New and being ignored :(



  • littlemissmetal84
    Feel free to add me ive about 33lbs to loose but have lost a lot weight this year
  • patriciacortes68
    I have lost 18 pounds and I know it is hard to keep on specially as winter and holidays are on their way. Keep going on. This is only for you and will be most benefited of looking good and feeling great!!
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    I don't know why others are getting responses and I am not, so I will try again. This is my second day here and I am ready to lose atleast 70 pounds. I have already lost 10 pounds and 3 inches. I have moved to another State and have no friends here. I am concentrating on losing this weight and then finding a job. I know i will meet people, I just have to get out more. I joined a fitness gym and have been going 5 times a week faithfully for 2 months.
    My husband and my 3 children ages ranging from 20-25 years are my greatest support. But I want to meet others on this journey who can encourage me as well as give me any tips.
    I am literally starting my life over (if you only knew my testimony). Ever heard of Breaking Amish? Well, I wasn't Amish but close.
    Sorry if I sound whiny, didn't mean to. :)

    here's my advice.

    when it comes to your friends list, go for quality over quantity.

    there's no point in having 200 random strangers who hardly login or say a word to you on your friends list.

    go to the Chit Chat, Fun, and Games forum and participate in the threads. get to know who has a similar sense of humor to you. send them FRs.

    go to the Eat Train Progress group. read everything in there so that you are well-equipped to lose that weight easily and without any unnecessary suffering and deprivation. don't trust what you read in the public forums - the public forums are about 85% derp. learn the difference between the derp and the good advice by reading the Eat Train Progress group threads. send FRs to the people in there who impress you with their knowledge and helpfulness. then, once you can tell the difference between sound advice and derp, you'll be able to sort through the public forums and find the advice that makes sense within that sea of derpy advice.

    one other piece of advice that i can give you is this: it doesn't matter how big your FL is either... whether it's 25 or 50 or 300 people, if you "click" with them and interact with them and share solid scientific advice with each other, then you'll find all the support you need from them.
  • CheeksBryant
    CheeksBryant Posts: 193 Member
    Hi, 71 lbs down, another 30-60 lbs to go! So we're in this together. I'll add you after posting. You can find me on Facebook, instagram and twitter all under "cheeksbryant". Good luck, and keep working hard. I almost always follow back on anything and welcome new fitness friends.
  • ColoradoBringItOn
    ColoradoBringItOn Posts: 132 Member
    Hi and welcome! I'm pretty new too. Add me if you'd like :D
  • angelfish257
    angelfish257 Posts: 81 Member
    There have been a lot of replies already but just wanted to add mine! I've been on MFP for a while and have managed to shift about 20lbs - have been more or less maintaining though for the last 3/4 months and going round in a circle putting on and losing same 3-4lbs

    I could do with some new friends who will help with motivation and getting me back in the zone! Would like to lose another 25lbs, not in a rush to do so but would love to finally reach my goal weight. I don't go to the gym as I found the membership too expensive to maintain, but have discovered Jillian Michaels DVDs and have a collection of those I like to do at home - I've completed 30 Day Shred twice now, 6 week 6 pack once (don't have a 6 pack but definite improvement in midsection) and now working on Ripped in 30 - I like the short intense workouts!

    Feel free to add me :flowerforyou:
  • WannabeStressFree
    WannabeStressFree Posts: 340 Member
    Anyone can add me!
  • _jayciemarie_
    _jayciemarie_ Posts: 574 Member
    I'm 37. Not married. No kids. I started at 230lbs wanting to lose 75lbs. I have lost 31lbs, with 44 more to go!!!!!
  • SteveStedge1
    SteveStedge1 Posts: 149 Member
    If everyone is ignoring you congratulations-you now what what its like to be a married man!
  • alittleteapot
    alittleteapot Posts: 25 Member
    Welcome! Feel free to add me. I've been here since May, trying to lose 70lbs total.
  • Roneillelizabeth
    I'm new too. I've been doing this for about a month now. I like it! What do you think so far?
  • Sandysfree
    Sandysfree Posts: 15 Member
    Thank you Angel! I got that from my mother's genes. People think I am in my early 30's. I'm fine with that!! And everyone who has responded, THANK YOU SO MUCH! I have added those who gave me permission and accepted all the friend requests sent. You guys are Awesome!!
  • gabbygirl78
    gabbygirl78 Posts: 936 Member
    Hi...feel free to add me :flowerforyou:
  • maybeazure
    maybeazure Posts: 301 Member
    Sometimes topics get quickly buried with new topics, and then people miss them. Don't take it personally. I'm sure that's what happened with your first topic. I've been here awhile, but am always looking for new friends. Feel free to add me.
  • hdyanneh
    Sending you a friend request. Ive been here about 90 days and love it. I have plenty more to lose so Ill be around to keep you company.
  • Laura3BB
    Laura3BB Posts: 250 Member
    I don't know why others are getting responses and I am not, so I will try again. This is my second day here and I am ready to lose atleast 70 pounds. I have already lost 10 pounds and 3 inches. I have moved to another State and have no friends here. I am concentrating on losing this weight and then finding a job. I know i will meet people, I just have to get out more. I joined a fitness gym and have been going 5 times a week faithfully for 2 months.
    My husband and my 3 children ages ranging from 20-25 years are my greatest support. But I want to meet others on this journey who can encourage me as well as give me any tips.
    I am literally starting my life over (if you only knew my testimony). Ever heard of Breaking Amish? Well, I wasn't Amish but close.
    Sorry if I sound whiny, didn't mean to. :)

    here's my advice.

    when it comes to your friends list, go for quality over quantity.

    there's no point in having 200 random strangers who hardly login or say a word to you on your friends list.

    go to the Chit Chat, Fun, and Games forum and participate in the threads. get to know who has a similar sense of humor to you. send them FRs.

    go to the Eat Train Progress group. read everything in there so that you are well-equipped to lose that weight easily and without any unnecessary suffering and deprivation. don't trust what you read in the public forums - the public forums are about 85% derp. learn the difference between the derp and the good advice by reading the Eat Train Progress group threads. send FRs to the people in there who impress you with their knowledge and helpfulness. then, once you can tell the difference between sound advice and derp, you'll be able to sort through the public forums and find the advice that makes sense within that sea of derpy advice.

    one other piece of advice that i can give you is this: it doesn't matter how big your FL is either... whether it's 25 or 50 or 300 people, if you "click" with them and interact with them and share solid scientific advice with each other, then you'll find all the support you need from them.

    Great advice!
  • WhiteRabbit1313
    WhiteRabbit1313 Posts: 1,091 Member
    I am literally starting my life over (if you only knew my testimony). Ever heard of Breaking Amish? Well, I wasn't Amish but close.

    I was in a cult, too. I survived it. You will, too. It just takes time and learning to see the world from differing perspectives.

    As for friends, find people you identify with who will provide POSITIVE support for you. I believe, in your situation, counseling is a must. Group therapy helped me A LOT! You will be surprised how much your weight issues are tied to your oppressive background. Now is the time to take control and to stop letting people dictate your life for you. (Except for when they're giving good, constructive advice. :wink: )

    Good luck!
  • Laura3BB
    Laura3BB Posts: 250 Member
    If everyone is ignoring you congratulations-you now what what its like to be a married man!

  • lorivega
    lorivega Posts: 2 Member
    You're not alone. Feel free to add me lorivega. Good luck with your weight loss. we can hold each other accountable.
  • Sjenny5891
    Sjenny5891 Posts: 717 Member
    I don't know why others are getting responses and I am not, so I will try again. This is my second day here and I am ready to lose atleast 70 pounds. I have already lost 10 pounds and 3 inches. I have moved to another State and have no friends here. I am concentrating on losing this weight and then finding a job. I know i will meet people, I just have to get out more. I joined a fitness gym and have been going 5 times a week faithfully for 2 months.
    My husband and my 3 children ages ranging from 20-25 years are my greatest support. But I want to meet others on this journey who can encourage me as well as give me any tips.
    I am literally starting my life over (if you only knew my testimony). Ever heard of Breaking Amish? Well, I wasn't Amish but close.
    Sorry if I sound whiny, didn't mean to. :)

    Welcome to MFP!
    I'm Jenny. I started MFP 18 months ago after my youngest was born.
    I have 6 children, 15, 14, 12, 7, 7, and 20mo. I gained 100 pounds when I had the twins.

    My biggest thing was to start slow. Make several easy changes instead of one huge one dropping everything "bad" in your diet. If it makes you miserable it is more likely to fail. A lot of times you can replace things with healthier low calorie items like Berries instead of Cinnamon rolls in my case ( 500 calorie Cinnamon Rolls at that) My biggest fail was Mountain Dew.

    I love the gym. Zumba is a blast but I'm one of those people that seem to lose weight better just walking ( granted I walk with the baby on my back) I'd love to help any way I can. Just send a message if you have any questions or need help with anything.