eat. I also gave myself a cheat day every Friday, if, and only if, I lost weight. People are gonna tell you that 1200 calories is too low, and you shouldn't do a cheat day, but all I can say, is it worked for me. I am now enjoying maintenance.

    Edited for spelling error.
  • tottie06
    tottie06 Posts: 259 Member
    I would say yes. I use my incline/decline treadmill daily now since joining this site on Nov 2nd, and, with the addition of cutting my calories (1200 to 1600 depending on the amount of cardio and/or strength training), I have dropped 3 pounds already. May not sound like a lot of loss, but in my world (of weighing over 75 kilos at your height), I am thrilled. Time wise, I do one of the preprogramed trainer workouts on my treadmill, and it's about 20 minutes. It's mostly walking as fast as I can on an incline, with a few short bursts of running. I do do my own 10 minute warm up on it, and then a 10 minute cool down, being the programed workout is intense (either that, or it's all this extra weight I am carrying that makes it seem that way lol). Done this way, I burn 400+ calories a pop. Is there any way you can walk on an incline? And than eventually add in short bursts of running? Mixing it up is what keeps muscles challenged and kicks up the fat burning. If I may add my own opinion, you are at a healthy weight, enviable! Sounds like you should shoot for muscle tone vs a lot of weight loss.
  • tottie06
    tottie06 Posts: 259 Member
    Yes! I second the cheat day. I still eat what I like, just smaller amounts of some things, and larger amounts of others. But, I still have a cheat day where I just don't worry about going over some.
  • Yes! I second the cheat day. I still eat what I like, just smaller amounts of some things, and larger amounts of others. But, I still have a cheat day where I just don't worry about going over some.

    Just to clarify what a cheat day was for me. I would have a 12" Subway sandwich instead of a 6' for lunch, and sometimes I would go out to dinner. I also didn't log cheat days. I still do them.

    Edited for additional comment.
  • ElectricDragon
    ElectricDragon Posts: 60 Member
    Joining a gym is out of the question because I have severe anxiety/confidence issues. I've tried home workouts before, but I get bored easily and can't focus so I just give up. I feel like the only exercise I can enjoy and commit to is walking.

    I've decided I am going to start taking walks as many days a week as I can. I've heard that walking at a brisk pace burns calories, and I'm a fast walker so this shouldn't be a problem.

    I understand this all too well, the anxiety issues.

    I recommend just walking at your normal speed. Go for distance rather than speed. There is definitely a trade-off between how far versus how fast vs how long and I'm sure everyone has there own opinions on what works best for them. Maybe start off with 30 minutes a day and keep that going for a week; if that feels good you can up the daily time slowly. Make small changes, experiment with the variables, and see how you feel.

    Make sure also to invest in a good pair of walking shoes! It makes all the difference.

    Lastly, stay safe! If you walk were there are stray dogs or where pets tend to get loose (like in my area), you might want to get a whistle or a walking stick, something to help you in case you really get in trouble if they get aggressive. If you walk, at night make sure you wear light colored clothing to be visible, maybe even attach some small LEDS to yourself.

    All the best!
  • HollisGrant
    HollisGrant Posts: 2,022 Member
    Walking is great exercise. I suggest you walk outside instead of on a treadmill. Then you get the Vitamin D benefits from sunlight and all the psychological benefits of walking to an interesting place. Walking outside is great because once you walk somewhere, you have to walk back, whereas on a treadmill if you get bored you can just step off. Walking is my main exercise. I have lost 40+ pounds this year from a change in my diet and walking instead of using my car, so it does work. Good luck.

    Edited to add I don't speed walk. I walk at a normal pace. However, I walk everywhere I can, to work, for local errands, and hike on the weekend. Little walks really add up.
  • tottie06
    tottie06 Posts: 259 Member
    Sounds about right. But I do log anyway. Whatever works! Congrats on your weight loss btw. :) Looking forward to maintenance.
  • shellfly
    shellfly Posts: 186
    Absolutely! I lost the bulk of my weight via fast walking. I used a combination of DVDs by Leslie Sansone, that add a few other exercises to the walking (such as kicks, knee lifts, side steps, and so on). I'm sure those additional moves helped with conditioning while I lost.
  • tottie06
    tottie06 Posts: 259 Member
    You make a good point HollisGrant! Well a few. I will be walking outside more once it cools down a bit. The heat and humidity here in FL can be brutal! I am originally for MD, and am still not used to it. As for catching some rays and vit D, that sounds great except I burn after 30 minutes ...unless I plaster on sunscreen. And I am not one to wear the stuff.
  • Taamyjo
    Taamyjo Posts: 22 Member
    Based on my limited knowledge of sugar levels from taking care of a friend, I deciced to walk after my largest meal to lower my sugar level and my theory was if the level was lower I would lost weight. I did it for about 2 months and lost 18 pounds. I walk slow on my treadmill and love to listen to an audio book while playing mahjong. It is a great way for me to multitask and enjoy myself. I didn't completely read the other posts but agree walking outside for the vitamin D is best as that can contribute to weight loss.
  • 1horseygirl1
    1horseygirl1 Posts: 98 Member
    walking is great, I have a desk job so try to go for a walk around the block at lunchtimes and find my afternoon far more productive if I do.
  • amyleblanc1
    amyleblanc1 Posts: 1 Member
    I think waling is great. I eat 1200 a day and my exercise calories, and I have a cheat day, and ive lost 5.2 lbs already in the first two weeks. The key I find is to not deprive yourself, or you will end up binging in the long run. MODERATION
  • starrylioness
    starrylioness Posts: 543 Member
    Walking definitely helps! I've lost my weight so far by eating 1500 calories a day, then doing Zumba a few times a week and walking a mile (sometimes two) about five to six times a week.
  • fkbourne
    fkbourne Posts: 13 Member
    I have been walking at least 10,000 steps a day for the last three months (some days less, some days more but it evens out to 70,000 a week). It has helped me a lot. I have had trouble just like you with other work out routines and I just couldn't seem to stick to it but for some reason just telling myself that no matter what I would walk that much a day every day, even if I was sore and didn't feel good, even if I walked the whole thing slow, has helped me to basically develop a good habit and now if I don't do it I just don't feel right. I feel better, more energy every day and even though I am not dropping the pounds at a fast rate I am changing my shape and had to go buy a size I have not fit into for 2 years! I say every little bit counts and you have to start slow, we didn't put this weight on over night and its not coming off that way either. Good luck to you.
  • fkbourne
    fkbourne Posts: 13 Member
    I have been walking at least 10,000 steps a day for the last three months (some days less, some days more but it evens out to 70,000 a week). It has helped me a lot. I have had trouble just like you with other work out routines and I just couldn't seem to stick to it but for some reason just telling myself that no matter what I would walk that much a day every day, even if I was sore and didn't feel good, even if I walked the whole thing slow, has helped me to basically develop a good habit and now if I don't do it I just don't feel right. I feel better, more energy every day and even though I am not dropping the pounds at a fast rate I am changing my shape and had to go buy a size I have not fit into for 2 years! I say every little bit counts and you have to start slow, we didn't put this weight on over night and its not coming off that way either. Good luck to you.

    I meant to add that on some days if my schedule doesn't allow I just try to get up and move more to get my 10,000 steps, that had me one night walking around in large circles in my basement until I got all of them:) I also use a fitbit to track my steps/activity
  • jennielou75
    jennielou75 Posts: 197 Member
    I walk. I love walking. I have a fitbit and I now aim for 15,000 steps a day. I walk as much as I can where I used to get the bus. I have lost 144lbs with the help of walking. I am now trying jogging/running with my walking but still enjoy a long walk through the park.

    Oh and I now have killer legs which I am very proud of!!!
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    Would 30 minutes of brisk walking most days a week be sufficient? How fast would I see results?

    It's always better to be moving than not moving, of course, just understand that 30 minutes of walking will burn very few calories.
  • zombiemusicgirl
    zombiemusicgirl Posts: 98 Member
    Give it a try. It probably won't make you gain...
  • traceyjj
    traceyjj Posts: 406 Member
    I started my exercise "life" by walking. I started by doing 30 minutes each and every day, but gradually increased it until I was walking 2 hours a day non-stop, and by that point I felt I NEEDED to do something else in addition to walking... specially as the cold wet nights of winter were coming.
    I am naturally a shy person, and the thought of joining a gym was terrifying to me (especially as I was still very overweight) but one day I was walking past a gym and I walked in and asked to see around it... I did the same for each of the gyms along all my walking routes. But seeing some of the people in 2 of the 3 gyms were like me (very overweight) and friendly, I decided to take a trial membership out at one, just to get me through the winter... I would've kept going too, if I hadnt had a fall and torn a ligament while walking on a pebble beach! So I cancelled the gym, and started walking slowly again as soon as my physio allowed it.
    This time last year I joined my current gym, and I started a couple of classes, swimming and lifting weights (my upper body is now starting to shape up a little now too), and I walk to and from the gym, and walk miles every weekend, and I still enjoy my walking :)
  • qtgonewild
    qtgonewild Posts: 1,930 Member
    yes. if you are eating at a deficit and walking you will. i lost most of my weight with only walking. i just joined a gym on november 1st. prior to that it was only walking.
  • nielsenjl
    nielsenjl Posts: 12 Member
    Anything is better than NOTHING. My opinion about a cheat day is this. Make it a cheat Meal. One meal per week. A whole day can set me off and then the next day I eat bad.

    I follow Bob Harpers Skinny Rules. Google it. It is well worth it!

  • eileen0515
    eileen0515 Posts: 408 Member
    Weight loss happens in the kitchen, but yes walking will help with that goal. Walk fast, walk far, walk long. Uphill if you can.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Yes, walking can help with weight loss. It burns calories, and improves mood. It can also help maintain muscle while you lose fat.

    But it is important to remember that it is a calorie deficit that causes fat loss. The extra calories burned from exercise can make keeping a deficit easier, but the deficit is still the important part.

    You should begin to feel a difference soon after you start walking regularly. But, weight loss is different. How soon and how much of a difference you see can depend on many things.

    How sedentary were you before you started walking? Going from very sedentary to active can cause water weight gain at first, and perhaps even some increase in muscle. Water and muscle contribute to weight, so even though you may be losing fat, you might not see it as soon on the scale.

    How intensely are you walking? A fast pace burns more calories than a slow pace. Hills burn more than level. Pumping your arms burns more than letting them swing naturally.

    30 min a day, 3 days a week is the recommendation for health. This is the minimum amount with data to support increased heart and vascular health. But more is good. And more burns more calories.
  • msmonique46
    msmonique46 Posts: 80 Member
    I concur. This is great advice!!!
  • MoLivesLuvsLifts
    MoLivesLuvsLifts Posts: 1,161 Member
    Walking is a great way to lose weight! In fact, I attribute a lot of my weight loss to the Leslie Sansone's Walk Away the Pounds: 5 mile walk dvd. You can view it on youtube. It's a fast, easy and effective workout - a big help when you want to walk but can't because of weather, nighttime or you're traveling. I just play the youtube video on my laptop or nook.
  • sweetpea03b
    sweetpea03b Posts: 1,123 Member
    The one thing I noticed in your post that it seems no one touched on is that you said you want to "tone up". Just as long as you realize that the only thing you're going to be toning by walking is your legs. Core and upper body strength excercises should be added for all over toning. But, exercise is exercise so walking is good.