Taking back the weekends!

Hi, my name is Amanda and I am new to this site. I have previously lost 40 lbs and then had a baby and gained a lot back. I am back down to about 8 lbs away from my goal weight (my son is now 2). I can get there, and have several times, but it never lasts long. Right now, I do great during the week with eating healthy and exercising, but on the weekends I PIG OUT! I mean, really. So anyway, I want to take my weekends back, but deep down, I don't want to give up the food! : / I know I'm not that overweight, but food is struggle for me EVERY day. I constantly think about it. I really want to move past this, but don' t know how. Any suggestions to get me motivated in this area?


  • Amarillo_NDN
    Amarillo_NDN Posts: 1,018 Member
    Welcome to MFP, it is a great tool to help you.
  • jcanant
    jcanant Posts: 11
    Hi! Welcome to MFP!! I too have that same problem...I LOVE FOOD!! I find that if I eat things high in protein it really satisfies my hunger and carries me through the day. It may be an option for you as well. Good luck!
  • katschy
    katschy Posts: 67
    Schedule your weekends to be like your weekdays - plan your meals and exercise the way you do Monday to Friday, and avoid the pitfalls that way :)
  • cindymccauley
    I have the same issues that you do. I think if I add it all up, I have gained & lost nearly 200 lbs in the past 6 years. I love food, and want to eat all the time. I'm nowhere near obese, but right now I am far from my goal -- again! On the weekends I usually don't go to the gym (so don't earn back extra calories) and it's so hard to keep a 1200 cal. diet going without the exercise. I try to do something active at least one day of the weekend -- last weekend it was gardening for 2 hours (clipping bushes, pulling weeds & bagging up the refuse), a couple of weekends ago I went kayaking for a couple of hours. Also, because of this site, I am looking more closely at what I'm putting in my mouth, and trying to make smarter choices. I'm not the healthiest eater, but I try to get a soup & salad when I go out instead of the BBQ sandwich or whatever pretty pictures they show me on the menu!!
    Good luck!
  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    Take it one day at a time on the weekend.... start with mini goals....Get up on Saturday and Sunday and say, "OK, today I will only have one "bad" meal or treat". Then next weekend, try to go all Saturday without being "bad" the entire day. Try to keep up with your exercising on the weekends too. When you exercise, at least for me, I'm more likely to keep myself in check for the day because I know what it took to just burn 300 calories.

    You can do this! It's ALL mental! Just make the choice to be strong! Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • Bellydance
    Bellydance Posts: 105 Member
    First of all welcome and keep posting and logging and talking to others on here. It's a great help.

    For me, I noticed when I started I was constantly thinking about food. What I was going to eat, how many calories it had, how what to eat if I was going out to eat, going to friends' houses to eat, what to eat at work, the latte I wanted, etc. I've been on here since August and after reading your blog, I realized I don't think about it as much anymore. I mean, I don't think about the calorie content of the foods I normally eat because I pretty much know since I log them and see how many there are like every day. It really has helped me not have to "think" about every morsel. And I can have ANYTHING I want; the thing I think about now is Do I want it now or later? I have been choosing later lately. And it's not as big of a deal anymore. That's what it's done for me, and I am just now realizing it thanks to your post. So you've helped me today realize something. Of course we are all different, but part of this is knowing how it will impact my food diary, and also that it will be there tomorrow or next week. But today I don't want to push my calories and I just keep in mind that my BF 'might' ask me out to dinner so I save my calories. Ha! It rarely happens, but by the time I get home I have enough calories to eat a good dinner (or not much depending on how hungry I am). Keep at it and like you said, "Take back the weekend" to your advantage. If you are tempted, pour water over it and watch those calories go down the sink. Woot for us for being here. Success is around a few corners and we are all going around those corners together.
  • sasbw27
    sasbw27 Posts: 710 Member
    I have the same problem. Just try to count cals accurately and then burn off most of the overage by exercising. I have dvds and a wireless jumprope that I use at home when I can't make it to the gym. Besides that just keep trying. If you mess up on Saturday try again Sunday. If it doesn't work out this weekend, try again next weekend. It'll become easier as time goes on. Maybe you could also try giving yourself one "good meal" on the weekend to eat whatever you want so you're not craving it and then stick with your program for all of the other meals. Just keep trying new things until you find what works for you. Good luck!
  • AJoy1130
    Wow, everybody! Thanks for the feedback! It is all very helpful and encouraging. I feel pretty confident (right now, anyway) and I think I'm going to start small- with the goal of one "bad" meal/day over the weekend. I think it's do-able! Thanks, again for all the advice, and good job on your healthy choices!