A week off is not the end of the world.

Happy Hump Day to Y'all!

I have been on weight watchers for a month now and have had some pretty significant sucess. I am not sure how much of that is the program alone or the fact I am cross checking with MFP, but I will totally take what I can get.

This past week and a half has been the WORST and I need to just keep telling myself that a week does not mean my fight with weight loss is over. I just need to put my big girl panties on and get back on the horse, or in my case a tiny overweight burro. Either way, I am finding I am having the hardest time changing my thought process to the positivie and all I want to do is continue to eat terribly. This is part of the reason I gained 35 lbs back after I lost my first 60 lbs. I hear the evil in my head telling me to , "just start tomorrow." "Give it one more day to enjoy what you want." UGH! It also doesn't help that I had a horrible 3 day migraine and I am supposed to be receiving my monthly subscription to Mother Nature any day now.

My question is,

What do you guys do to get yourself back on track?


  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    Look at the "Just for today" topic. It may help to just think of today and not get overwhelmed with the big picture.
  • JewelsinBigD
    JewelsinBigD Posts: 661 Member
    I think of how hard I have worked - how much time effort and energy I have put in - do I REALLY want to go over these pounds AGAIN? No fricken way. I am done with those pounds. I must stay the course...new territory to conquer...
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    Happy hump day!

    I took a 10 day um..."hiatus"...about a month into my diet. That is where the problem was. I thought I was on a diet and after a month of really hard work, I felt like I deserved some kind of a break. Whaaa? I took a step back and realized that I was being too hard on myself. I realized that if I am going to continue this weight loss and SERIOUSLY keep it off, I need to slowly work on forming healthy habits and let myself live a little. After 10 days of gorging myself silly and not exercise (and of course feeling like crap), I decided I can't do this to myself. I tackled things little by little, and DID NOT cut anything out. I practiced moderation (practice being the key word!!) and forced myself to exercise a reasonable about. Eventually I created some great habits and here I am, 8 months into maintenance. I never ever thought I would be able to get here with the mindset I had at the beginning. You will learn SO much as you go (about nutrition, fitness, weight loss, and yourself) and you will get there. Just keep on trucking!
  • losingit512
    losingit512 Posts: 24 Member
    Happy hump day!

    I took a 10 day um..."hiatus"...about a month into my diet. That is where the problem was. I thought I was on a diet and after a month of really hard work, I felt like I deserved some kind of a break. Whaaa? I took a step back and realized that I was being too hard on myself. I realized that if I am going to continue this weight loss and SERIOUSLY keep it off, I need to slowly work on forming healthy habits and let myself live a little. After 10 days of gorging myself silly and not exercise (and of course feeling like crap), I decided I can't do this to myself. I tackled things little by little, and DID NOT cut anything out. I practiced moderation (practice being the key word!!) and forced myself to exercise a reasonable about. Eventually I created some great habits and here I am, 8 months into maintenance. I never ever thought I would be able to get here with the mindset I had at the beginning. You will learn SO much as you go (about nutrition, fitness, weight loss, and yourself) and you will get there. Just keep on trucking!

    Uuummm...... THIS. This is EXACTLY what I am doing! Reading your post totally made things "click" to me. I too am being to hard on myself. I had a BIG loss one week and I end up being so frustrated the 200's won't let go of me that I decide, "meh, what the heck!" and one bad habit leads back to all the other ones.

    You're right, I need to start small eventhough I want BIG and NOW.

    Thanks for your post.
  • mamadon
    mamadon Posts: 1,422 Member
    Look at the "Just for today" topic. It may help to just think of today and not get overwhelmed with the big picture.

    This is how is has worked for me. One day at a time. Sometimes one minute at a time, otherwise it gets too overwhelming sometimes. It's not the messing up for a day, that matters, or even a week, it's because people give up. It you can take a break for a few and get right back on it, it's fine. If you someone who has trouble doing this, then you probably shouldn't.
  • One day at a time says it all...I've been overwhelmed for so long. I finally decided that I don't know what I can do about the mountain I have to climb, but I'm going to get my butt out of this chair and do SOMETHING. That was 2 1/2 weeks ago. I have diabetes. And I'm broke, so can't afford my meds right now. My fasting blood sugar was 399. Fast forward to today, I've exercised a bunch, eaten less (which is easy cause, as previously mentioned, I'm broke) and have lost 10 lbs. My fasting blood sugar has come down slowly. I'm taking home remedy stuff that I have on hand (apple cider vinegar and cinnamon capsules) and I've gotten my lowest reading to date of 192. Still too high, but what a difference!!! I feel so much better now that it's easy to keep it up. God bless and get moving!!
  • salladeve
    salladeve Posts: 1,053 Member
    For me it was getting over the mindset that I was on a diet and depriving myself of things that I really love. Now if I get off my plan for a day or two, it's not the end of the world. I just enjoy it (the party, dining out or whatever has thrown me off track), and move on. I think for me it was missing the foods I really love that kept derailing my progress. Try to fit a treat into your daily macros, it really helped me to stay on track.

    Also if you just take a day off at least once a month and just eat at your maintenance calories, you'll be surprised how good that feels and it will help you stay the course.
  • ingeh
    ingeh Posts: 513 Member
    I had my youngest sons 1st birthday on the 30th october and I ate bad for about 4 days and then on the sunday I got back on track. I told myself that those few days were fine and its over now til xmas. No more over eating til xmas day for me. I put on about 4lbs but now Iv gone back to what I weighed that monday plus lost 1.5lbs since then so it didnt really matter in the long run. No when I have a special occasion like xmas Im going to just eat maintance calories (bout 2200) and not go too crazy but still have treats as then I wont go for an all out binge and eat wayy too much!
    I just say "new day new start" and get back on track and forget the bad eating days. It doesnt matter in the long run really.