Snack ideas

So, one of my problems is that time of day from finishing work to getting home, getting kids fed and off to bed and then getting some food on the table for grown ups. Some days I am starving from 4.30/5 and it's so hard not to snack on eg the kids' food. We don't eat with the kids on these days as they're at after school club and have a small meal there, so just have another small snacky meal when they get home.

But I was thinking, I'm often not all that hungry at lunchtime - I forgot the bread to go ŵith my soup on Monday and just the soup and fruit was fine. So, I thought I could cut my lunch down and have a going-home snack.

It would need to be preparable the night before, easily transported and edible-in-the-car. Maybe about 200 calories. Say 150-250. And it has to actually be filling - I'm not talking "I feel like picking at stuff", I'm talking "I want to eat everything in sight". So, unfortunately, a handful of nuts is not going to cut it. I know, I've tried it and I land up having 5 handfuls of nuts (probably more, but 5 is what I'm admitting to...)

Any suggestions?


  • Escape_Artist
    Escape_Artist Posts: 1,155 Member
  • rhileyschubbygranny
    two hard boiled eggs already peeled and in a ziplock baggie
  • rmdaly
    rmdaly Posts: 250 Member
    The greek yogurt can be made into a smoothie that you can drink on the way home.

    Peanut butter rolled into a tortilla is a good snack or even some of the prepared peanut butter crackers.

    Cheese sticks and a few crackers?
  • JeniferEverx3
    JeniferEverx3 Posts: 219 Member
    two hard boiled eggs already peeled and in a ziplock baggie
    Agree! I love eggs and they are pretty darn filling... and low calories too.
  • drshona
    drshona Posts: 52 Member
    Eggs is a great idea! I'd never have thought of that.

    Shall look up the protein bar recipes too. I'm now wondering how many calories the savoury muffins I do for the kids are - probably too many....
  • WhiteRabbit1313
    WhiteRabbit1313 Posts: 1,091 Member
    Just a thought, but, if you're ravenous by late afternoon, and you're not eating much for lunch, do you think that you should consider different meal time/eating patterns? For instance, if I'm not hungry for breakfast and don't eat it, I'm ravenous by lunch time and devour everything in sight if I don't exercise extreme control. So, I usually eat 100-200 calories for breakfast at 9 a.m., then lunch at 1 p.m., then I'm usually good until 7 p.m. for dinner. If I ate a really light lunch, I might have a low calorie muffin or banana for a mid-afternoon snack. Anyway, just a thought...

    As for snacks,

    1. marinated olives are an easy, on the go option
    2. Meat and cheeses (salami and cheese bites) are good, too.
    3. Maybe a peanut butter pouch (single serving), or any nut butter, and some apple slices or celery.
    4. A piece of fruit, like an apple or a banana.
  • niricava
    niricava Posts: 89 Member
    Protein bar recipes sound great!
  • drshona
    drshona Posts: 52 Member
    White rabbit - it's not that I don't eat much lunch, it's that I think I could do without eating as much. I'm hungry at lunchtime, but get full more easily I guess. No matter what I eat for lunch I'm starving by late afternoon, so I thought moving some of the calories from lunch to late afternoon might help.
  • WhiteRabbit1313
    WhiteRabbit1313 Posts: 1,091 Member
    Maybe, so. Different things work for different people :)
  • Brunette122
    Brunette122 Posts: 107 Member
    A banana is my 4pm snack and usually does a good job of holding me over until dinner. It's a healthy/filling snack. Greek yogurt is also a great choice as well as the weight watchers string cheese
  • ktsimons
    ktsimons Posts: 294 Member
    I HAVE to eat at 4:30 - eating right now, as a matter of fact.

    2 peeled boiled eggs and a baggie of red grapes
    23 raw almonds and 1 ounce of cheese
    0 fat greek yogurt with cinnamon and stevia and apple slices to dip (not real car friendly but one of my favorites)

    I tend toward protein becasue carby's make me starving 10 minutes after eating them...what about grilling a bunch of chicken, cut it into strips, baggie it into 2 or 3 oz packs and eat that with raw veggies - carrots, red bell pepper strips, etc...
  • kliermann
    I buy low card high fiber tortillas then the PB2 peanut butter and smear the peanutbutter on a tortila and wrap a banana in it mmmmmmm nom nom nom and it fills me up for hours
  • jenifo11
    jenifo11 Posts: 55 Member
    I have string cheese, a few almonds, and a couple of crackers to keep me going until dinner time :)
  • kliermann
    I have string cheese, a few almonds, and a couple of crackers to keep me going until dinner time :)

    I do this also and weight watchers makes good string cheese :D
  • avskk
    avskk Posts: 1,789 Member
    Bag of popchips and a string cheese? Bag of popchips and a Wholly Guacamole 100-cal packet? Cut up some veggie sticks and portion them into sandwich bags with a little balsamic vinegar or lemon juice and dill? Veggie straws and cheese cubes? Jerky and baby carrots?
  • sailinjen
    sailinjen Posts: 103 Member
    I buy low card high fiber tortillas then the PB2 peanut butter and smear the peanutbutter on a tortila and wrap a banana in it mmmmmmm nom nom nom and it fills me up for hours
    OMG!!!! That sounds so good!!!!!!! Im doing that tomorrow!!!!!!:happy:
  • sailinjen
    sailinjen Posts: 103 Member
    Hummus and veggies......delish