24 and 350+!!!

My name is Aaron, i', a 24 year old who recently found out that i can eat for free at the Cardiac Grill ( look it up, its disgusting). Diabetes runs in my family and i'm terrified about getting it. I work graveyard shift 3 nights a week (6pm-6am) and I would like some support to get me motivated. As with all things in my life i become disinterested unless I have some kind of motivator. I know getting Diabetes should be enough of a Motivator, but it's not.... If you could offer me advice or words of encouragement i would be eternally grateful.


  • Hello Aaron. Yep 350 is up there but not way way up there. Dude, you are 24 and have your whole life a head of you. Don't miss out on your youth, you only get 1 go of it. Another thing, when you get older it is so much easier to put on the weight, I know. Get mad, use no excuses and rag on yourself until you are sick of hearing yourself rag on you. never give up and say oh well this is how I am. Don't do it. I was at 300 lbs pre diabetes and in just 2 months I already made a big dent and and my blood sugar levels are all good now. In 2 months only! If I can do it, you can do it. You can lose a lot of weight fast. Just log your food and do a little exercise like walking in place while watching tv. it's that easy. You can add me as a friend if you like.
  • Hi Aaron. I will send you a friend request and we can help motivate each other. Honestly, you are young- too young to be scared of dying. So, you made a good first step by coming here.
  • Hey, Aaron. Welcome to MFP. I work third shift 7 days on, 7 days off (10p-8a), so I know how challenging that alone can be when looking to get healthier. I'll send you a friend request!

    I'm not sure what you do, but I find that doing some sort of exercise during my shift helps me. And I limit the amount of snacks/what kind of snacks I bring with me to work.
  • Hey man, I totally get it. I'm 18 was 311 just 1 week ago. My family has diabetes, cancer, lung and heart problems. I myself have asthma, thyroid issues, blood clots, and am allergic to a crazy amount of things. I think that you took the first step to being healthy, now its just to stick with it!
  • Hey Aaron... Although I am more than twice your age, I was recently told that I had the trifecta...high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and pre diabetic. My doctor told me that if I lost weight and exercised more it may all go away. I was 243 lbs. at that time (by the doctors scale), that was in July. I had a check up again last week after a fasting blood draw. According to my doctors scale I was 192 lbs.. Was he ever surprised when he saw me ( that almost made it all worth it right there) and told me that my blood test showed that all my problems had magically disappeared. Good blood pressure, cholesterol, and my sugar % was well into the normal range. I am 58 and if an old man can do it, I know you can. Get in a good routine of healthy eating and exercise. That's all it took for me. Find someone to work out with if you can as that is very motivational also. My wife is doing this with me and she is down over 30 lbs.. We joined a local fitness club and that was very motivational as there were people there even older that were working out and looking better than me. Anyway I could go on forever, but I look better and feel better and I got a butt load of new clothes (my wife likes that part the best). You can do it...just get started and don't give up!!
  • SyntonicGarden
    SyntonicGarden Posts: 944 Member
    Hey there!

    It can be done. It's gonna take patience, time, and work. It's not going to be easy, you might have days where you'll want to give up, but you have to stick with it. You can do it. Lots of guys have done it. :)

    Here's a little inspiration. :)

  • I dispatch overnight at my dads towing company. I can't really leave my desk so basically I sit around 11 hours a day. It's terrible for me but its a job and Ineed the money.
  • aspenwind
    aspenwind Posts: 26 Member
    Not much you can do about the time you are at work unless you can wrangle a walking desk.

    Focus on getting some exercise when you're not at work, but really concentrate on accurately logging your food and staying within your MFP plan.

    I started a new job 100 days ago and started back with MFP at the same time. I've lost 36 lbs so far and feel much better. After the first month it starts to get much easier to stick with and just feels normal.

    Focus all your determination on doing this now while you're younger. Spending a year or so getting in shape and learning new habits will make a huge difference for the rest of your life.
  • Hi, Aaron and everyone. I have a lot to lose as well, especially because diabetes runs in my family. Add me as a friend if you would like!