Crying out for mentors and fellow travelers on the road to a



  • jackal75
    Actually, I will skip a joke this time and return the favor on a fun factoid.

    Most people view Alaska as a place where it snows constantly and always ask me if I live in an igloo. However most folks don't realize that Salt Lake City, Utah gets more snowfall annually than Fairbanks, Alaska! In fact, my relatives in Ohio got nearly twice as much snow as I did last year. Fairbanks is actually a desert by definition due to how little precipitation it receives year round.

    And for those that ask about igloos, I tell em I have a three story igloo with a two dogsled garage. :tongue:
  • BellyLaugh
    BellyLaugh Posts: 32 Member
    Welcome to MFP! You have my deepest sympathies, I lived in OK for 18 months... too long. Sorry all you OK folks, maybe if I had gotten the opportunity to see more of the state than Muskogee I might have had a different opinion. I was transfered in for my job at the time, 2 months after my guy passed away. My boss was one of those bosses you really don't want. I should have filed charges, but I moved on instead. I have spent time in Amarillo and the Dallas area and enjoyed my time there (D more so than A).

    Anyway... hello from another 47 year young person. Use the program, ask your questions, move the body and you will make your goals. Keep your sense of humor, your body will pull a few jokes on you while on your journey. :laugh:

    I hear that - my body is already pulling jokes on me and I AIN'T LAUGHIN'! :ohwell:

    So sorry you lost someone you loved. My husband died when I was 37 and although I've remarried a bitter-sweet pain lingers.

    I love this site, everyone is so encouraging and eager to help. Thanks!
  • BellyLaugh
    BellyLaugh Posts: 32 Member
    "And for those that ask about igloos, I tell em I have a three story igloo with a two dogsled garage."

    Mr. Jackal: You're either incredibly cleaver/witty or you dedicate "X" hours a day to writing/researching jokes and one-liners. I'll bet on the first possibility.

    My husband took an Alaskan cruise in 2006. Admittedly, I was surprised to see so much green and trees and real houses (no igloos). I'd been brainwashed by TV. You know, like when they portray a Texan, we all wear cowboy boots, drive pick-up trucks, spit tobacco and talk really s-l-o-w with a pronounced drrraaawwwllll. Some of that may or may not be true! As for me, apparently my long i sounds give me away. Ex: Whyyyyyy?

    Have a great day!
  • Crevan
    Crevan Posts: 8
    You sound like a really fantastic and interesting person- and aiming for the same thing I am! Weight loss, and friendly people to help you along the way! If you'd like, I'd love to be weight loss buddies with you!
  • jackal75
    Mr. Jackal: You're either incredibly cleaver/witty or you dedicate "X" hours a day to writing/researching jokes and one-liners. I'll bet on the first possibility.

    My husband took an Alaskan cruise in 2006. Admittedly, I was surprised to see so much green and trees and real houses (no igloos). I'd been brainwashed by TV. You know, like when they portray a Texan, we all wear cowboy boots, drive pick-up trucks, spit tobacco and talk really s-l-o-w with a pronounced drrraaawwwllll. Some of that may or may not be true! As for me, apparently my long i sounds give me away. Ex: Whyyyyyy?

    Have a great day!

    I'd say it's a little of both when it comes to my humor.

    ... and I've always wondered how anyone sits down with one of those big belt buckles. Seems it would cause pain to the belly and pubic bone if you sit upright and have good posture....

    ...and those tight jeans... How do guys wear those without dangly bits overlapping the seam????

    Smile and stick with it girl!
  • BellyLaugh
    BellyLaugh Posts: 32 Member
    You sound like a really fantastic and interesting person- and aiming for the same thing I am! Weight loss, and friendly people to help you along the way! If you'd like, I'd love to be weight loss buddies with you!

    Aww, you are too kind. You've made my day! I feel kind of good about ME that a stranger would perceive my personality in such a nice way and send a compliment. My family says I'm weird but they love me. And that I'm overly passionate in expressing myself to the point of being offensive at times. My heart doesn't mean to offend (well, when I do it intentionally out of anger I know it and I'm soon remorseful and apologetic). Those mysterious other times when I'm told "that was harsh" I stare in bewilderment or reply "no, no, no, no, no, no - wait...." (You know how a girl can run those words together.) Then I'm left wondering how my thoughts/words were lost in translation. It's definitely my body language or tone of voice or something. Wish I could video myself for a week as I interact with members of my family. Ha ha. Yes, I need all the help I can get on this journey. Never found it horribly-seemingly impossibly-difficult to lose weight before. Now I'm really being challenged. Lots of great folks on MFP to encourage us.
  • BellyLaugh
    BellyLaugh Posts: 32 Member
    LAUGHING! Oh, Jackal, I have some thoughts on those points but I'll keep 'em to myself since I'm personally acquainted with a particular guy’s Texas belt buckle and tight Wranglers. Ahhh, those were the days. Ummm, did I say that out loud?
  • Crevan
    Crevan Posts: 8
    You sound like a really fantastic and interesting person- and aiming for the same thing I am! Weight loss, and friendly people to help you along the way! If you'd like, I'd love to be weight loss buddies with you!

    Aww, you are too kind. You've made my day! I feel kind of good about ME that a stranger would perceive my personality in such a nice way and send a compliment. My family says I'm weird but they love me. And that I'm overly passionate in expressing myself to the point of being offensive at times. My heart doesn't mean to offend (well, when I do it intentionally out of anger I know it and I'm soon remorseful and apologetic). Those mysterious other times when I'm told "that was harsh" I stare in bewilderment or reply "no, no, no, no, no, no - wait...." (You know how a girl can run those words together.) Then I'm left wondering how my thoughts/words were lost in translation. It's definitely my body language or tone of voice or something. Wish I could video myself for a week as I interact with members of my family. Ha ha. Yes, I need all the help I can get on this journey. Never found it horribly-seemingly impossibly-difficult to lose weight before. Now I'm really being challenged. Lots of great folks on MFP to encourage us.

    What can I say- I'm a double english major- BA and MA, so I have a tendency to read between the written words and interpret. When someone posts a long introduction, I can kinda get a vibe from them. And I like to tell people when they stand out as really cool! And yes- there are a lot of really fantastic people on this site, it's great!