Breaking habit of doing things alone

Hi. I'm Shy.

I'm too comfortable doing most things alone, but not this. I'm not used to failure. This is by far one area of myself that I'm always becoming disappointed in. But from now on I hope to think positively and fight this weight with unwavering determination.

I'd love to get advice and support from anyone and I'm willing to return said support too. Some battles need an army...or at least someone to pick you up when you stumble :)


  • Hello there,

    I am new as well. Feel free to add me.
  • kingscrown
    kingscrown Posts: 615 Member
    I'm shy too. Many people think I'm stuck up, but I'm just too shy to talk. What I have done over the years in situations where I just can't be shy is I just pretend that I'm not. It really has made it easy for me. That saying fake it til you make it really works. Today I said hello and introduced myself to someone at the gym and I don't normally do that. So, I may not be as shy as I was, but I understand your struggle.
  • Aw, thanks that is very sweet. It's hard to get out of one's own head sometimes, but it helps knowing someone has been through it and made it out on the other side still intact :) That's encouraging.
  • 1ZenGirl
    1ZenGirl Posts: 432 Member
    I like what you said about the need to get out of your head. I'm 49 and only now realizing how much time I have spent in my head space. I have found that as I take tentative steps out to reach out that I feel I have that army walking along with me. Little steps, sister, little steps.
  • Thank you! Little steps I'll take and hopefully one day I can look back and smile over how far I'd gone :)